.. _deprecations: Deprecations and removals ========================= This page lists Pillow features that are deprecated, or have been removed in past major releases, and gives the alternatives to use instead. Deprecated features ------------------- Below are features which are considered deprecated. Where appropriate, a ``DeprecationWarning`` is issued. Setting the size of TIFF images ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. deprecated:: 5.3.0 Setting the image size of a TIFF image (eg. ``im.size = (256, 256)``) issues a ``DeprecationWarning``: .. code-block:: none Setting the size of a TIFF image directly is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. Use the resize method instead. PILLOW_VERSION and VERSION constants ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. deprecated:: 5.2.0 Two version constants – ``VERSION`` (the old PIL version, always 1.1.7) and ``PILLOW_VERSION`` – have been deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. Use ``__version__`` instead. Removed features ---------------- Deprecated features are only removed in major releases after an appropriate period of deprecation has passed. Undocumented ImageOps functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Removed in version 6.0.0.* Several undocumented functions in ``ImageOps`` have been removed. Use the equivalents in ``ImageFilter`` instead: ========================== ============================ Removed Use instead ========================== ============================ ``ImageOps.box_blur`` ``ImageFilter.BoxBlur`` ``ImageOps.gaussian_blur`` ``ImageFilter.GaussianBlur`` ``ImageOps.gblur`` ``ImageFilter.GaussianBlur`` ``ImageOps.usm`` ``ImageFilter.UnsharpMask`` ``ImageOps.unsharp_mask`` ``ImageFilter.UnsharpMask`` ========================== ============================ PIL.OleFileIO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Removed in version 6.0.0.* PIL.OleFileIO was removed as a vendored file and in Pillow 4.0.0 (2017-01) in favour of the upstream olefile Python package, and replaced with an ``ImportError`` in 5.0.0 (2018-01). The deprecated file has now been removed from Pillow. If needed, install from PyPI (eg. ``pip install olefile``).