.. py:module:: PIL.ImageOps
.. py:currentmodule:: PIL.ImageOps

:py:mod:`~PIL.ImageOps` Module

The :py:mod:`~PIL.ImageOps` module contains a number of ‘ready-made’ image
processing operations. This module is somewhat experimental, and most operators
only work on L and RGB images.

.. versionadded:: 1.1.3

.. autofunction:: autocontrast
.. autofunction:: colorize
.. autofunction:: crop
.. autofunction:: scale
.. autofunction:: deform
.. autofunction:: equalize
.. autofunction:: expand
.. autofunction:: flip
.. autofunction:: grayscale
.. autofunction:: invert
.. autofunction:: mirror
.. autofunction:: posterize
.. autofunction:: solarize
.. autofunction:: exif_transpose

.. _relative-resize:

Resize relative to a given size


    from PIL import Image, ImageOps
    size = (100, 150)
    with Image.open("Tests/images/hopper.png") as im:
        ImageOps.contain(im, size).save("imageops_contain.png")
        ImageOps.cover(im, size).save("imageops_cover.png")
        ImageOps.fit(im, size).save("imageops_fit.png")
        ImageOps.pad(im, size, color="#f00").save("imageops_pad.png")

        # thumbnail() can also be used,
        # but will modify the image object in place

|                | :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.thumbnail`     | :py:meth:`~PIL.ImageOps.contain`           | :py:meth:`~PIL.ImageOps.cover`           | :py:meth:`~PIL.ImageOps.fit`           | :py:meth:`~PIL.ImageOps.pad`           |
|Given size      | ``(100, 150)``                            | ``(100, 150)``                             | ``(100, 150)``                           | ``(100, 150)``                         | ``(100, 150)``                         |
|Resulting image | .. image:: ../example/image_thumbnail.png | .. image:: ../example/imageops_contain.png | .. image:: ../example/imageops_cover.png | .. image:: ../example/imageops_fit.png | .. image:: ../example/imageops_pad.png |
|Resulting size  | ``100×100``                               | ``100×100``                                | ``150×150``                              | ``100×150``                            | ``100×150``                            |

.. autofunction:: contain
.. autofunction:: cover
.. autofunction:: fit
.. autofunction:: pad