#!/usr/bin/env python # # Setup script for PIL 1.1.5 and later (repackaged by Chris McDonough and # Hanno Schlichting for setuptools compatibility) # # Usage: python setup.py install # import glob, os, re, struct, string, sys def libinclude(root): # map root to (root/lib, root/include) return os.path.join(root, "lib"), os.path.join(root, "include") # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Library pointers. # # Use None to look for the libraries in well-known library locations. # Use a string to specify a single directory, for both the library and # the include files. Use a tuple to specify separate directories: # (libpath, includepath). Examples: # # JPEG_ROOT = "/home/libraries/jpeg-6b" # TIFF_ROOT = "/opt/tiff/lib", "/opt/tiff/include" # # If you have "lib" and "include" directories under a common parent, # you can use the "libinclude" helper: # # TIFF_ROOT = libinclude("/opt/tiff") TCL_ROOT = None JPEG_ROOT = None ZLIB_ROOT = None TIFF_ROOT = None FREETYPE_ROOT = None LCMS_ROOT = None # FIXME: add mechanism to explicitly *disable* the use of a library # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Identification NAME = "Pillow" DESCRIPTION = "Python Imaging Library (fork)" #AUTHOR = "Secret Labs AB (PythonWare)", "info@pythonware.com" AUTHOR = "Alex Clark (fork author)", "aclark@aclark.net" #HOMEPAGE = "http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil" HOMEPAGE = "http://github.com/Pillow" #DOWNLOAD_URL = "http://effbot.org/downloads/%s-%s.tar.gz" # name, version # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Core library IMAGING = [ "decode", "encode", "map", "display", "outline", "path", ] LIBIMAGING = [ "Access", "Antialias", "Bands", "BitDecode", "Blend", "Chops", "Convert", "ConvertYCbCr", "Copy", "Crc32", "Crop", "Dib", "Draw", "Effects", "EpsEncode", "File", "Fill", "Filter", "FliDecode", "Geometry", "GetBBox", "GifDecode", "GifEncode", "HexDecode", "Histo", "JpegDecode", "JpegEncode", "LzwDecode", "Matrix", "ModeFilter", "MspDecode", "Negative", "Offset", "Pack", "PackDecode", "Palette", "Paste", "Quant", "QuantHash", "QuantHeap", "PcdDecode", "PcxDecode", "PcxEncode", "Point", "RankFilter", "RawDecode", "RawEncode", "Storage", "SunRleDecode", "TgaRleDecode", "Unpack", "UnpackYCC", "UnsharpMask", "XbmDecode", "XbmEncode", "ZipDecode", "ZipEncode" ] # -------------------------------------------------------------------- from distutils import sysconfig from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext from setuptools import setup, find_packages, Extension try: import _tkinter except ImportError: _tkinter = None def add_directory(path, dir, where=None): if dir and os.path.isdir(dir) and dir not in path: if where is None: path.append(dir) else: path.insert(where, dir) def find_include_file(self, include): for directory in self.compiler.include_dirs: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, include)): return 1 return 0 def find_library_file(self, library): return self.compiler.find_library_file(self.compiler.library_dirs, library) def find_version(filename): for line in open(filename).readlines(): m = re.search("VERSION\s*=\s*\"([^\"]+)\"", line) if m: return m.group(1) return None #VERSION = find_version("PIL/Image.py") VERSION = "1.0" class pil_build_ext(build_ext): def build_extensions(self): global TCL_ROOT library_dirs = [] include_dirs = [] add_directory(include_dirs, "libImaging") # # add platform directories if sys.platform == "cygwin": # pythonX.Y.dll.a is in the /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/config directory add_directory(library_dirs, os.path.join( "/usr/lib", "python%s" % sys.version[:3], "config" )) elif sys.platform == "darwin": # attempt to make sure we pick freetype2 over other versions add_directory(include_dirs, "/sw/include/freetype2") add_directory(include_dirs, "/sw/lib/freetype2/include") # fink installation directories add_directory(library_dirs, "/sw/lib") add_directory(include_dirs, "/sw/include") # darwin ports installation directories add_directory(library_dirs, "/opt/local/lib") add_directory(include_dirs, "/opt/local/include") add_directory(library_dirs, "/usr/local/lib") # FIXME: check /opt/stuff directories here? prefix = sysconfig.get_config_var("prefix") if prefix: add_directory(library_dirs, os.path.join(prefix, "lib")) add_directory(include_dirs, os.path.join(prefix, "include")) # # locate tkinter libraries if _tkinter: TCL_VERSION = _tkinter.TCL_VERSION[:3] if _tkinter and not TCL_ROOT: # we have Tkinter but the TCL_ROOT variable was not set; # try to locate appropriate Tcl/Tk libraries PYVERSION = sys.version[0] + sys.version[2] TCLVERSION = TCL_VERSION[0] + TCL_VERSION[2] roots = [ # common installation directories, mostly for Windows # (for Unix-style platforms, we'll check in well-known # locations later) os.path.join("/py" + PYVERSION, "Tcl"), os.path.join("/python" + PYVERSION, "Tcl"), "/Tcl", "/Tcl" + TCLVERSION, "/Tcl" + TCL_VERSION, os.path.join(os.environ.get("ProgramFiles", ""), "Tcl"), ] for TCL_ROOT in roots: TCL_ROOT = os.path.abspath(TCL_ROOT) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(TCL_ROOT, "include", "tk.h")): # FIXME: use distutils logging (?) print "--- using Tcl/Tk libraries at", TCL_ROOT print "--- using Tcl/Tk version", TCL_VERSION TCL_ROOT = libinclude(TCL_ROOT) break else: TCL_ROOT = None # # add configured kits for root in (TCL_ROOT, JPEG_ROOT, TCL_ROOT, TIFF_ROOT, ZLIB_ROOT, FREETYPE_ROOT, LCMS_ROOT): if isinstance(root, type(())): lib_root, include_root = root else: lib_root = include_root = root add_directory(library_dirs, lib_root) add_directory(include_dirs, include_root) # # add standard directories # look for tcl specific subdirectory (e.g debian) if _tkinter: tcl_dir = "/usr/include/tcl" + TCL_VERSION if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tcl_dir, "tk.h")): add_directory(include_dirs, tcl_dir) # standard locations add_directory(library_dirs, "/usr/local/lib") add_directory(include_dirs, "/usr/local/include") add_directory(library_dirs, "/usr/lib") add_directory(include_dirs, "/usr/include") # # insert new dirs *before* default libs, to avoid conflicts # between Python PYD stub libs and real libraries self.compiler.library_dirs = library_dirs + self.compiler.library_dirs self.compiler.include_dirs = include_dirs + self.compiler.include_dirs # # look for available libraries class feature: zlib = jpeg = tiff = freetype = tcl = tk = lcms = None feature = feature() if find_include_file(self, "zlib.h"): if find_library_file(self, "z"): feature.zlib = "z" elif sys.platform == "win32" and find_library_file(self, "zlib"): feature.zlib = "zlib" # alternative name if find_include_file(self, "jpeglib.h"): if find_library_file(self, "jpeg"): feature.jpeg = "jpeg" elif sys.platform == "win32" and find_library_file(self, "libjpeg"): feature.jpeg = "libjpeg" # alternative name if find_library_file(self, "tiff"): feature.tiff = "tiff" if find_library_file(self, "freetype"): # look for freetype2 include files freetype_version = 0 for dir in self.compiler.include_dirs: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, "ft2build.h")): freetype_version = 21 dir = os.path.join(dir, "freetype2") break dir = os.path.join(dir, "freetype2") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, "ft2build.h")): freetype_version = 21 break if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir, "freetype")): freetype_version = 20 break if freetype_version: feature.freetype = "freetype" feature.freetype_version = freetype_version if dir: add_directory(self.compiler.include_dirs, dir, 0) if find_include_file(self, "lcms.h"): if find_library_file(self, "lcms"): feature.lcms = "lcms" if _tkinter and find_include_file(self, "tk.h"): # the library names may vary somewhat (e.g. tcl84 or tcl8.4) version = TCL_VERSION[0] + TCL_VERSION[2] if find_library_file(self, "tcl" + version): feature.tcl = "tcl" + version elif find_library_file(self, "tcl" + TCL_VERSION): feature.tcl = "tcl" + TCL_VERSION if find_library_file(self, "tk" + version): feature.tk = "tk" + version elif find_library_file(self, "tk" + TCL_VERSION): feature.tk = "tk" + TCL_VERSION # # core library files = ["_imaging.c"] for file in IMAGING: files.append(file + ".c") for file in LIBIMAGING: files.append(os.path.join("libImaging", file + ".c")) libs = [] defs = [] if feature.jpeg: libs.append(feature.jpeg) defs.append(("HAVE_LIBJPEG", None)) if feature.zlib: libs.append(feature.zlib) defs.append(("HAVE_LIBZ", None)) if sys.platform == "win32": libs.extend(["kernel32", "user32", "gdi32"]) if struct.unpack("h", "\0\1")[0] == 1: defs.append(("WORDS_BIGENDIAN", None)) exts = [(Extension( "_imaging", files, libraries=libs, define_macros=defs ))] # # additional libraries if feature.freetype: defs = [] if feature.freetype_version == 20: defs.append(("USE_FREETYPE_2_0", None)) exts.append(Extension( "_imagingft", ["_imagingft.c"], libraries=["freetype"], define_macros=defs )) if os.path.isfile("_imagingtiff.c") and feature.tiff: exts.append(Extension( "_imagingtiff", ["_imagingtiff.c"], libraries=["tiff"] )) if os.path.isfile("_imagingcms.c") and feature.lcms: extra = [] if sys.platform == "win32": extra.extend(["user32", "gdi32"]) exts.append(Extension( "_imagingcms", ["_imagingcms.c"], libraries=["lcms"] + extra )) if sys.platform == "darwin": # locate Tcl/Tk frameworks frameworks = [] framework_roots = [ "/Library/Frameworks", "/System/Library/Frameworks" ] for root in framework_roots: if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, "Tcl.framework")) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, "Tk.framework"))): print "--- using frameworks at", root frameworks = ["-framework", "Tcl", "-framework", "Tk"] dir = os.path.join(root, "Tcl.framework", "Headers") add_directory(self.compiler.include_dirs, dir, 0) dir = os.path.join(root, "Tk.framework", "Headers") add_directory(self.compiler.include_dirs, dir, 1) break if frameworks: exts.append(Extension( "_imagingtk", ["_imagingtk.c", "Tk/tkImaging.c"], extra_compile_args=frameworks, extra_link_args=frameworks )) feature.tcl = feature.tk = 1 # mark as present elif feature.tcl and feature.tk: exts.append(Extension( "_imagingtk", ["_imagingtk.c", "Tk/tkImaging.c"], libraries=[feature.tcl, feature.tk] )) if os.path.isfile("_imagingmath.c"): exts.append(Extension("_imagingmath", ["_imagingmath.c"])) self.extensions[:] = exts build_ext.build_extensions(self) # # sanity and security checks unsafe_zlib = None if feature.zlib: unsafe_zlib = self.check_zlib_version(self.compiler.include_dirs) self.summary_report(feature, unsafe_zlib) def summary_report(self, feature, unsafe_zlib): print "-" * 68 print "PIL", VERSION, "SETUP SUMMARY" print "-" * 68 print "version ", VERSION v = string.split(sys.version, "[") print "platform ", sys.platform, string.strip(v[0]) for v in v[1:]: print " ", string.strip("[" + v) print "-" * 68 options = [ (feature.tcl and feature.tk, "TKINTER"), (feature.jpeg, "JPEG"), (feature.zlib, "ZLIB (PNG/ZIP)"), # (feature.tiff, "experimental TIFF G3/G4 read"), (feature.freetype, "FREETYPE2"), (feature.lcms, "LITTLECMS"), ] all = 1 for option in options: if option[0]: print "---", option[1], "support available" else: print "***", option[1], "support not available", if option[1] == "TKINTER" and _tkinter: version = _tkinter.TCL_VERSION print "(Tcl/Tk %s libraries needed)" % version, print all = 0 if feature.zlib and unsafe_zlib: print print "*** Warning: zlib", unsafe_zlib, print "may contain a security vulnerability." print "*** Consider upgrading to zlib 1.2.3 or newer." print "*** See: http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/238678" print " http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/680620" print " http://www.gzip.org/zlib/advisory-2002-03-11.txt" print print "-" * 68 if not all: print "To add a missing option, make sure you have the required" print "library, and set the corresponding ROOT variable in the" print "setup.py script." print print "To check the build, run the selftest.py script." def check_zlib_version(self, include_dirs): # look for unsafe versions of zlib for dir in include_dirs: zlibfile = os.path.join(dir, "zlib.h") if os.path.isfile(zlibfile): break else: return for line in open(zlibfile).readlines(): m = re.match('#define\s+ZLIB_VERSION\s+"([^"]*)"', line) if not m: continue if m.group(1) < "1.2.3": return m.group(1) # # build! if __name__ == "__main__": try: # add necessary to distutils (for backwards compatibility) from distutils.dist import DistributionMetadata DistributionMetadata.classifiers = None DistributionMetadata.download_url = None DistributionMetadata.platforms = None except: pass setup( author=AUTHOR[0], author_email=AUTHOR[1], classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 6 - Mature", "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics", "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera", "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Scanners", "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Screen Capture", "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion", "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers", ], cmdclass = {"build_ext": pil_build_ext}, description=DESCRIPTION, # download_url=DOWNLOAD_URL % (NAME, VERSION), ext_modules = [Extension("_imaging", ["_imaging.c"])], # dummy extra_path = "PIL", license="Python (MIT style)", # long_description=DESCRIPTION, long_description=open("README.txt").read() + "\n" + open(os.path.join("docs", "INSTALL.txt")).read() + open(os.path.join("docs", "HISTORY.txt")).read(), name=NAME, packages=find_packages(), setup_requires=["setuptools_hg"], platforms="Python 1.5.2 and later.", scripts = glob.glob("Scripts/pil*.py"), url=HOMEPAGE, version=VERSION, )