.. py:module:: PIL.ImageChops .. py:currentmodule:: PIL.ImageChops :py:mod:`ImageChops` Module =========================== The :py:mod:`ImageChops` module contains a number of arithmetical image operations, called channel operations (“chops”). These can be used for various purposes, including special effects, image compositions, algorithmic painting, and more. For more pre-made operations, see :py:mod:`ImageOps`. At this time, most channel operations are only implemented for 8-bit images (e.g. “L” and “RGB”). Functions --------- Most channel operations take one or two image arguments and returns a new image. Unless otherwise noted, the result of a channel operation is always clipped to the range 0 to MAX (which is 255 for all modes supported by the operations in this module). .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.add .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.add_modulo .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.blend .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.composite .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.constant .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.darker .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.difference .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.duplicate .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.invert .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.lighter .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.logical_and .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.logical_or .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.multiply .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.offset .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.screen .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.subtract .. autofunction:: PIL.ImageChops.subtract_modulo