skip_commits: files: - ".github/**/*" - ".gitmodules" - "docs/**/*" - "wheels/**/*" version: '{build}' clone_folder: c:\pillow init: - ECHO %PYTHON% #- ps: iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('')) # Uncomment previous line to get RDP access during the build. environment: COVERAGE_CORE: sysmon EXECUTABLE: python.exe TEST_OPTIONS: DEPLOY: YES matrix: - PYTHON: C:/Python312 ARCHITECTURE: x86 APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2022 - PYTHON: C:/Python38-x64 ARCHITECTURE: AMD64 APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017 install: - '%PYTHON%\%EXECUTABLE% --version' - '%PYTHON%\%EXECUTABLE% -m pip install --upgrade pip' - curl -fsSL -o - 7z x -oc:\ - xcopy /S /Y c:\test-images-main\* c:\pillow\tests\images - curl -fsSL -o - 7z x -oc:\ - choco install ghostscript --version=10.3.1 - path c:\nasm-2.16.03;C:\Program Files\gs\gs10.03.1\bin;%PATH% - cd c:\pillow\winbuild\ - ps: | c:\python38\python.exe c:\pillow\winbuild\ -v --depends=C:\pillow-depends\ c:\pillow\winbuild\build\build_dep_all.cmd $host.SetShouldExit(0) - path C:\pillow\winbuild\build\bin;%PATH% build_script: - cd c:\pillow - winbuild\build\build_env.cmd - '%PYTHON%\%EXECUTABLE% -m pip install -v -C raqm=vendor -C fribidi=vendor .' - '%PYTHON%\%EXECUTABLE% --installed' test_script: - cd c:\pillow - '%PYTHON%\%EXECUTABLE% -m pip install pytest pytest-cov pytest-timeout defusedxml numpy olefile pyroma' - c:\"Program Files (x86)"\"Windows Kits"\10\Debuggers\x86\gflags.exe /p /enable %PYTHON%\%EXECUTABLE% - '%PYTHON%\%EXECUTABLE% -c "from PIL import Image"' - '%PYTHON%\%EXECUTABLE% -m pytest -vx --cov PIL --cov Tests --cov-report term --cov-report xml Tests' #- '%PYTHON%\%EXECUTABLE% -v -s %TEST_OPTIONS%' TODO TEST_OPTIONS with pytest? after_test: - curl -Os - .\codecov.exe --file coverage.xml --name %PYTHON% --flags AppVeyor matrix: fast_finish: true cache: - '%LOCALAPPDATA%\pip\Cache' artifacts: - path: pillow\*.egg name: egg - path: pillow\*.whl name: wheel before_deploy: - cd c:\pillow - '%PYTHON%\%EXECUTABLE% -m pip wheel -v -C raqm=vendor -C fribidi=vendor .' - ps: Get-ChildItem .\*.whl | % { Push-AppveyorArtifact $_.FullName -FileName $_.Name } deploy: provider: S3 region: us-west-2 access_key_id: AKIAIRAXC62ZNTVQJMOQ secret_access_key: secure: Hwb6klTqtBeMgxAjRoDltiiqpuH8xbwD4UooDzBSiCWXjuFj1lyl4kHgHwTCCGqi bucket: pillow-nightly folder: win/$(APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER)/ artifact: /.*egg|wheel/ on: APPVEYOR_REPO_NAME: python-pillow/Pillow branch: main deploy: YES # Uncomment the following lines to get RDP access after the build/test and block for # up to the timeout limit (~1hr) # #on_finish: #- ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))