4.2.0 ----- Added Complex Text Rendering ============================ Pillow now supports complex text rendering for scripts requiring glyph composition and bidirectional flow. This optional feature adds three dependencies: harfbuzz, fribidi, and raqm. See the install documentation for further details. This feature is tested and works on Unix and Mac, but has not yet been built on Windows platforms. New Optional Parameters ======================= * :py:meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.floodfill` has a new optional parameter: threshold. This specifies a tolerance for the color to replace with the flood fill. * The TIFF and PDF image writers now support the ``append_images`` optional parameter for specifying additional images to create multipage outputs. New DecompressionBomb Warning ============================= :py:meth:`PIL.Image.Image.crop` now may raise a DecompressionBomb warning if the crop region enlarges the image over the threshold specified by :py:attr:`PIL.Image.MAX_PIXELS`. Removed Deprecated Items ======================== Several deprecated items have been removed. * The methods :py:meth:`PIL.ImageWin.Dib.fromstring`, :py:meth:`PIL.ImageWin.Dib.tostring` and :py:meth:`PIL.TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory_v2.as_dict` have been removed. * Before Pillow 4.2.0, attempting to save an RGBA image as JPEG would discard the alpha channel. From Pillow 3.4.0, a deprecation warning was shown. From Pillow 4.2.0, the deprecation warning is removed and an :py:exc:`IOError` is raised. Removed Core Image Function =========================== The unused function ``Image.core.new_array`` was removed. This is an internal function that should not have been used by user code, but it was accessible from the python layer.