6.1.0 ----- Deprecations ============ Image.__del__ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. deprecated:: 6.1.0 Implicitly closing the image's underlying file in ``Image.__del__`` has been deprecated. Use a context manager or call ``Image.close()`` instead to close the file in a deterministic way. Deprecated:: im = Image.open("hopper.png") im.save("out.jpg") Use instead:: with Image.open("hopper.png") as im: im.save("out.jpg") API Additions ============= Image.entropy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Calculates and returns the entropy for the image. A bilevel image (mode "1") is treated as a grayscale ("L") image by this method. If a mask is provided, the method employs the histogram for those parts of the image where the mask image is non-zero. The mask image must have the same size as the image, and be either a bi-level image (mode "1") or a grayscale image ("L"). ImageGrab.grab ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An optional ``include_layered_windows`` parameter has been added to ``ImageGrab.grab``, defaulting to ``False``. If true, layered windows will be included in the resulting image on Windows. ImageSequence.all_frames ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A new method to facilitate applying a given function to all frames in an image, or to all frames in a list of images. The frames are returned as a list of separate images. For example, ``ImageSequence.all_frames(im, lambda im_frame: im_frame.rotate(90))`` could be used to return all frames from an image, each rotated 90 degrees. Variation fonts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Variation fonts are now supported, allowing for different styles from the same font file. ``ImageFont.FreeTypeFont`` has four new methods, :py:meth:`PIL.ImageFont.FreeTypeFont.get_variation_names` and :py:meth:`PIL.ImageFont.FreeTypeFont.set_variation_by_name` for using named styles, and :py:meth:`PIL.ImageFont.FreeTypeFont.get_variation_axes` and :py:meth:`PIL.ImageFont.FreeTypeFont.set_variation_by_axes` for using font axes instead. An :py:exc:`IOError` will be raised if the font is not a variation font. FreeType 2.9.1 or greater is required. Other Changes ============= ImageTk.getimage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This function is now supported. It returns the contents of an ``ImageTk.PhotoImage`` as an RGBA ``Image.Image`` instance. Image quality for JPEG compressed TIFF ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The TIFF encoder accepts a ``quality`` parameter for ``jpeg`` compressed TIFF files. A value from 0 (worst) to 100 (best) controls the image quality, similar to the JPEG encoder. The default is 75. For example:: im.save("out.tif", compression="jpeg", quality=85) Improve encoding of TIFF tags ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The TIFF encoder supports more types, especially arrays. This is required for the GeoTIFF format which encodes geospatial information. * Pass ``tagtype`` from v2 directory to libtiff encoder, instead of autodetecting type. * Use explicit types eg. ``uint32_t`` for ``TIFF_LONG`` to fix issues on platforms with 64-bit longs. * Add support for multiple values (arrays). Requires type in v2 directory and values must be passed as a tuple. * Add support for signed types eg. ``TIFFTypes.TIFF_SIGNED_SHORT``. Respect PKG_CONFIG environment variable when building ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This variable is commonly used by other build systems and using it can help with cross-compiling. Falls back to ``pkg-config`` as before. Top-to-bottom complex text rendering ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Drawing text in the 'ttb' direction with ``ImageFont`` has been significantly improved and requires Raqm 0.7 or greater.