.. py:module:: PIL.ImageGrab
.. py:currentmodule:: PIL.ImageGrab

:py:mod:`ImageGrab` Module (Windows-only)

The :py:mod:`ImageGrab` module can be used to copy the contents of the screen
or the clipboard to a PIL image memory.

.. note:: The current version works on Windows only.

.. versionadded:: 1.1.3

.. py:function:: PIL.ImageGrab.grab(bbox=None)

    Take a snapshot of the screen. The pixels inside the bounding box are
    returned as an "RGB" image. If the bounding box is omitted, the entire
    screen is copied.

    .. versionadded:: 1.1.3

    :param bbox: What region to copy. Default is the entire screen.
    :return: An image

.. py:function:: PIL.ImageGrab.grabclipboard()

    Take a snapshot of the clipboard image, if any.

    .. versionadded:: 1.1.4

    :return: An image, a list of filenames, or None if the clipboard does
             not contain image data or filenames.  Note that if a list is
             returned, the filenames may not represent image files.