from helper import unittest, PillowTestCase, lena, py3 from PIL import Image class TestFileTiff(PillowTestCase): def test_sanity(self): file = self.tempfile("temp.tif") lena("RGB").save(file) im = im.load() self.assertEqual(im.mode, "RGB") self.assertEqual(im.size, (128, 128)) self.assertEqual(im.format, "TIFF") lena("1").save(file) im = lena("L").save(file) im = lena("P").save(file) im = lena("RGB").save(file) im = lena("I").save(file) im = def test_mac_tiff(self): # Read RGBa images from Mac OS X [@PIL136] file = "Tests/images/pil136.tiff" im = self.assertEqual(im.mode, "RGBA") self.assertEqual(im.size, (55, 43)) self.assertEqual(im.tile, [('raw', (0, 0, 55, 43), 8, ('RGBa', 0, 1))]) im.load() def test_gimp_tiff(self): # Read TIFF JPEG images from GIMP [@PIL168] codecs = dir(Image.core) if "jpeg_decoder" not in codecs: self.skipTest("jpeg support not available") file = "Tests/images/pil168.tif" im = self.assertEqual(im.mode, "RGB") self.assertEqual(im.size, (256, 256)) self.assertEqual( im.tile, [ ('jpeg', (0, 0, 256, 64), 8, ('RGB', '')), ('jpeg', (0, 64, 256, 128), 1215, ('RGB', '')), ('jpeg', (0, 128, 256, 192), 2550, ('RGB', '')), ('jpeg', (0, 192, 256, 256), 3890, ('RGB', '')), ]) im.load() def test_xyres_tiff(self): from PIL.TiffImagePlugin import X_RESOLUTION, Y_RESOLUTION file = "Tests/images/pil168.tif" im = assert isinstance(im.tag.tags[X_RESOLUTION][0], tuple) assert isinstance(im.tag.tags[Y_RESOLUTION][0], tuple) # Try to read a file where X,Y_RESOLUTION are ints im.tag.tags[X_RESOLUTION] = (72,) im.tag.tags[Y_RESOLUTION] = (72,) im._setup() self.assertEqual(['dpi'], (72., 72.)) def test_little_endian(self): im ='Tests/images/16bit.cropped.tif') self.assertEqual(im.getpixel((0, 0)), 480) self.assertEqual(im.mode, 'I;16') b = im.tobytes() # Bytes are in image native order (little endian) if py3: self.assertEqual(b[0], ord(b'\xe0')) self.assertEqual(b[1], ord(b'\x01')) else: self.assertEqual(b[0], b'\xe0') self.assertEqual(b[1], b'\x01') def test_big_endian(self): im ='Tests/images/16bit.MM.cropped.tif') self.assertEqual(im.getpixel((0, 0)), 480) self.assertEqual(im.mode, 'I;16B') b = im.tobytes() # Bytes are in image native order (big endian) if py3: self.assertEqual(b[0], ord(b'\x01')) self.assertEqual(b[1], ord(b'\xe0')) else: self.assertEqual(b[0], b'\x01') self.assertEqual(b[1], b'\xe0') def test_12bit_rawmode(self): """ Are we generating the same interpretation of the image as Imagemagick is? """ # Image.DEBUG = True im ='Tests/images/12bit.cropped.tif') # to make the target -- # convert 12bit.cropped.tif -depth 16 tmp.tif # convert tmp.tif -evaluate RightShift 4 12in16bit2.tif # imagemagick will auto scale so that a 12bit FFF is 16bit FFF0, # so we need to unshift so that the integer values are the same. im2 ='Tests/images/12in16bit.tif') if Image.DEBUG: print (im.getpixel((0, 0))) print (im.getpixel((0, 1))) print (im.getpixel((0, 2))) print (im2.getpixel((0, 0))) print (im2.getpixel((0, 1))) print (im2.getpixel((0, 2))) self.assert_image_equal(im, im2) def test_32bit_float(self): # Issue 614, specific 32 bit float format path = 'Tests/images/10ct_32bit_128.tiff' im = im.load() self.assertEqual(im.getpixel((0, 0)), -0.4526388943195343) self.assertEqual( im.getextrema(), (-3.140936851501465, 3.140684127807617)) def test___str__(self): # Arrange file = "Tests/images/pil136.tiff" im = # Act ret = str(im.ifd) # Assert self.assertIsInstance(ret, str) self.assertEqual( ret, '{256: (55,), 257: (43,), 258: (8, 8, 8, 8), 259: (1,), ' '262: (2,), 296: (2,), 273: (8,), 338: (1,), 277: (4,), ' '279: (9460,), 282: ((720000, 10000),), ' '283: ((720000, 10000),), 284: (1,)}') def test__delitem__(self): # Arrange file = "Tests/images/pil136.tiff" im = len_before = len(im.ifd.as_dict()) # Act del im.ifd[256] # Assert len_after = len(im.ifd.as_dict()) self.assertEqual(len_before, len_after + 1) def test_load_byte(self): # Arrange from PIL import TiffImagePlugin ifd = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory() data = b"abc" # Act ret = ifd.load_byte(data) # Assert self.assertEqual(ret, b"abc") def test_load_string(self): # Arrange from PIL import TiffImagePlugin ifd = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory() data = b"abc\0" # Act ret = ifd.load_string(data) # Assert self.assertEqual(ret, "abc") def test_load_float(self): # Arrange from PIL import TiffImagePlugin ifd = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory() data = b"abcdabcd" # Act ret = ifd.load_float(data) # Assert self.assertEqual(ret, (1.6777999408082104e+22, 1.6777999408082104e+22)) def test_load_double(self): # Arrange from PIL import TiffImagePlugin ifd = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory() data = b"abcdefghabcdefgh" # Act ret = ifd.load_double(data) # Assert self.assertEqual(ret, (8.540883223036124e+194, 8.540883223036124e+194)) def test_seek(self): # Arrange file = "Tests/images/pil136.tiff" im = # Act # Assert self.assertEqual(im.tell(), 0) def test_seek_eof(self): # Arrange file = "Tests/images/pil136.tiff" im = self.assertEqual(im.tell(), 0) # Act / Assert self.assertRaises(EOFError, lambda: def test__cvt_res_int(self): # Arrange from PIL.TiffImagePlugin import _cvt_res value = 34 # Act ret = _cvt_res(value) # Assert self.assertEqual(ret, (34, 1)) def test__cvt_res_float(self): # Arrange from PIL.TiffImagePlugin import _cvt_res value = 22.3 # Act ret = _cvt_res(value) # Assert self.assertEqual(ret, (1461452, 65536)) def test__cvt_res_sequence(self): # Arrange from PIL.TiffImagePlugin import _cvt_res value = [0, 1] # Act ret = _cvt_res(value) # Assert self.assertEqual(ret, [0, 1]) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() # End of file