.. _text-anchors: Text anchors ============ The ``anchor`` parameter determines alignment of drawn text relative to the ``xy`` parameter. The default alignment is top left, specifically ``la`` (left--ascender) for horizontal text and ``lt`` (left--top) for vertical text. This parameter is only supported by OpenType/TrueType fonts. Other fonts may ignore the parameter and use the default (top left) alignment. Specifying an anchor ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An anchor is specified with a two character string. The first character is the horizontal alignment, the second character is the vertical alignment. For example, the default value of ``la`` for horizontal text means left--ascender aligned text. When drawing text with :py:meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.ImageDraw.text` with a specific anchor, text will be placed such that the specified anchor point is at the ``xy`` coordinates. For example, in the following image, text is ``ms`` (middle--baseline) aligned, with ``xy`` at the intersection of the two lines: .. image:: ../../Tests/images/test_anchor_quick_ms.png :alt: Middle--baseline aligned text. :align: left .. code-block:: python from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont font = ImageFont.truetype("Tests/fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf", 48) im = Image.new("RGB", (200, 200), "white") d = ImageDraw.Draw(im) d.line(((0, 100), (200, 100)), "gray") d.line(((100, 0), (100, 200)), "gray") d.text((100, 100), "Quick", fill="black", anchor="ms", font=font) .. container:: clearer | .. only: comment The container above prevents the image alignment from affecting following text. Quick reference ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. image:: ../resources/anchor_horizontal.svg :alt: Horizontal text :align: center .. image:: ../resources/anchor_vertical.svg :alt: Vertical text :align: center Horizontal anchor alignment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``l`` --- left Anchor is to the left of the text. For *horizontal* text this is the origin of the first glyph, as shown in the `FreeType tutorial`_. ``m`` --- middle Anchor is horizontally centered with the text. For *vertical* text it is recommended to use ``s`` (baseline) alignment instead, as it does not change based on the specific glyphs of the given text. ``r`` --- right Anchor is to the right of the text. For *horizontal* text this is the advanced origin of the last glyph, as shown in the `FreeType tutorial`_. ``s`` --- baseline *(vertical text only)* Anchor is at the baseline (middle) of the text. The exact alignment depends on the font. For *vertical* text this is the recommended alignment, as it does not change based on the specific glyphs of the given text (see image for vertical text above). Vertical anchor alignment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``a`` --- ascender / top *(horizontal text only)* Anchor is at the ascender line (top) of the first line of text, as defined by the font. See `Font metrics on Wikipedia`_ for more information. ``t`` --- top *(single-line text only)* Anchor is at the top of the text. For *vertical* text this is the origin of the first glyph, as shown in the `FreeType tutorial`_. For *horizontal* text it is recommended to use ``a`` (ascender) alignment instead, as it does not change based on the specific glyphs of the given text. ``m`` --- middle Anchor is vertically centered with the text. For *horizontal* text this is the midpoint of the first ascender line and the last descender line. ``s`` --- baseline *(horizontal text only)* Anchor is at the baseline (bottom) of the first line of text, only descenders extend below the anchor. See `Font metrics on Wikipedia`_ for more information. ``b`` --- bottom *(single-line text only)* Anchor is at the bottom of the text. For *vertical* text this is the advanced origin of the last glyph, as shown in the `FreeType tutorial`_. For *horizontal* text it is recommended to use ``d`` (descender) alignment instead, as it does not change based on the specific glyphs of the given text. ``d`` --- descender / bottom *(horizontal text only)* Anchor is at the descender line (bottom) of the last line of text, as defined by the font. See `Font metrics on Wikipedia`_ for more information. Examples ^^^^^^^^ The following image shows several examples of anchors for horizontal text. In each section the ``xy`` parameter was set to the center shown by the intersection of the two lines. .. comment: Image generated with ../example/anchors.py .. image:: ../example/anchors.png :alt: Text anchor examples :align: center .. _Font metrics on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typeface#Font_metrics .. _FreeType tutorial: https://freetype.org/freetype2/docs/tutorial/step2.html