# minimal sanity check from __future__ import print_function ROOT = "." import os, sys # Path silliness. This selftest needs to be able to import itself, so #it needs . in the path. However, since the compiled versions of the #PIL bits are not in PIL, they're in dist, or build, or actually #installed. In fact, importing from ./PIL is going to fail on any #.c/so item. So. We remove it from the path, import all the PIL stuff #from elsewhere, then pop the current directory back on the path so #that we can import this and run the doctest del(sys.path[0]) from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageDraw from PIL import ImageFilter from PIL import ImageMath sys.path.insert(0,ROOT) try: Image.core.ping except ImportError as v: print("***", v) sys.exit() except AttributeError: pass def _info(im): im.load() return im.format, im.mode, im.size def testimage(): """ PIL lets you create in-memory images with various pixel types: >>> im = Image.new("1", (128, 128)) # monochrome >>> _info(im) (None, '1', (128, 128)) >>> _info(Image.new("L", (128, 128))) # grayscale (luminance) (None, 'L', (128, 128)) >>> _info(Image.new("P", (128, 128))) # palette (None, 'P', (128, 128)) >>> _info(Image.new("RGB", (128, 128))) # truecolor (None, 'RGB', (128, 128)) >>> _info(Image.new("I", (128, 128))) # 32-bit integer (None, 'I', (128, 128)) >>> _info(Image.new("F", (128, 128))) # 32-bit floating point (None, 'F', (128, 128)) Or open existing files: >>> im = Image.open(os.path.join(ROOT, "Images/lena.gif")) >>> _info(im) ('GIF', 'P', (128, 128)) >>> _info(Image.open(os.path.join(ROOT, "Images/lena.ppm"))) ('PPM', 'RGB', (128, 128)) >>> try: ... _info(Image.open(os.path.join(ROOT, "Images/lena.jpg"))) ... except IOError as v: ... print(v) ('JPEG', 'RGB', (128, 128)) PIL doesn't actually load the image data until it's needed, or you call the "load" method: >>> im = Image.open(os.path.join(ROOT, "Images/lena.ppm")) >>> print(im.im) # internal image attribute None >>> a = im.load() >>> type(im.im) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <... '...ImagingCore'> You can apply many different operations on images. Most operations return a new image: >>> im = Image.open(os.path.join(ROOT, "Images/lena.ppm")) >>> _info(im.convert("L")) (None, 'L', (128, 128)) >>> _info(im.copy()) (None, 'RGB', (128, 128)) >>> _info(im.crop((32, 32, 96, 96))) (None, 'RGB', (64, 64)) >>> _info(im.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)) (None, 'RGB', (128, 128)) >>> im.getbands() ('R', 'G', 'B') >>> im.getbbox() (0, 0, 128, 128) >>> len(im.getdata()) 16384 >>> im.getextrema() ((61, 255), (26, 234), (44, 223)) >>> im.getpixel((0, 0)) (223, 162, 133) >>> len(im.getprojection()) 2 >>> len(im.histogram()) 768 >>> _info(im.point(list(range(256))*3)) (None, 'RGB', (128, 128)) >>> _info(im.resize((64, 64))) (None, 'RGB', (64, 64)) >>> _info(im.rotate(45)) (None, 'RGB', (128, 128)) >>> [_info(ch) for ch in im.split()] [(None, 'L', (128, 128)), (None, 'L', (128, 128)), (None, 'L', (128, 128))] >>> len(im.convert("1").tobitmap()) 10456 >>> len(im.tobytes()) 49152 >>> _info(im.transform((512, 512), Image.AFFINE, (1,0,0,0,1,0))) (None, 'RGB', (512, 512)) >>> _info(im.transform((512, 512), Image.EXTENT, (32,32,96,96))) (None, 'RGB', (512, 512)) The ImageDraw module lets you draw stuff in raster images: >>> im = Image.new("L", (128, 128), 64) >>> d = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(im) >>> d.line((0, 0, 128, 128), fill=128) >>> d.line((0, 128, 128, 0), fill=128) >>> im.getextrema() (64, 128) In 1.1.4, you can specify colors in a number of ways: >>> xy = 0, 0, 128, 128 >>> im = Image.new("RGB", (128, 128), 0) >>> d = ImageDraw.ImageDraw(im) >>> d.rectangle(xy, "#f00") >>> im.getpixel((0, 0)) (255, 0, 0) >>> d.rectangle(xy, "#ff0000") >>> im.getpixel((0, 0)) (255, 0, 0) >>> d.rectangle(xy, "rgb(255,0,0)") >>> im.getpixel((0, 0)) (255, 0, 0) >>> d.rectangle(xy, "rgb(100%,0%,0%)") >>> im.getpixel((0, 0)) (255, 0, 0) >>> d.rectangle(xy, "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)") >>> im.getpixel((0, 0)) (255, 0, 0) >>> d.rectangle(xy, "red") >>> im.getpixel((0, 0)) (255, 0, 0) In 1.1.6, you can use the ImageMath module to do image calculations. >>> im = ImageMath.eval("float(im + 20)", im=im.convert("L")) >>> im.mode, im.size ('F', (128, 128)) PIL can do many other things, but I'll leave that for another day. If you're curious, check the handbook, available from: http://www.pythonware.com Cheers /F """ def check_module(feature, module): try: __import__(module) except ImportError: print("***", feature, "support not installed") else: print("---", feature, "support ok") def check_codec(feature, codec): if codec + "_encoder" not in dir(Image.core): print("***", feature, "support not installed") else: print("---", feature, "support ok") if __name__ == "__main__": # check build sanity exit_status = 0 print("-"*68) #print("PIL", Image.VERSION, "TEST SUMMARY ") print("PIL (Pillow) TEST SUMMARY ") print("-"*68) print("Python modules loaded from", os.path.dirname(Image.__file__)) print("Binary modules loaded from", os.path.dirname(Image.core.__file__)) print("-"*68) check_module("PIL CORE", "PIL._imaging") check_module("TKINTER", "PIL._imagingtk") check_codec("JPEG", "jpeg") check_codec("ZLIB (PNG/ZIP)", "zip") check_codec("G4 TIFF", "group4") check_module("FREETYPE2", "PIL._imagingft") check_module("LITTLECMS", "PIL._imagingcms") check_module("WEBP", "PIL._webp") print("-"*68) # use doctest to make sure the test program behaves as documented! import doctest, selftest print("Running selftest:") status = doctest.testmod(selftest) if status[0]: print("*** %s tests of %d failed." % status) exit_status = 1 else: print("--- %s tests passed." % status[1]) sys.exit(exit_status)