# > pyroma . # ------------------------------ # Checking . # Found Pillow # ------------------------------ # Final rating: 10/10 # Your cheese is so fresh most people think it's a cream: Mascarpone # ------------------------------ from __future__ import annotations import os import re import shutil import struct import subprocess import sys import warnings from collections.abc import Iterator from typing import Any from setuptools import Extension, setup from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext def get_version() -> str: version_file = "src/PIL/_version.py" with open(version_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: return f.read().split('"')[1] configuration: dict[str, list[str]] = {} PILLOW_VERSION = get_version() AVIF_ROOT = None FREETYPE_ROOT = None HARFBUZZ_ROOT = None FRIBIDI_ROOT = None IMAGEQUANT_ROOT = None JPEG2K_ROOT = None JPEG_ROOT = None LCMS_ROOT = None RAQM_ROOT = None TIFF_ROOT = None WEBP_ROOT = None ZLIB_ROOT = None FUZZING_BUILD = "LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE" in os.environ if sys.platform == "win32" and sys.version_info >= (3, 14): import atexit atexit.register( lambda: warnings.warn( f"Pillow {PILLOW_VERSION} does not support Python " f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor} and does not provide " "prebuilt Windows binaries. We do not recommend building from source on " "Windows.", RuntimeWarning, ) ) _IMAGING = ("decode", "encode", "map", "display", "outline", "path") _LIB_IMAGING = ( "Access", "AlphaComposite", "Resample", "Reduce", "Bands", "BcnDecode", "BitDecode", "Blend", "Chops", "ColorLUT", "Convert", "ConvertYCbCr", "Copy", "Crop", "Dib", "Draw", "Effects", "EpsEncode", "File", "Fill", "Filter", "FliDecode", "Geometry", "GetBBox", "GifDecode", "GifEncode", "HexDecode", "Histo", "JpegDecode", "JpegEncode", "Matrix", "ModeFilter", "Negative", "Offset", "Pack", "PackDecode", "Palette", "Paste", "Quant", "QuantOctree", "QuantHash", "QuantHeap", "PcdDecode", "PcxDecode", "PcxEncode", "Point", "RankFilter", "RawDecode", "RawEncode", "Storage", "SgiRleDecode", "SunRleDecode", "TgaRleDecode", "TgaRleEncode", "Unpack", "UnpackYCC", "UnsharpMask", "XbmDecode", "XbmEncode", "ZipDecode", "ZipEncode", "TiffDecode", "Jpeg2KDecode", "Jpeg2KEncode", "BoxBlur", "QuantPngQuant", "codec_fd", ) DEBUG = False class DependencyException(Exception): pass class RequiredDependencyException(Exception): pass PLATFORM_MINGW = os.name == "nt" and "GCC" in sys.version def _dbg(s: str, tp: Any = None) -> None: if DEBUG: if tp: print(s % tp) return print(s) def _find_library_dirs_ldconfig() -> list[str]: # Based on ctypes.util from Python 2 ldconfig = "ldconfig" if shutil.which("ldconfig") else "/sbin/ldconfig" args: list[str] env: dict[str, str] expr: str if sys.platform.startswith("linux") or sys.platform.startswith("gnu"): if struct.calcsize("l") == 4: machine = os.uname()[4] + "-32" else: machine = os.uname()[4] + "-64" mach_map = { "x86_64-64": "libc6,x86-64", "ppc64-64": "libc6,64bit", "sparc64-64": "libc6,64bit", "s390x-64": "libc6,64bit", "ia64-64": "libc6,IA-64", } abi_type = mach_map.get(machine, "libc6") # Assuming GLIBC's ldconfig (with option -p) # Alpine Linux uses musl that can't print cache args = [ldconfig, "-p"] expr = rf".*\({abi_type}.*\) => (.*)" env = dict(os.environ) env["LC_ALL"] = "C" env["LANG"] = "C" elif sys.platform.startswith("freebsd"): args = [ldconfig, "-r"] expr = r".* => (.*)" env = {} try: p = subprocess.Popen( args, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env, text=True ) except OSError: # E.g. command not found return [] data = p.communicate()[0] dirs = [] for dll in re.findall(expr, data): dir = os.path.dirname(dll) if dir not in dirs: dirs.append(dir) return dirs def _add_directory( path: list[str], subdir: str | None, where: int | None = None ) -> None: if subdir is None: return subdir = os.path.realpath(subdir) if os.path.isdir(subdir) and subdir not in path: if where is None: _dbg("Appending path %s", subdir) path.append(subdir) else: _dbg("Inserting path %s", subdir) path.insert(where, subdir) elif subdir in path and where is not None: path.remove(subdir) path.insert(where, subdir) def _find_include_file(self: pil_build_ext, include: str) -> int: for directory in self.compiler.include_dirs: _dbg("Checking for include file %s in %s", (include, directory)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, include)): _dbg("Found %s", include) return 1 return 0 def _find_library_file(self: pil_build_ext, library: str) -> str | None: ret = self.compiler.find_library_file(self.compiler.library_dirs, library) if ret: _dbg("Found library %s at %s", (library, ret)) else: _dbg("Couldn't find library %s in %s", (library, self.compiler.library_dirs)) return ret def _find_include_dir(self: pil_build_ext, dirname: str, include: str) -> bool | str: for directory in self.compiler.include_dirs: _dbg("Checking for include file %s in %s", (include, directory)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, include)): _dbg("Found %s in %s", (include, directory)) return True subdir = os.path.join(directory, dirname) _dbg("Checking for include file %s in %s", (include, subdir)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(subdir, include)): _dbg("Found %s in %s", (include, subdir)) return subdir return False def _cmd_exists(cmd: str) -> bool: if "PATH" not in os.environ: return False return any( os.access(os.path.join(path, cmd), os.X_OK) for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep) ) def _pkg_config(name: str) -> tuple[list[str], list[str]] | None: command = os.environ.get("PKG_CONFIG", "pkg-config") for keep_system in (True, False): try: command_libs = [command, "--libs-only-L", name] command_cflags = [command, "--cflags-only-I", name] stderr = None if keep_system: command_libs.append("--keep-system-libs") command_cflags.append("--keep-system-cflags") stderr = subprocess.DEVNULL if not DEBUG: command_libs.append("--silence-errors") command_cflags.append("--silence-errors") libs = re.split( r"(^|\s+)-L", subprocess.check_output(command_libs, stderr=stderr) .decode("utf8") .strip(), )[::2][1:] cflags = re.split( r"(^|\s+)-I", subprocess.check_output(command_cflags).decode("utf8").strip(), )[::2][1:] return libs, cflags except Exception: pass return None class pil_build_ext(build_ext): class ext_feature: features = [ "zlib", "jpeg", "tiff", "freetype", "raqm", "lcms", "webp", "jpeg2000", "imagequant", "xcb", "avif", ] required = {"jpeg", "zlib"} vendor: set[str] = set() def __init__(self) -> None: self._settings: dict[str, str | bool | None] = {} for f in self.features: self.set(f, None) def require(self, feat: str) -> bool: return feat in self.required def get(self, feat: str) -> str | bool | None: return self._settings[feat] def set(self, feat: str, value: str | bool | None) -> None: self._settings[feat] = value def want(self, feat: str) -> bool: return self._settings[feat] is None def want_vendor(self, feat: str) -> bool: return feat in self.vendor def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: yield from self.features feature = ext_feature() user_options = ( build_ext.user_options + [(f"disable-{x}", None, f"Disable support for {x}") for x in feature] + [(f"enable-{x}", None, f"Enable support for {x}") for x in feature] + [ (f"vendor-{x}", None, f"Use vendored version of {x}") for x in ("raqm", "fribidi") ] + [ ("disable-platform-guessing", None, "Disable platform guessing"), ("debug", None, "Debug logging"), ] + [("add-imaging-libs=", None, "Add libs to _imaging build")] ) @staticmethod def check_configuration(option: str, value: str) -> bool | None: return True if value in configuration.get(option, []) else None def initialize_options(self) -> None: self.disable_platform_guessing = self.check_configuration( "platform-guessing", "disable" ) self.add_imaging_libs = "" build_ext.initialize_options(self) for x in self.feature: setattr(self, f"disable_{x}", self.check_configuration(x, "disable")) setattr(self, f"enable_{x}", self.check_configuration(x, "enable")) for x in ("raqm", "fribidi"): setattr(self, f"vendor_{x}", self.check_configuration(x, "vendor")) if self.check_configuration("debug", "true"): self.debug = True self.parallel = configuration.get("parallel", [None])[-1] def finalize_options(self) -> None: build_ext.finalize_options(self) if self.debug: global DEBUG DEBUG = True if not self.parallel: # If --parallel (or -j) wasn't specified, we want to reproduce the same # behavior as before, that is, auto-detect the number of jobs. self.parallel = None cpu_count = os.cpu_count() if cpu_count is not None: try: self.parallel = int( os.environ.get("MAX_CONCURRENCY", min(4, cpu_count)) ) except TypeError: pass for x in self.feature: if getattr(self, f"disable_{x}"): self.feature.set(x, False) self.feature.required.discard(x) _dbg("Disabling %s", x) if getattr(self, f"enable_{x}"): msg = f"Conflicting options: '-C {x}=enable' and '-C {x}=disable'" raise ValueError(msg) if x == "freetype": _dbg("'-C freetype=disable' implies '-C raqm=disable'") if getattr(self, "enable_raqm"): msg = ( "Conflicting options: " "'-C raqm=enable' and '-C freetype=disable'" ) raise ValueError(msg) setattr(self, "disable_raqm", True) if getattr(self, f"enable_{x}"): _dbg("Requiring %s", x) self.feature.required.add(x) if x == "raqm": _dbg("'-C raqm=enable' implies '-C freetype=enable'") self.feature.required.add("freetype") for x in ("raqm", "fribidi"): if getattr(self, f"vendor_{x}"): if getattr(self, "disable_raqm"): msg = f"Conflicting options: '-C {x}=vendor' and '-C raqm=disable'" raise ValueError(msg) if x == "fribidi" and not getattr(self, "vendor_raqm"): msg = ( f"Conflicting options: '-C {x}=vendor' and not '-C raqm=vendor'" ) raise ValueError(msg) _dbg("Using vendored version of %s", x) self.feature.vendor.add(x) def _update_extension( self, name: str, libraries: list[str] | list[str | bool | None], define_macros: list[tuple[str, str | None]] | None = None, sources: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: for extension in self.extensions: if extension.name == name: extension.libraries += libraries if define_macros is not None: extension.define_macros += define_macros if sources is not None: extension.sources += sources if FUZZING_BUILD: extension.language = "c++" extension.extra_link_args = ["--stdlib=libc++"] break def _remove_extension(self, name: str) -> None: for extension in self.extensions: if extension.name == name: self.extensions.remove(extension) break def get_macos_sdk_path(self) -> str | None: try: sdk_path = ( subprocess.check_output(["xcrun", "--show-sdk-path", "--sdk", "macosx"]) .strip() .decode("latin1") ) except Exception: sdk_path = None if ( not sdk_path or sdk_path == "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer" "/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk" ): commandlinetools_sdk_path = ( "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk" ) if os.path.exists(commandlinetools_sdk_path): sdk_path = commandlinetools_sdk_path return sdk_path def build_extensions(self) -> None: library_dirs: list[str] = [] include_dirs: list[str] = [] pkg_config = None if _cmd_exists(os.environ.get("PKG_CONFIG", "pkg-config")): pkg_config = _pkg_config # # add configured kits for root_name, lib_name in { "AVIF_ROOT": "avif", "JPEG_ROOT": "libjpeg", "JPEG2K_ROOT": "libopenjp2", "TIFF_ROOT": ("libtiff-5", "libtiff-4"), "ZLIB_ROOT": "zlib", "FREETYPE_ROOT": "freetype2", "HARFBUZZ_ROOT": "harfbuzz", "FRIBIDI_ROOT": "fribidi", "RAQM_ROOT": "raqm", "WEBP_ROOT": "libwebp", "LCMS_ROOT": "lcms2", "IMAGEQUANT_ROOT": "libimagequant", }.items(): root = globals()[root_name] if root is None and root_name in os.environ: root_prefix = os.environ[root_name] root = ( os.path.join(root_prefix, "lib"), os.path.join(root_prefix, "include"), ) if root is None and pkg_config: if isinstance(lib_name, str): _dbg(f"Looking for `{lib_name}` using pkg-config.") root = pkg_config(lib_name) else: for lib_name2 in lib_name: _dbg(f"Looking for `{lib_name2}` using pkg-config.") root = pkg_config(lib_name2) if root: break if isinstance(root, tuple): lib_root, include_root = root else: lib_root = include_root = root if lib_root is not None: if not isinstance(lib_root, (tuple, list)): lib_root = (lib_root,) for lib_dir in lib_root: _add_directory(library_dirs, lib_dir) if include_root is not None: if not isinstance(include_root, (tuple, list)): include_root = (include_root,) for include_dir in include_root: _add_directory(include_dirs, include_dir) # respect CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS/LDFLAGS for k in ("CFLAGS", "CPPFLAGS", "LDFLAGS"): if k in os.environ: for match in re.finditer(r"-I([^\s]+)", os.environ[k]): _add_directory(include_dirs, match.group(1)) for match in re.finditer(r"-L([^\s]+)", os.environ[k]): _add_directory(library_dirs, match.group(1)) # include, rpath, if set as environment variables: for k in ("C_INCLUDE_PATH", "CPATH", "INCLUDE"): if k in os.environ: for d in os.environ[k].split(os.path.pathsep): _add_directory(include_dirs, d) for k in ("LD_RUN_PATH", "LIBRARY_PATH", "LIB"): if k in os.environ: for d in os.environ[k].split(os.path.pathsep): _add_directory(library_dirs, d) _add_directory(library_dirs, os.path.join(sys.prefix, "lib")) _add_directory(include_dirs, os.path.join(sys.prefix, "include")) # # add platform directories if self.disable_platform_guessing: pass elif sys.platform == "cygwin": # pythonX.Y.dll.a is in the /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/config directory self.compiler.shared_lib_extension = ".dll.a" _add_directory( library_dirs, os.path.join( "/usr/lib", "python{}.{}".format(*sys.version_info), "config" ), ) elif sys.platform == "darwin": # attempt to make sure we pick freetype2 over other versions _add_directory(include_dirs, "/sw/include/freetype2") _add_directory(include_dirs, "/sw/lib/freetype2/include") # fink installation directories _add_directory(library_dirs, "/sw/lib") _add_directory(include_dirs, "/sw/include") # darwin ports installation directories _add_directory(library_dirs, "/opt/local/lib") _add_directory(include_dirs, "/opt/local/include") # if Homebrew is installed, use its lib and include directories try: prefix = ( subprocess.check_output(["brew", "--prefix"]) .strip() .decode("latin1") ) except Exception: # Homebrew not installed prefix = None ft_prefix = None if prefix: # add Homebrew's include and lib directories _add_directory(library_dirs, os.path.join(prefix, "lib")) _add_directory(include_dirs, os.path.join(prefix, "include")) _add_directory( include_dirs, os.path.join(prefix, "opt", "zlib", "include") ) ft_prefix = os.path.join(prefix, "opt", "freetype") if ft_prefix and os.path.isdir(ft_prefix): # freetype might not be linked into Homebrew's prefix _add_directory(library_dirs, os.path.join(ft_prefix, "lib")) _add_directory(include_dirs, os.path.join(ft_prefix, "include")) else: # fall back to freetype from XQuartz if # Homebrew's freetype is missing _add_directory(library_dirs, "/usr/X11/lib") _add_directory(include_dirs, "/usr/X11/include") # Add the macOS SDK path. sdk_path = self.get_macos_sdk_path() if sdk_path: _add_directory(library_dirs, os.path.join(sdk_path, "usr", "lib")) _add_directory(include_dirs, os.path.join(sdk_path, "usr", "include")) for extension in self.extensions: extension.extra_compile_args = ["-Wno-nullability-completeness"] elif ( sys.platform.startswith("linux") or sys.platform.startswith("gnu") or sys.platform.startswith("freebsd") ): for dirname in _find_library_dirs_ldconfig(): _add_directory(library_dirs, dirname) if sys.platform.startswith("linux") and os.environ.get("ANDROID_ROOT"): # termux support for android. # system libraries (zlib) are installed in /system/lib # headers are at $PREFIX/include # user libs are at $PREFIX/lib _add_directory( library_dirs, os.path.join( os.environ["ANDROID_ROOT"], "lib" if struct.calcsize("l") == 4 else "lib64", ), ) elif sys.platform.startswith("netbsd"): _add_directory(library_dirs, "/usr/pkg/lib") _add_directory(include_dirs, "/usr/pkg/include") elif sys.platform.startswith("sunos5"): _add_directory(library_dirs, "/opt/local/lib") _add_directory(include_dirs, "/opt/local/include") # FIXME: check /opt/stuff directories here? # standard locations if not self.disable_platform_guessing: _add_directory(library_dirs, "/usr/local/lib") _add_directory(include_dirs, "/usr/local/include") _add_directory(library_dirs, "/usr/lib") _add_directory(include_dirs, "/usr/include") # alpine, at least _add_directory(library_dirs, "/lib") if sys.platform == "win32": # on Windows, look for the OpenJPEG libraries in the location that # the official installer puts them program_files = os.environ.get("ProgramFiles", "") best_version = (0, 0) best_path = None for name in os.listdir(program_files): if name.startswith("OpenJPEG "): version = tuple(int(x) for x in name[9:].strip().split(".")) if version > best_version: best_version = version best_path = os.path.join(program_files, name) if best_path: _dbg("Adding %s to search list", best_path) _add_directory(library_dirs, os.path.join(best_path, "lib")) _add_directory(include_dirs, os.path.join(best_path, "include")) # # insert new dirs *before* default libs, to avoid conflicts # between Python PYD stub libs and real libraries self.compiler.library_dirs = library_dirs + self.compiler.library_dirs self.compiler.include_dirs = include_dirs + self.compiler.include_dirs # # look for available libraries feature = self.feature if feature.want("zlib"): _dbg("Looking for zlib") if _find_include_file(self, "zlib.h"): if _find_library_file(self, "z"): feature.set("zlib", "z") elif sys.platform == "win32" and _find_library_file(self, "zlib"): feature.set("zlib", "zlib") # alternative name elif sys.platform == "win32" and _find_library_file(self, "zdll"): feature.set("zlib", "zdll") # dll import library if feature.want("jpeg"): _dbg("Looking for jpeg") if _find_include_file(self, "jpeglib.h"): if _find_library_file(self, "jpeg"): feature.set("jpeg", "jpeg") elif sys.platform == "win32" and _find_library_file(self, "libjpeg"): feature.set("jpeg", "libjpeg") # alternative name feature.set("openjpeg_version", None) if feature.want("jpeg2000"): _dbg("Looking for jpeg2000") best_version: tuple[int, ...] | None = None best_path = None # Find the best version for directory in self.compiler.include_dirs: _dbg("Checking for openjpeg-#.# in %s", directory) try: listdir = os.listdir(directory) except Exception: # OSError, FileNotFoundError continue for name in listdir: if name.startswith("openjpeg-") and os.path.isfile( os.path.join(directory, name, "openjpeg.h") ): _dbg("Found openjpeg.h in %s/%s", (directory, name)) version = tuple(int(x) for x in name[9:].split(".")) if best_version is None or version > best_version: best_version = version best_path = os.path.join(directory, name) _dbg( "Best openjpeg version %s so far in %s", (best_version, best_path), ) if best_version and _find_library_file(self, "openjp2"): # Add the directory to the include path so we can include # rather than having to cope with the versioned # include path _add_directory(self.compiler.include_dirs, best_path, 0) feature.set("jpeg2000", "openjp2") feature.set("openjpeg_version", ".".join(str(x) for x in best_version)) if feature.want("imagequant"): _dbg("Looking for imagequant") if _find_include_file(self, "libimagequant.h"): if _find_library_file(self, "imagequant"): feature.set("imagequant", "imagequant") elif _find_library_file(self, "libimagequant"): feature.set("imagequant", "libimagequant") if feature.want("tiff"): _dbg("Looking for tiff") if _find_include_file(self, "tiff.h"): if _find_library_file(self, "tiff"): feature.set("tiff", "tiff") if sys.platform in ["win32", "darwin"] and _find_library_file( self, "libtiff" ): feature.set("tiff", "libtiff") if feature.want("freetype"): _dbg("Looking for freetype") if _find_library_file(self, "freetype"): # look for freetype2 include files freetype_version = 0 for subdir in self.compiler.include_dirs: _dbg("Checking for include file %s in %s", ("ft2build.h", subdir)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(subdir, "ft2build.h")): _dbg("Found %s in %s", ("ft2build.h", subdir)) freetype_version = 21 subdir = os.path.join(subdir, "freetype2") break subdir = os.path.join(subdir, "freetype2") _dbg("Checking for include file %s in %s", ("ft2build.h", subdir)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(subdir, "ft2build.h")): _dbg("Found %s in %s", ("ft2build.h", subdir)) freetype_version = 21 break if freetype_version: feature.set("freetype", "freetype") if subdir: _add_directory(self.compiler.include_dirs, subdir, 0) if feature.get("freetype") and feature.want("raqm"): if not feature.want_vendor("raqm"): # want system Raqm _dbg("Looking for Raqm") if _find_include_file(self, "raqm.h"): if _find_library_file(self, "raqm"): feature.set("raqm", "raqm") elif _find_library_file(self, "libraqm"): feature.set("raqm", "libraqm") else: # want to build Raqm from src/thirdparty _dbg("Looking for HarfBuzz") feature.set("harfbuzz", None) hb_dir = _find_include_dir(self, "harfbuzz", "hb.h") if hb_dir: if isinstance(hb_dir, str): _add_directory(self.compiler.include_dirs, hb_dir, 0) if _find_library_file(self, "harfbuzz"): feature.set("harfbuzz", "harfbuzz") if feature.get("harfbuzz"): if not feature.want_vendor("fribidi"): # want system FriBiDi _dbg("Looking for FriBiDi") feature.set("fribidi", None) fribidi_dir = _find_include_dir(self, "fribidi", "fribidi.h") if fribidi_dir: if isinstance(fribidi_dir, str): _add_directory( self.compiler.include_dirs, fribidi_dir, 0 ) if _find_library_file(self, "fribidi"): feature.set("fribidi", "fribidi") feature.set("raqm", True) else: # want to build FriBiDi shim from src/thirdparty feature.set("raqm", True) if feature.want("lcms"): _dbg("Looking for lcms") if _find_include_file(self, "lcms2.h"): if _find_library_file(self, "lcms2"): feature.set("lcms", "lcms2") elif _find_library_file(self, "lcms2_static"): # alternate Windows name. feature.set("lcms", "lcms2_static") if feature.want("webp"): _dbg("Looking for webp") if all( _find_include_file(self, "webp/" + include) for include in ("encode.h", "decode.h", "mux.h", "demux.h") ): # In Google's precompiled zip it is called "libwebp" for prefix in ("", "lib"): if all( _find_library_file(self, prefix + library) for library in ("webp", "webpmux", "webpdemux") ): feature.set("webp", prefix + "webp") break if feature.want("xcb"): _dbg("Looking for xcb") if _find_include_file(self, "xcb/xcb.h"): if _find_library_file(self, "xcb"): feature.set("xcb", "xcb") if feature.want("avif"): _dbg("Looking for avif") if _find_include_file(self, "avif/avif.h"): if _find_library_file(self, "avif"): feature.set("avif", "avif") for f in feature: if not feature.get(f) and feature.require(f): if f in ("jpeg", "zlib"): raise RequiredDependencyException(f) raise DependencyException(f) # # core library libs: list[str | bool | None] = [] libs.extend(self.add_imaging_libs.split()) defs: list[tuple[str, str | None]] = [] if feature.get("tiff"): libs.append(feature.get("tiff")) defs.append(("HAVE_LIBTIFF", None)) if sys.platform == "win32": # This define needs to be defined if-and-only-if it was defined # when compiling LibTIFF. LibTIFF doesn't expose it in `tiffconf.h`, # so we have to guess; by default it is defined in all Windows builds. # See #4237, #5243, #5359 for more information. defs.append(("USE_WIN32_FILEIO", None)) if feature.get("jpeg"): libs.append(feature.get("jpeg")) defs.append(("HAVE_LIBJPEG", None)) if feature.get("jpeg2000"): libs.append(feature.get("jpeg2000")) defs.append(("HAVE_OPENJPEG", None)) if sys.platform == "win32" and not PLATFORM_MINGW: defs.append(("OPJ_STATIC", None)) if feature.get("zlib"): libs.append(feature.get("zlib")) defs.append(("HAVE_LIBZ", None)) if feature.get("imagequant"): libs.append(feature.get("imagequant")) defs.append(("HAVE_LIBIMAGEQUANT", None)) if feature.get("xcb"): libs.append(feature.get("xcb")) defs.append(("HAVE_XCB", None)) if sys.platform == "win32": libs.extend(["kernel32", "user32", "gdi32"]) if struct.unpack("h", b"\0\1")[0] == 1: defs.append(("WORDS_BIGENDIAN", None)) defs.append(("PILLOW_VERSION", f'"{PILLOW_VERSION}"')) self._update_extension("PIL._imaging", libs, defs) # # additional libraries if feature.get("freetype"): srcs = [] libs = ["freetype"] defs = [] if feature.get("raqm"): if not feature.want_vendor("raqm"): # using system Raqm defs.append(("HAVE_RAQM", None)) defs.append(("HAVE_RAQM_SYSTEM", None)) libs.append(feature.get("raqm")) else: # building Raqm from src/thirdparty defs.append(("HAVE_RAQM", None)) srcs.append("src/thirdparty/raqm/raqm.c") libs.append(feature.get("harfbuzz")) if not feature.want_vendor("fribidi"): # using system FriBiDi defs.append(("HAVE_FRIBIDI_SYSTEM", None)) libs.append(feature.get("fribidi")) else: # building FriBiDi shim from src/thirdparty srcs.append("src/thirdparty/fribidi-shim/fribidi.c") self._update_extension("PIL._imagingft", libs, defs, srcs) else: self._remove_extension("PIL._imagingft") if feature.get("lcms"): libs = [feature.get("lcms")] if sys.platform == "win32": libs.extend(["user32", "gdi32"]) self._update_extension("PIL._imagingcms", libs) else: self._remove_extension("PIL._imagingcms") webp = feature.get("webp") if isinstance(webp, str): libs = [webp, webp + "mux", webp + "demux"] self._update_extension("PIL._webp", libs) else: self._remove_extension("PIL._webp") if feature.get("avif"): libs = [feature.get("avif")] if sys.platform == "win32": libs.extend(["ntdll", "userenv", "ws2_32", "bcrypt"]) self._update_extension("PIL._avif", libs) else: self._remove_extension("PIL._avif") tk_libs = ["psapi"] if sys.platform in ("win32", "cygwin") else [] self._update_extension("PIL._imagingtk", tk_libs) build_ext.build_extensions(self) # # sanity checks self.summary_report(feature) def summary_report(self, feature: ext_feature) -> None: print("-" * 68) print("PIL SETUP SUMMARY") print("-" * 68) print(f"version Pillow {PILLOW_VERSION}") version = sys.version.split("[") print(f"platform {sys.platform} {version[0].strip()}") for v in version[1:]: print(f" [{v.strip()}") print("-" * 68) raqm_extra_info = "" if feature.want_vendor("raqm"): raqm_extra_info += "bundled" if feature.want_vendor("fribidi"): raqm_extra_info += ", FriBiDi shim" options = [ (feature.get("jpeg"), "JPEG"), ( feature.get("jpeg2000"), "OPENJPEG (JPEG2000)", feature.get("openjpeg_version"), ), (feature.get("zlib"), "ZLIB (PNG/ZIP)"), (feature.get("imagequant"), "LIBIMAGEQUANT"), (feature.get("tiff"), "LIBTIFF"), (feature.get("freetype"), "FREETYPE2"), (feature.get("raqm"), "RAQM (Text shaping)", raqm_extra_info), (feature.get("lcms"), "LITTLECMS2"), (feature.get("webp"), "WEBP"), (feature.get("xcb"), "XCB (X protocol)"), (feature.get("avif"), "LIBAVIF"), ] all = 1 for option in options: if option[0]: extra_info = "" if len(option) >= 3 and option[2]: extra_info = f" ({option[2]})" print(f"--- {option[1]} support available{extra_info}") else: print(f"*** {option[1]} support not available") all = 0 print("-" * 68) if not all: print("To add a missing option, make sure you have the required") print("library and headers.") print( "See https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation." "html#building-from-source" ) print("") print("To check the build, run the selftest.py script.") print("") def debug_build() -> bool: return hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount") or FUZZING_BUILD files: list[str | os.PathLike[str]] = ["src/_imaging.c"] for src_file in _IMAGING: files.append("src/" + src_file + ".c") for src_file in _LIB_IMAGING: files.append(os.path.join("src/libImaging", src_file + ".c")) ext_modules = [ Extension("PIL._imaging", files), Extension("PIL._imagingft", ["src/_imagingft.c"]), Extension("PIL._imagingcms", ["src/_imagingcms.c"]), Extension("PIL._webp", ["src/_webp.c"]), Extension("PIL._avif", ["src/_avif.c"]), Extension("PIL._imagingtk", ["src/_imagingtk.c", "src/Tk/tkImaging.c"]), Extension("PIL._imagingmath", ["src/_imagingmath.c"]), Extension("PIL._imagingmorph", ["src/_imagingmorph.c"]), ] # parse configuration from _custom_build/backend.py while sys.argv[-1].startswith("--pillow-configuration="): _, key, value = sys.argv.pop().split("=", 2) configuration.setdefault(key, []).append(value) try: setup( cmdclass={"build_ext": pil_build_ext}, ext_modules=ext_modules, zip_safe=not (debug_build() or PLATFORM_MINGW), ) except RequiredDependencyException as err: msg = f""" The headers or library files could not be found for {str(err)}, a required dependency when compiling Pillow from source. Please see the install instructions at: https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation/basic-installation.html """ sys.stderr.write(msg) raise RequiredDependencyException(msg) except DependencyException as err: msg = f""" The headers or library files could not be found for {str(err)}, which was requested by the option flag '-C {str(err)}=enable' """ sys.stderr.write(msg) raise DependencyException(msg)