.. py:module:: PIL.ImageCms .. py:currentmodule:: PIL.ImageCms :py:mod:`ImageCms` Module ========================= The :py:mod:`ImageCms` module provides color profile management support using the LittleCMS2 color management engine, based on Kevin Cazabon's PyCMS library. .. autoclass:: ImageCmsTransform .. autoexception:: PyCMSError Functions --------- .. autofunction:: applyTransform .. autofunction:: buildProofTransform .. autofunction:: buildProofTransformFromOpenProfiles .. autofunction:: buildTransform .. autofunction:: buildTransformFromOpenProfiles .. autofunction:: createProfile .. autofunction:: getDefaultIntent .. autofunction:: getOpenProfile .. autofunction:: getProfileCopyright .. autofunction:: getProfileDescription .. autofunction:: getProfileInfo .. autofunction:: getProfileManufacturer .. autofunction:: getProfileModel .. autofunction:: getProfileName .. autofunction:: get_display_profile .. autofunction:: isIntentSupported .. autofunction:: profileToProfile .. autofunction:: versions CmsProfile ---------- The ICC color profiles are wrapped in an instance of the class :py:class:`CmsProfile`. The specification ICC.1:2010 contains more information about the meaning of the values in ICC profiles. For convenience, all XYZ-values are also given as xyY-values (so they can be easily displayed in a chromaticity diagram, for example). .. py:class:: CmsProfile .. py:attribute:: creation_date Date and time this profile was first created (see 7.2.1 of ICC.1:2010). :type: :py:class:`datetime.datetime` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: version The version number of the ICC standard that this profile follows (e.g. ``2.0``). :type: :py:class:`float` .. py:attribute:: icc_version Same as ``version``, but in encoded format (see 7.2.4 of ICC.1:2010). .. py:attribute:: device_class 4-character string identifying the profile class. One of ``scnr``, ``mntr``, ``prtr``, ``link``, ``spac``, ``abst``, ``nmcl`` (see 7.2.5 of ICC.1:2010 for details). :type: :py:class:`string` .. py:attribute:: xcolor_space 4-character string (padded with whitespace) identifying the color space, e.g. ``XYZ␣``, ``RGB␣`` or ``CMYK`` (see 7.2.6 of ICC.1:2010 for details). Note that the deprecated attribute ``color_space`` contains an interpreted (non-padded) variant of this (but can be empty on unknown input). :type: :py:class:`string` .. py:attribute:: connection_space 4-character string (padded with whitespace) identifying the color space on the B-side of the transform (see 7.2.7 of ICC.1:2010 for details). Note that the deprecated attribute ``pcs`` contains an interpreted (non-padded) variant of this (but can be empty on unknown input). :type: :py:class:`string` .. py:attribute:: header_flags The encoded header flags of the profile (see 7.2.11 of ICC.1:2010 for details). :type: :py:class:`int` .. py:attribute:: header_manufacturer 4-character string (padded with whitespace) identifying the device manufacturer, which shall match the signature contained in the appropriate section of the ICC signature registry found at www.color.org (see 7.2.12 of ICC.1:2010). :type: :py:class:`string` .. py:attribute:: header_model 4-character string (padded with whitespace) identifying the device model, which shall match the signature contained in the appropriate section of the ICC signature registry found at www.color.org (see 7.2.13 of ICC.1:2010). :type: :py:class:`string` .. py:attribute:: attributes Flags used to identify attributes unique to the particular device setup for which the profile is applicable (see 7.2.14 of ICC.1:2010 for details). :type: :py:class:`int` .. py:attribute:: rendering_intent The rendering intent to use when combining this profile with another profile (usually overridden at run-time, but provided here for DeviceLink and embedded source profiles, see 7.2.15 of ICC.1:2010). One of ``ImageCms.INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC``, ``ImageCms.INTENT_PERCEPTUAL``, ``ImageCms.INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC`` and ``ImageCms.INTENT_SATURATION``. :type: :py:class:`int` .. py:attribute:: profile_id A sequence of 16 bytes identifying the profile (via a specially constructed MD5 sum), or 16 binary zeroes if the profile ID has not been calculated (see 7.2.18 of ICC.1:2010). :type: :py:class:`bytes` .. py:attribute:: copyright The text copyright information for the profile (see 9.2.21 of ICC.1:2010). :type: :py:class:`unicode` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: manufacturer The (English) display string for the device manufacturer (see 9.2.22 of ICC.1:2010). :type: :py:class:`unicode` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: model The (English) display string for the device model of the device for which this profile is created (see 9.2.23 of ICC.1:2010). :type: :py:class:`unicode` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: profile_description The (English) display string for the profile description (see 9.2.41 of ICC.1:2010). :type: :py:class:`unicode` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: target The name of the registered characterization data set, or the measurement data for a characterization target (see 9.2.14 of ICC.1:2010). :type: :py:class:`unicode` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: red_colorant The first column in the matrix used in matrix/TRC transforms (see 9.2.44 of ICC.1:2010). :type: ``((X, Y, Z), (x, y, Y))`` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: green_colorant The second column in the matrix used in matrix/TRC transforms (see 9.2.30 of ICC.1:2010). :type: ``((X, Y, Z), (x, y, Y))`` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: blue_colorant The third column in the matrix used in matrix/TRC transforms (see 9.2.4 of ICC.1:2010). :type: ``((X, Y, Z), (x, y, Y))`` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: luminance The absolute luminance of emissive devices in candelas per square metre as described by the Y channel (see 9.2.32 of ICC.1:2010). :type: ``((X, Y, Z), (x, y, Y))`` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: chromaticity The data of the phosphor/colorant chromaticity set used (red, green and blue channels, see 9.2.16 of ICC.1:2010). :type: ``((x, y, Y), (x, y, Y), (x, y, Y))`` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: chromatic_adaption The chromatic adaption matrix converts a color measured using the actual illumination conditions and relative to the actual adopted white, to an color relative to the PCS adopted white, with complete adaptation from the actual adopted white chromaticity to the PCS adopted white chromaticity (see 9.2.15 of ICC.1:2010). Two matrices are returned, one in (X, Y, Z) space and one in (x, y, Y) space. :type: 2-tuple of 3-tuple, the first with (X, Y, Z) and the second with (x, y, Y) values .. py:attribute:: colorant_table This tag identifies the colorants used in the profile by a unique name and set of PCSXYZ or PCSLAB values (see 9.2.19 of ICC.1:2010). :type: list of strings .. py:attribute:: colorant_table_out This tag identifies the colorants used in the profile by a unique name and set of PCSLAB values (for DeviceLink profiles only, see 9.2.19 of ICC.1:2010). :type: list of strings .. py:attribute:: colorimetric_intent 4-character string (padded with whitespace) identifying the image state of PCS colorimetry produced using the colorimetric intent transforms (see 9.2.20 of ICC.1:2010 for details). :type: :py:class:`string` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: perceptual_rendering_intent_gamut 4-character string (padded with whitespace) identifying the (one) standard reference medium gamut (see 9.2.37 of ICC.1:2010 for details). :type: :py:class:`string` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: saturation_rendering_intent_gamut 4-character string (padded with whitespace) identifying the (one) standard reference medium gamut (see 9.2.37 of ICC.1:2010 for details). :type: :py:class:`string` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: technology 4-character string (padded with whitespace) identifying the device technology (see 9.2.47 of ICC.1:2010 for details). :type: :py:class:`string` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: media_black_point This tag specifies the media black point and is used for generating absolute colorimetry. This tag was available in ICC 3.2, but it is removed from version 4. :type: ``((X, Y, Z), (x, y, Y))`` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: media_white_point_temperature Calculates the white point temperature (see the LCMS documentation for more information). :type: :py:class:`float` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: viewing_condition The (English) display string for the viewing conditions (see 9.2.48 of ICC.1:2010). :type: :py:class:`unicode` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: screening_description The (English) display string for the screening conditions. This tag was available in ICC 3.2, but it is removed from version 4. :type: :py:class:`unicode` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: red_primary The XYZ-transformed of the RGB primary color red (1, 0, 0). :type: ``((X, Y, Z), (x, y, Y))`` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: green_primary The XYZ-transformed of the RGB primary color green (0, 1, 0). :type: ``((X, Y, Z), (x, y, Y))`` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: blue_primary The XYZ-transformed of the RGB primary color blue (0, 0, 1). :type: ``((X, Y, Z), (x, y, Y))`` or ``None`` .. py:attribute:: is_matrix_shaper True if this profile is implemented as a matrix shaper (see documentation on LCMS). :type: :py:class:`bool` .. py:attribute:: clut Returns a dictionary of all supported intents and directions for the CLUT model. The dictionary is indexed by intents (``ImageCms.INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC``, ``ImageCms.INTENT_PERCEPTUAL``, ``ImageCms.INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC`` and ``ImageCms.INTENT_SATURATION``). The values are 3-tuples indexed by directions (``ImageCms.DIRECTION_INPUT``, ``ImageCms.DIRECTION_OUTPUT``, ``ImageCms.DIRECTION_PROOF``). The elements of the tuple are booleans. If the value is ``True``, that intent is supported for that direction. :type: :py:class:`dict` of boolean 3-tuples .. py:attribute:: intent_supported Returns a dictionary of all supported intents and directions. The dictionary is indexed by intents (``ImageCms.INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC``, ``ImageCms.INTENT_PERCEPTUAL``, ``ImageCms.INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC`` and ``ImageCms.INTENT_SATURATION``). The values are 3-tuples indexed by directions (``ImageCms.DIRECTION_INPUT``, ``ImageCms.DIRECTION_OUTPUT``, ``ImageCms.DIRECTION_PROOF``). The elements of the tuple are booleans. If the value is ``True``, that intent is supported for that direction. :type: :py:class:`dict` of boolean 3-tuples .. py:attribute:: color_space Deprecated but retained for backwards compatibility. Interpreted value of :py:attr:`.xcolor_space`. May be the empty string if value could not be decoded. :type: :py:class:`string` .. py:attribute:: pcs Deprecated but retained for backwards compatibility. Interpreted value of :py:attr:`.connection_space`. May be the empty string if value could not be decoded. :type: :py:class:`string` .. py:attribute:: product_model Deprecated but retained for backwards compatibility. ASCII-encoded value of :py:attr:`.model`. :type: :py:class:`string` .. py:attribute:: product_manufacturer Deprecated but retained for backwards compatibility. ASCII-encoded value of :py:attr:`.manufacturer`. :type: :py:class:`string` .. py:attribute:: product_copyright Deprecated but retained for backwards compatibility. ASCII-encoded value of :py:attr:`.copyright`. :type: :py:class:`string` .. py:attribute:: product_description Deprecated but retained for backwards compatibility. ASCII-encoded value of :py:attr:`.profile_description`. :type: :py:class:`string` .. py:attribute:: product_desc Deprecated but retained for backwards compatibility. ASCII-encoded value of :py:attr:`.profile_description`. This alias of :py:attr:`.product_description` used to contain a derived informative string about the profile, depending on the value of the description, copyright, manufacturer and model fields). :type: :py:class:`string` There is one function defined on the class: .. py:method:: is_intent_supported(intent, direction) Returns if the intent is supported for the given direction. Note that you can also get this information for all intents and directions with :py:attr:`.intent_supported`. :param intent: One of ``ImageCms.INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC``, ``ImageCms.INTENT_PERCEPTUAL``, ``ImageCms.INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC`` and ``ImageCms.INTENT_SATURATION``. :param direction: One of ``ImageCms.DIRECTION_INPUT``, ``ImageCms.DIRECTION_OUTPUT`` and ``ImageCms.DIRECTION_PROOF`` :return: Boolean if the intent and direction is supported.