from __future__ import print_function from helper import unittest, PillowTestCase, hopper from PIL import Image try: import site import numpy except ImportError: # Skip via setUp() pass class TestNumpy(PillowTestCase): def setUp(self): try: import site import numpy except ImportError: self.skipTest("ImportError") def test_numpy_to_image(self): def to_image(dtype, bands=1, boolean=0): if bands == 1: if boolean: data = [0, 1] * 50 else: data = list(range(100)) a = numpy.array(data, dtype=dtype) a.shape = 10, 10 i = Image.fromarray(a) if list(i.getdata()) != data: print("data mismatch for", dtype) else: data = list(range(100)) a = numpy.array([[x]*bands for x in data], dtype=dtype) a.shape = 10, 10, bands i = Image.fromarray(a) if list(i.split()[0].getdata()) != list(range(100)): print("data mismatch for", dtype) # print dtype, list(i.getdata()) return i # self.assert_image(to_image(numpy.bool, boolean=1), "1", (10, 10)) # self.assert_image(to_image(numpy.bool8, boolean=1), "1", (10, 10)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: to_image(numpy.uint)) self.assert_image(to_image(numpy.uint8), "L", (10, 10)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: to_image(numpy.uint16)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: to_image(numpy.uint32)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: to_image(numpy.uint64)) self.assert_image(to_image(numpy.int8), "I", (10, 10)) if Image._ENDIAN == '<': # Little endian self.assert_image(to_image(numpy.int16), "I;16", (10, 10)) else: self.assert_image(to_image(numpy.int16), "I;16B", (10, 10)) self.assert_image(to_image(numpy.int32), "I", (10, 10)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: to_image(numpy.int64)) self.assert_image(to_image(numpy.float), "F", (10, 10)) self.assert_image(to_image(numpy.float32), "F", (10, 10)) self.assert_image(to_image(numpy.float64), "F", (10, 10)) self.assert_image(to_image(numpy.uint8, 3), "RGB", (10, 10)) self.assert_image(to_image(numpy.uint8, 4), "RGBA", (10, 10)) # based on an erring example at # def test_3d_array(self): a = numpy.ones((10, 10, 10), dtype=numpy.uint8) self.assert_image(Image.fromarray(a[1, :, :]), "L", (10, 10)) self.assert_image(Image.fromarray(a[:, 1, :]), "L", (10, 10)) self.assert_image(Image.fromarray(a[:, :, 1]), "L", (10, 10)) def _test_img_equals_nparray(self, img, np): np_size = np.shape[1], np.shape[0] self.assertEqual(img.size, np_size) px = img.load() for x in range(0, img.size[0], int(img.size[0]/10)): for y in range(0, img.size[1], int(img.size[1]/10)): self.assert_deep_equal(px[x, y], np[y, x]) def test_16bit(self): img ='Tests/images/16bit.cropped.tif') np_img = numpy.array(img) self._test_img_equals_nparray(img, np_img) self.assertEqual(np_img.dtype, numpy.dtype('<u2')) def test_to_array(self): def _to_array(mode, dtype): img = hopper(mode) # Resize to non-square img = img.crop((3, 0, 124, 127)) self.assertEqual(img.size, (121, 127)) np_img = numpy.array(img) self._test_img_equals_nparray(img, np_img) self.assertEqual(np_img.dtype, numpy.dtype(dtype)) modes = [("L", 'uint8'), ("I", 'int32'), ("F", 'float32'), ("RGB", 'uint8'), ("RGBA", 'uint8'), ("RGBX", 'uint8'), ("CMYK", 'uint8'), ("YCbCr", 'uint8'), ("I;16", '<u2'), ("I;16B", '>u2'), ("I;16L", '<u2'), ("HSV", 'uint8'), ] for mode in modes: _to_array(*mode) def test_point_lut(self): # see data = list(range(256))*3 lut = numpy.array(data, dtype='uint8') im = hopper() im.point(lut) def test_putdata(self): # shouldn't segfault # see im ='F', (150, 100)) arr = numpy.zeros((15000,), numpy.float32) im.putdata(arr) self.assertEqual(len(im.getdata()), len(arr)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() # End of file