""" Helper functions. """ from __future__ import print_function import sys import tempfile import os import unittest from PIL import Image, ImageMath import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) HAS_UPLOADER = False if os.environ.get('SHOW_ERRORS', None): # local img.show for errors. HAS_UPLOADER = True class test_image_results: @classmethod def upload(self, a, b): a.show() b.show() else: try: import test_image_results HAS_UPLOADER = True except ImportError: pass def convert_to_comparable(a, b): new_a, new_b = a, b if a.mode == 'P': new_a = Image.new('L', a.size) new_b = Image.new('L', b.size) new_a.putdata(a.getdata()) new_b.putdata(b.getdata()) elif a.mode == 'I;16': new_a = a.convert('I') new_b = b.convert('I') return new_a, new_b class PillowTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # holds last result object passed to run method: self.currentResult = None # Nicer output for --verbose def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "." + self._testMethodName def run(self, result=None): self.currentResult = result # remember result for use later unittest.TestCase.run(self, result) # call superclass run method def delete_tempfile(self, path): try: ok = self.currentResult.wasSuccessful() except AttributeError: # for pytest ok = True if ok: # only clean out tempfiles if test passed try: os.remove(path) except OSError: pass # report? else: print("=== orphaned temp file: %s" % path) def assert_deep_equal(self, a, b, msg=None): try: self.assertEqual( len(a), len(b), msg or "got length %s, expected %s" % (len(a), len(b))) self.assertTrue( all(x == y for x, y in zip(a, b)), msg or "got %s, expected %s" % (a, b)) except: self.assertEqual(a, b, msg) def assert_image(self, im, mode, size, msg=None): if mode is not None: self.assertEqual( im.mode, mode, msg or "got mode %r, expected %r" % (im.mode, mode)) if size is not None: self.assertEqual( im.size, size, msg or "got size %r, expected %r" % (im.size, size)) def assert_image_equal(self, a, b, msg=None): self.assertEqual( a.mode, b.mode, msg or "got mode %r, expected %r" % (a.mode, b.mode)) self.assertEqual( a.size, b.size, msg or "got size %r, expected %r" % (a.size, b.size)) if a.tobytes() != b.tobytes(): if HAS_UPLOADER: try: url = test_image_results.upload(a, b) logger.error("Url for test images: %s" % url) except Exception as msg: pass self.fail(msg or "got different content") def assert_image_equal_tofile(self, a, filename, msg=None, mode=None): with Image.open(filename) as img: if mode: img = img.convert(mode) self.assert_image_equal(a, img, msg) def assert_image_similar(self, a, b, epsilon, msg=None): epsilon = float(epsilon) self.assertEqual( a.mode, b.mode, msg or "got mode %r, expected %r" % (a.mode, b.mode)) self.assertEqual( a.size, b.size, msg or "got size %r, expected %r" % (a.size, b.size)) a, b = convert_to_comparable(a, b) diff = 0 for ach, bch in zip(a.split(), b.split()): chdiff = ImageMath.eval("abs(a - b)", a=ach, b=bch).convert('L') diff += sum(i * num for i, num in enumerate(chdiff.histogram())) ave_diff = float(diff)/(a.size[0]*a.size[1]) try: self.assertGreaterEqual( epsilon, ave_diff, (msg or '') + " average pixel value difference %.4f > epsilon %.4f" % ( ave_diff, epsilon)) except Exception as e: if HAS_UPLOADER: try: url = test_image_results.upload(a, b) logger.error("Url for test images: %s" % url) except: pass raise e def assert_image_similar_tofile(self, a, filename, epsilon, msg=None, mode=None): with Image.open(filename) as img: if mode: img = img.convert(mode) self.assert_image_similar(a, img, epsilon, msg) def assert_warning(self, warn_class, func, *args, **kwargs): import warnings result = None with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: # Cause all warnings to always be triggered. warnings.simplefilter("always") # Hopefully trigger a warning. result = func(*args, **kwargs) # Verify some things. if warn_class is None: self.assertEqual(len(w), 0, "Expected no warnings, got %s" % list(v.category for v in w)) else: self.assertGreaterEqual(len(w), 1) found = False for v in w: if issubclass(v.category, warn_class): found = True break self.assertTrue(found) return result def assert_all_same(self, items, msg=None): self.assertTrue(items.count(items[0]) == len(items), msg) def assert_not_all_same(self, items, msg=None): self.assertFalse(items.count(items[0]) == len(items), msg) def skipKnownBadTest(self, msg=None, platform=None, travis=None, interpreter=None): # Skip if platform/travis matches, and # PILLOW_RUN_KNOWN_BAD is not true in the environment. if os.environ.get('PILLOW_RUN_KNOWN_BAD', False): print(os.environ.get('PILLOW_RUN_KNOWN_BAD', False)) return skip = True if platform is not None: skip = sys.platform.startswith(platform) if travis is not None: skip = skip and (travis == bool(os.environ.get('TRAVIS', False))) if interpreter is not None: skip = skip and (interpreter == 'pypy' and hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info')) if skip: self.skipTest(msg or "Known Bad Test") def tempfile(self, template): assert template[:5] in ("temp.", "temp_") fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(template[4:], template[:4]) os.close(fd) self.addCleanup(self.delete_tempfile, path) return path def open_withImagemagick(self, f): if not imagemagick_available(): raise IOError() outfile = self.tempfile("temp.png") if command_succeeds([IMCONVERT, f, outfile]): return Image.open(outfile) raise IOError() @unittest.skipIf(sys.platform.startswith('win32'), "requires Unix or macOS") class PillowLeakTestCase(PillowTestCase): # requires unix/osx iterations = 100 # count mem_limit = 512 # k def _get_mem_usage(self): """ Gets the RUSAGE memory usage, returns in K. Encapsulates the difference between OSX and Linux rss reporting :returns; memory usage in kilobytes """ from resource import getrusage, RUSAGE_SELF mem = getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss if sys.platform == 'darwin': # man 2 getrusage: # ru_maxrss the maximum resident set size utilized (in bytes). return mem / 1024 # Kb else: # linux # man 2 getrusage # ru_maxrss (since Linux 2.6.32) # This is the maximum resident set size used (in kilobytes). return mem # Kb def _test_leak(self, core): start_mem = self._get_mem_usage() for cycle in range(self.iterations): core() mem = (self._get_mem_usage() - start_mem) self.assertLess(mem, self.mem_limit, msg='memory usage limit exceeded in iteration %d' % cycle) # helpers py3 = sys.version_info.major >= 3 def fromstring(data): from io import BytesIO return Image.open(BytesIO(data)) def tostring(im, string_format, **options): from io import BytesIO out = BytesIO() im.save(out, string_format, **options) return out.getvalue() def hopper(mode=None, cache={}): if mode is None: # Always return fresh not-yet-loaded version of image. # Operations on not-yet-loaded images is separate class of errors # what we should catch. return Image.open("Tests/images/hopper.ppm") # Use caching to reduce reading from disk but so an original copy is # returned each time and the cached image isn't modified by tests # (for fast, isolated, repeatable tests). im = cache.get(mode) if im is None: if mode == "F": im = hopper("L").convert(mode) elif mode[:4] == "I;16": im = hopper("I").convert(mode) else: im = hopper().convert(mode) cache[mode] = im return im.copy() def command_succeeds(cmd): """ Runs the command, which must be a list of strings. Returns True if the command succeeds, or False if an OSError was raised by subprocess.Popen. """ import subprocess with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as f: try: subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=f, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except OSError: return False return True def djpeg_available(): return command_succeeds(['djpeg', '-version']) def cjpeg_available(): return command_succeeds(['cjpeg', '-version']) def netpbm_available(): return (command_succeeds(["ppmquant", "--version"]) and command_succeeds(["ppmtogif", "--version"])) def imagemagick_available(): return IMCONVERT and command_succeeds([IMCONVERT, '-version']) def on_appveyor(): return 'APPVEYOR' in os.environ if sys.platform == 'win32': IMCONVERT = os.environ.get('MAGICK_HOME', '') if IMCONVERT: IMCONVERT = os.path.join(IMCONVERT, 'convert.exe') else: IMCONVERT = 'convert' def distro(): if os.path.exists('/etc/os-release'): with open('/etc/os-release', 'r') as f: for line in f: if 'ID=' in line: return line.strip().split('=')[1] class cached_property(object): def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __get__(self, instance, cls=None): result = instance.__dict__[self.func.__name__] = self.func(instance) return result