from __future__ import annotations import os import subprocess import sys import sysconfig from types import ModuleType import pytest from PIL import Image from .helper import assert_image_equal, hopper, is_win32 numpy: ModuleType | None try: import numpy except ImportError: numpy = None class TestImagePutPixel: def test_sanity(self) -> None: im1 = hopper() im2 =, im1.size, 0) for y in range(im1.size[1]): for x in range(im1.size[0]): pos = x, y value = im1.getpixel(pos) assert value is not None im2.putpixel(pos, value) assert_image_equal(im1, im2) im2 =, im1.size, 0) im2.readonly = 1 for y in range(im1.size[1]): for x in range(im1.size[0]): pos = x, y value = im1.getpixel(pos) assert value is not None im2.putpixel(pos, value) assert not im2.readonly assert_image_equal(im1, im2) im2 =, im1.size, 0) pix1 = im1.load() pix2 = im2.load() assert pix1 is not None assert pix2 is not None with pytest.raises(TypeError): pix1[0, "0"] # type: ignore[index] with pytest.raises(TypeError): pix1["0", 0] # type: ignore[index] for y in range(im1.size[1]): for x in range(im1.size[0]): pix2[x, y] = pix1[x, y] assert_image_equal(im1, im2) def test_sanity_negative_index(self) -> None: im1 = hopper() im2 =, im1.size, 0) width, height = im1.size assert im1.getpixel((0, 0)) == im1.getpixel((-width, -height)) assert im1.getpixel((-1, -1)) == im1.getpixel((width - 1, height - 1)) for y in range(-1, -im1.size[1] - 1, -1): for x in range(-1, -im1.size[0] - 1, -1): pos = x, y value = im1.getpixel(pos) assert value is not None im2.putpixel(pos, value) assert_image_equal(im1, im2) im2 =, im1.size, 0) im2.readonly = 1 for y in range(-1, -im1.size[1] - 1, -1): for x in range(-1, -im1.size[0] - 1, -1): pos = x, y value = im1.getpixel(pos) assert value is not None im2.putpixel(pos, value) assert not im2.readonly assert_image_equal(im1, im2) im2 =, im1.size, 0) pix1 = im1.load() pix2 = im2.load() assert pix1 is not None assert pix2 is not None for y in range(-1, -im1.size[1] - 1, -1): for x in range(-1, -im1.size[0] - 1, -1): pix2[x, y] = pix1[x, y] assert_image_equal(im1, im2) @pytest.mark.skipif(numpy is None, reason="NumPy not installed") def test_numpy(self) -> None: im = hopper() px = im.load() assert px is not None assert numpy is not None assert px[numpy.int32(1), numpy.int32(2)] == (18, 20, 59) class TestImageGetPixel: @staticmethod def color(mode: str) -> int | tuple[int, ...]: bands = Image.getmodebands(mode) if bands == 1: return 1 if mode in ("BGR;15", "BGR;16"): # These modes have less than 8 bits per band, # so (1, 2, 3) cannot be roundtripped. return (16, 32, 49) return tuple(range(1, bands + 1)) def check(self, mode: str, expected_color_int: int | None = None) -> None: expected_color = ( self.color(mode) if expected_color_int is None else expected_color_int ) # Check putpixel im =, (1, 1), None) im.putpixel((0, 0), expected_color) actual_color = im.getpixel((0, 0)) assert actual_color == expected_color, ( f"put/getpixel roundtrip failed for mode {mode}, " f"expected {expected_color} got {actual_color}" ) # Check putpixel negative index im.putpixel((-1, -1), expected_color) actual_color = im.getpixel((-1, -1)) assert actual_color == expected_color, ( f"put/getpixel roundtrip negative index failed for mode {mode}, " f"expected {expected_color} got {actual_color}" ) # Check 0x0 image with None initial color im =, (0, 0), None) assert im.load() is not None with pytest.raises(IndexError): im.putpixel((0, 0), expected_color) with pytest.raises(IndexError): im.getpixel((0, 0)) # Check negative index with pytest.raises(IndexError): im.putpixel((-1, -1), expected_color) with pytest.raises(IndexError): im.getpixel((-1, -1)) # Check initial color im =, (1, 1), expected_color) actual_color = im.getpixel((0, 0)) assert actual_color == expected_color, ( f"initial color failed for mode {mode}, " f"expected {expected_color} got {actual_color}" ) # Check initial color negative index actual_color = im.getpixel((-1, -1)) assert actual_color == expected_color, ( f"initial color failed with negative index for mode {mode}, " f"expected {expected_color} got {actual_color}" ) # Check 0x0 image with initial color im =, (0, 0), expected_color) with pytest.raises(IndexError): im.getpixel((0, 0)) # Check negative index with pytest.raises(IndexError): im.getpixel((-1, -1)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", Image.MODES) def test_basic(self, mode: str) -> None: self.check(mode) @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ("BGR;15", "BGR;16", "BGR;24")) def test_deprecated(self, mode: str) -> None: with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning): self.check(mode) def test_list(self) -> None: im = hopper() assert im.getpixel([0, 0]) == (20, 20, 70) @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ("I;16", "I;16B")) @pytest.mark.parametrize("expected_color", (2**15 - 1, 2**15, 2**15 + 1, 2**16 - 1)) def test_signedness(self, mode: str, expected_color: int) -> None: # See # pixelaccess is using signed int* instead of uint* self.check(mode, expected_color) @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ("P", "PA")) @pytest.mark.parametrize("color", ((255, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0, 255))) def test_p_putpixel_rgb_rgba(self, mode: str, color: tuple[int, ...]) -> None: im =, (1, 1)) im.putpixel((0, 0), color) alpha = color[3] if len(color) == 4 and mode == "PA" else 255 assert im.convert("RGBA").getpixel((0, 0)) == (255, 0, 0, alpha) class TestImagePutPixelError: IMAGE_MODES1 = ["LA", "RGB", "RGBA", "BGR;15"] IMAGE_MODES2 = ["L", "I", "I;16"] INVALID_TYPES = ["foo", 1.0, None] @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", IMAGE_MODES1) def test_putpixel_type_error1(self, mode: str) -> None: im = hopper(mode) for v in self.INVALID_TYPES: with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="color must be int or tuple"): im.putpixel((0, 0), v) # type: ignore[arg-type] @pytest.mark.parametrize( "mode, band_numbers, match", ( ("L", (0, 2), "color must be int or single-element tuple"), ("LA", (0, 3), "color must be int, or tuple of one or two elements"), ( "BGR;15", (0, 2), "color must be int, or tuple of one or three elements", ), ( "RGB", (0, 2, 5), "color must be int, or tuple of one, three or four elements", ), ), ) def test_putpixel_invalid_number_of_bands( self, mode: str, band_numbers: tuple[int, ...], match: str ) -> None: im = hopper(mode) for band_number in band_numbers: with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=match): im.putpixel((0, 0), (0,) * band_number) @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", IMAGE_MODES2) def test_putpixel_type_error2(self, mode: str) -> None: im = hopper(mode) for v in self.INVALID_TYPES: with pytest.raises( TypeError, match="color must be int or single-element tuple" ): im.putpixel((0, 0), v) # type: ignore[arg-type] @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", IMAGE_MODES1 + IMAGE_MODES2) def test_putpixel_overflow_error(self, mode: str) -> None: im = hopper(mode) with pytest.raises(OverflowError): im.putpixel((0, 0), 2**80) class TestEmbeddable: @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="failing test") @pytest.mark.skipif(not is_win32(), reason="requires Windows") def test_embeddable(self) -> None: import ctypes from setuptools.command import build_ext with open("embed_pil.c", "w", encoding="utf-8") as fh: home = sys.prefix.replace("\\", "\\\\") fh.write( f""" #include int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {{ char *home = "{home}"; wchar_t *whome = Py_DecodeLocale(home, NULL); Py_SetPythonHome(whome); Py_InitializeEx(0); Py_DECREF(PyImport_ImportModule("PIL.Image")); Py_Finalize(); Py_InitializeEx(0); Py_DECREF(PyImport_ImportModule("PIL.Image")); Py_Finalize(); PyMem_RawFree(whome); return 0; }} """ ) compiler = getattr(build_ext, "new_compiler")() compiler.add_include_dir(sysconfig.get_config_var("INCLUDEPY")) libdir = sysconfig.get_config_var("LIBDIR") or sysconfig.get_config_var( "INCLUDEPY" ).replace("include", "libs") compiler.add_library_dir(libdir) objects = compiler.compile(["embed_pil.c"]) compiler.link_executable(objects, "embed_pil") env = os.environ.copy() env["PATH"] = sys.prefix + ";" + env["PATH"] # Do not display the Windows Error Reporting dialog getattr(ctypes, "windll").kernel32.SetErrorMode(0x0002) process = subprocess.Popen(["embed_pil.exe"], env=env) process.communicate() assert process.returncode == 0