/* * The Python Imaging Library * $Id$ * * declarations for the OpenJPEG codec interface. * * Copyright (c) 2014 by Coriolis Systems Limited * Copyright (c) 2014 by Alastair Houghton */ #include /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Decoder */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { /* CONFIGURATION */ /* File descriptor, if available; otherwise, -1 */ int fd; /* Specify the desired format */ OPJ_CODEC_FORMAT format; /* Set to divide image resolution by 2**reduce. */ int reduce; /* Set to limit the number of quality layers to decode (0 = all layers) */ int layers; /* PRIVATE CONTEXT (set by decoder) */ const char *error_msg; ImagingIncrementalCodec decoder; } JPEG2KDECODESTATE; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Encoder */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct { /* CONFIGURATION */ /* File descriptor, if available; otherwise, -1 */ int fd; /* Specify the desired format */ OPJ_CODEC_FORMAT format; /* Image offset */ int offset_x, offset_y; /* Tile information */ int tile_offset_x, tile_offset_y; int tile_size_x, tile_size_y; /* Quality layers (a sequence of numbers giving *either* rates or dB) */ int quality_is_in_db; PyObject *quality_layers; /* Number of resolutions (DWT decompositions + 1 */ int num_resolutions; /* Code block size */ int cblk_width, cblk_height; /* Precinct size */ int precinct_width, precinct_height; /* Compression style */ int irreversible; /* Progression order (LRCP/RLCP/RPCL/PCRL/CPRL) */ OPJ_PROG_ORDER progression; /* Cinema mode */ OPJ_CINEMA_MODE cinema_mode; /* PRIVATE CONTEXT (set by decoder) */ const char *error_msg; ImagingIncrementalCodec encoder; } JPEG2KENCODESTATE; /* * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset: 4 * End: * */