.. py:module:: PIL.PyAccess .. py:currentmodule:: PIL.PyAccess :py:mod:`~PIL.PyAccess` Module ============================== The :py:mod:`~PIL.PyAccess` module provides a CFFI/Python implementation of the :ref:`PixelAccess`. This implementation is far faster on PyPy than the PixelAccess version. .. note:: Accessing individual pixels is fairly slow. If you are looping over all of the pixels in an image, there is likely a faster way using other parts of the Pillow API. Example ------- The following script loads an image, accesses one pixel from it, then changes it. .. code-block:: python from PIL import Image with Image.open('hopper.jpg') as im: px = im.load() print (px[4,4]) px[4,4] = (0,0,0) print (px[4,4]) Results in the following:: (23, 24, 68) (0, 0, 0) Access using negative indexes is also possible. .. code-block:: python px[-1,-1] = (0,0,0) print (px[-1,-1]) :py:class:`PyAccess` Class -------------------------- .. autoclass:: PIL.PyAccess.PyAccess() :members: