import pytest from PIL import Image, XVThumbImagePlugin from .helper import assert_image_similar, hopper TEST_FILE = "Tests/images/hopper.p7" def test_open(): # Act with as im: # Assert assert im.format == "XVThumb" # Create a Hopper image with a similar XV palette im_hopper = hopper().quantize(palette=im) assert_image_similar(im, im_hopper, 9) def test_unexpected_eof(): # Test unexpected EOF reading XV thumbnail file # Arrange bad_file = "Tests/images/hopper_bad.p7" # Act / Assert with pytest.raises(SyntaxError): XVThumbImagePlugin.XVThumbImageFile(bad_file) def test_invalid_file(): # Arrange invalid_file = "Tests/images/flower.jpg" # Act / Assert with pytest.raises(SyntaxError): XVThumbImagePlugin.XVThumbImageFile(invalid_file)