4.2.0 ----- Added Complex Text Rendering ============================ Pillow now supports complex text rendering for scripts requiring glyph composition and bidirectional flow. This optional feature adds three dependencies: harfbuzz, fribidi, and raqm. See the `install documentation <../installation.html>`_ for further details. This feature is tested and works on Unix and Mac, but has not yet been built on Windows platforms. New Optional Parameters ======================= * :py:meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.floodfill` has a new optional parameter: threshold. This specifies a tolerance for the color to replace with the flood fill. * The TIFF and PDF image writers now support the ``append_images`` optional parameter for specifying additional images to create multipage outputs. New DecompressionBomb Warning ============================= :py:meth:`PIL.Image.Image.crop` now may raise a DecompressionBomb warning if the crop region enlarges the image over the threshold specified by :py:attr:`PIL.Image.MAX_PIXELS`. Removed Deprecated Items ======================== Several deprecated items have been removed. * The methods :py:meth:`PIL.ImageWin.Dib.fromstring`, :py:meth:`PIL.ImageWin.Dib.tostring` and :py:meth:`PIL.TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory_v2.as_dict` have been removed. * Before Pillow 4.2.0, attempting to save an RGBA image as JPEG would discard the alpha channel. From Pillow 3.4.0, a deprecation warning was shown. From Pillow 4.2.0, the deprecation warning is removed and an :py:exc:`IOError` is raised. Removed Core Image Function =========================== The unused function ``Image.core.new_array`` was removed. This is an internal function that should not have been used by user code, but it was accessible from the python layer.