/* * The Python Imaging Library. * $Id$ * * decoder for Sgi RLE data. * * history: * 2017-07-28 mb fixed for images larger than 64KB * 2017-07-20 mb created * * Copyright (c) Mickael Bonfill 2017. * * See the README file for information on usage and redistribution. */ #include "Imaging.h" #include "Sgi.h" #define SGI_HEADER_SIZE 512 #define RLE_COPY_FLAG 0x80 #define RLE_MAX_RUN 0x7f static void read4B(UINT32* dest, UINT8* buf) { *dest = (UINT32)((buf[0] << 24) | (buf[1] << 16) | (buf[2] << 8) | buf[3]); } static int expandrow(UINT8* dest, UINT8* src, int n, int z) { UINT8 pixel, count; for (;n > 0; n--) { pixel = *src++; if (n == 1 && pixel != 0) return n; count = pixel & RLE_MAX_RUN; if (!count) return count; if (pixel & RLE_COPY_FLAG) { while(count--) { *dest = *src++; dest += z; } } else { pixel = *src++; while (count--) { *dest = pixel; dest += z; } } } return 0; } static int expandrow2(UINT16* dest, UINT16* src, int n, int z) { UINT8 pixel, count; for (;n > 0; n--) { pixel = ((UINT8*)src)[1]; ++src; if (n == 1 && pixel != 0) return n; count = pixel & RLE_MAX_RUN; if (!count) return count; if (pixel & RLE_COPY_FLAG) { while(count--) { *dest = *src++; dest += z; } } else { while (count--) { *dest = *src; dest += z; } ++src; } } return 0; } int ImagingSgiRleDecode(Imaging im, ImagingCodecState state, UINT8* buf, int bytes) { UINT8 *ptr; SGISTATE *c; int err = 0; /* Get all data from File descriptor */ c = (SGISTATE*)state->context; _imaging_seek_pyFd(state->fd, 0L, SEEK_END); c->bufsize = _imaging_tell_pyFd(state->fd); c->bufsize -= SGI_HEADER_SIZE; ptr = malloc(sizeof(UINT8) * c->bufsize); if (!ptr) { return IMAGING_CODEC_MEMORY; } _imaging_seek_pyFd(state->fd, SGI_HEADER_SIZE, SEEK_SET); _imaging_read_pyFd(state->fd, (char*)ptr, c->bufsize); /* decoder initialization */ state->count = 0; state->y = 0; if (state->ystep < 0) { state->y = im->ysize - 1; } else { state->ystep = 1; } if (im->xsize > INT_MAX / im->bands || im->ysize > INT_MAX / im->bands) { err = IMAGING_CODEC_MEMORY; goto sgi_finish_decode; } /* Allocate memory for RLE tables and rows */ free(state->buffer); state->buffer = NULL; /* malloc overflow check above */ state->buffer = calloc(im->xsize * im->bands, sizeof(UINT8) * 2); c->tablen = im->bands * im->ysize; c->starttab = calloc(c->tablen, sizeof(UINT32)); c->lengthtab = calloc(c->tablen, sizeof(UINT32)); if (!state->buffer || !c->starttab || !c->lengthtab) { err = IMAGING_CODEC_MEMORY; goto sgi_finish_decode; } /* populate offsets table */ for (c->tabindex = 0, c->bufindex = 0; c->tabindex < c->tablen; c->tabindex++, c->bufindex+=4) read4B(&c->starttab[c->tabindex], &ptr[c->bufindex]); /* populate lengths table */ for (c->tabindex = 0, c->bufindex = c->tablen * sizeof(UINT32); c->tabindex < c->tablen; c->tabindex++, c->bufindex+=4) read4B(&c->lengthtab[c->tabindex], &ptr[c->bufindex]); state->count += c->tablen * sizeof(UINT32) * 2; /* read compressed rows */ for (c->rowno = 0; c->rowno < im->ysize; c->rowno++, state->y += state->ystep) { for (c->channo = 0; c->channo < im->bands; c->channo++) { c->rleoffset = c->starttab[c->rowno + c->channo * im->ysize]; c->rlelength = c->lengthtab[c->rowno + c->channo * im->ysize]; c->rleoffset -= SGI_HEADER_SIZE; /* row decompression */ if (c->bpc ==1) { if(expandrow(&state->buffer[c->channo], &ptr[c->rleoffset], c->rlelength, im->bands)) goto sgi_finish_decode; } else { if(expandrow2((UINT16*)&state->buffer[c->channo * 2], (UINT16*)&ptr[c->rleoffset], c->rlelength, im->bands)) goto sgi_finish_decode; } state->count += c->rlelength; } /* store decompressed data in image */ state->shuffle((UINT8*)im->image[state->y], state->buffer, im->xsize); } c->bufsize++; sgi_finish_decode: ; free(c->starttab); free(c->lengthtab); free(ptr); if (err != 0){ return err; } return state->count - c->bufsize; }