6.0.0 ----- Backwards Incompatible Changes ============================== Python 3.4 dropped ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Python 3.4 is EOL since 2019-03-16 and no longer supported. We will not be creating binaries, testing, or retaining compatibility with this version. The final version of Pillow for Python 3.4 is 5.4.1. Removed deprecated PIL.OleFileIO ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PIL.OleFileIO was removed as a vendored file and in Pillow 4.0.0 (2017-01) in favour of the upstream olefile Python package, and replaced with an ``ImportError``. The deprecated file has now been removed from Pillow. If needed, install from PyPI (eg. ``pip install olefile``). Removed deprecated ImageOps functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Several undocumented functions in ``ImageOps`` were deprecated in Pillow 4.3.0 (2017-10) and have now been removed: ``gaussian_blur``, ``gblur``, ``unsharp_mask``, ``usm`` and ``box_blur``. Use the equivalent operations in ``ImageFilter`` instead. API Changes =========== TODO ^^^^ TODO API Additions ============= TODO ^^^^ TODO Other Changes ============= TODO ^^^^ TODO