--- name: Issue report about: Create a report to help us improve Pillow --- <!-- Thank you for reporting an issue. Follow these guidelines to ensure your issue is handled properly. If you have a ... 1. General question: consider asking the question on Stack Overflow with the python-imaging-library tag: * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/python-imaging-library Do not ask a question in both places. If you think you have found a bug or have an unexplained exception then file a bug report here. 2. Bug report: include a self-contained, copy-pastable example that generates the issue if possible. Be concise with code posted. Guidelines on how to provide a good bug report: * https://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve Bug reports which follow these guidelines are easier to diagnose, and are often handled much more quickly. 3. Feature request: do a quick search of existing issues to make sure this has not been asked before. We know asking good questions takes effort, and we appreciate your time. Thank you. --> ### What did you do? ### What did you expect to happen? ### What actually happened? ### What are your OS, Python and Pillow versions? * OS: * Python: * Pillow: <!-- Please include **code** that reproduces the issue and whenever possible, an **image** that demonstrates the issue. Please upload images to GitHub, not to third-party file hosting sites. If necessary, add the image to a zip or tar archive. The best reproductions are self-contained scripts with minimal dependencies. If you are using a framework such as Plone, Django, or Buildout, try to replicate the issue just using Pillow. --> ```python code goes here ```