====================== The PIL.ImageTk Module ====================== The PIL.ImageTk Module ====================== The **ImageTk** module contains support to create and modify Tkinter **BitmapImage** and **PhotoImage** objects. For examples, see the demo programs in the *Scripts* directory. Module Contents --------------- **BitmapImage(image=None, \*\*options)** (class) [`# <#PIL.ImageTk.BitmapImage-class>`_] Create a Tkinter-compatible bitmap image. For more information about this class, see `*The BitmapImage Class* <#PIL.ImageTk.BitmapImage-class>`_. **getimage(photo)** [`# <#PIL.ImageTk.getimage-function>`_] **PhotoImage(image=None, size=None, \*\*options)** (class) [`# <#PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage-class>`_] Creates a Tkinter-compatible photo image. For more information about this class, see `*The PhotoImage Class* <#PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage-class>`_. The BitmapImage Class --------------------- **BitmapImage(image=None, \*\*options)** (class) [`# <#PIL.ImageTk.BitmapImage-class>`_] **\_\_init\_\_(image=None, \*\*options)** [`# <#PIL.ImageTk.BitmapImage.__init__-method>`_] Create a Tkinter-compatible bitmap image. The given image must have mode "1". Pixels having value 0 are treated as transparent. Options, if any, are passed on to Tkinter. The most commonly used option is **foreground**, which is used to specify the colour for the non-transparent parts. See the Tkinter documentation for information on how to specify colours. *image* **\_\_str\_\_()** [`# <#PIL.ImageTk.BitmapImage.__str__-method>`_] Returns: **height()** [`# <#PIL.ImageTk.BitmapImage.height-method>`_] Returns: **width()** [`# <#PIL.ImageTk.BitmapImage.width-method>`_] Returns: The PhotoImage Class -------------------- **PhotoImage(image=None, size=None, \*\*options)** (class) [`# <#PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage-class>`_] **\_\_init\_\_(image=None, size=None, \*\*options)** [`# <#PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage.__init__-method>`_] Create a photo image object. The constructor takes either a PIL image, or a mode and a size. Alternatively, you can use the **file** or **data** options to initialize the photo image object. *image* *size* *file=* *data=* **\_\_str\_\_()** [`# <#PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage.__str__-method>`_] Returns: **height()** [`# <#PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage.height-method>`_] Returns: **paste(im, box=None)** [`# <#PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage.paste-method>`_] *im* *box* **width()** [`# <#PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage.width-method>`_] Returns: