import pytest from PIL import Image from .helper import hopper original = hopper().resize((32, 32)).convert("I") def verify(im1): im2 = original.copy() assert im1.size == im2.size pix1 = im1.load() pix2 = im2.load() for y in range(im1.size[1]): for x in range(im1.size[0]): xy = x, y p1 = pix1[xy] p2 = pix2[xy] assert ( p1 == p2 ), f"got {repr(p1)} from mode {im1.mode} at {xy}, expected {repr(p2)}" @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ("L", "I;16", "I;16B", "I;16L", "I")) def test_basic(tmp_path, mode): # PIL 1.1 has limited support for 16-bit image data. Check that # create/copy/transform and save works as expected. im_in = original.convert(mode) verify(im_in) w, h = im_in.size im_out = im_in.copy() verify(im_out) # copy im_out = im_in.transform((w, h), Image.Transform.EXTENT, (0, 0, w, h)) verify(im_out) # transform filename = str(tmp_path / "") with as im_out: verify(im_in) verify(im_out) im_out = im_in.crop((0, 0, w, h)) verify(im_out) im_out =, (w, h), None) im_out.paste(im_in.crop((0, 0, w // 2, h)), (0, 0)) im_out.paste(im_in.crop((w // 2, 0, w, h)), (w // 2, 0)) verify(im_in) verify(im_out) im_in =, (1, 1), 1) assert im_in.getpixel((0, 0)) == 1 im_in.putpixel((0, 0), 2) assert im_in.getpixel((0, 0)) == 2 if mode == "L": maximum = 255 else: maximum = 32767 im_in =, (1, 1), 256) assert im_in.getpixel((0, 0)) == min(256, maximum) im_in.putpixel((0, 0), 512) assert im_in.getpixel((0, 0)) == min(512, maximum) def test_tobytes(): def tobytes(mode): return, (1, 1), 1).tobytes() order = 1 if Image._ENDIAN == "<" else -1 assert tobytes("L") == b"\x01" assert tobytes("I;16") == b"\x01\x00" assert tobytes("I;16B") == b"\x00\x01" assert tobytes("I") == b"\x01\x00\x00\x00"[::order] def test_convert(): im = original.copy() verify(im.convert("I;16")) verify(im.convert("I;16").convert("L")) verify(im.convert("I;16").convert("I")) verify(im.convert("I;16B")) verify(im.convert("I;16B").convert("L")) verify(im.convert("I;16B").convert("I"))