from __future__ import annotations from io import BytesIO import pytest from PIL import FitsImagePlugin, Image from .helper import assert_image_equal, hopper TEST_FILE = "Tests/images/hopper.fits" def test_open(): # Act with as im: # Assert assert im.format == "FITS" assert im.size == (128, 128) assert im.mode == "L" assert_image_equal(im, hopper("L")) def test_invalid_file(): # Arrange invalid_file = "Tests/images/flower.jpg" # Act / Assert with pytest.raises(SyntaxError): FitsImagePlugin.FitsImageFile(invalid_file) def test_truncated_fits(): # No END to headers image_data = b"SIMPLE = T" + b" " * 50 + b"TRUNCATE" with pytest.raises(OSError): FitsImagePlugin.FitsImageFile(BytesIO(image_data)) def test_naxis_zero(): # This test image has been manually hexedited # to set the number of data axes to zero with pytest.raises(ValueError): with"Tests/images/hopper_naxis_zero.fits"): pass def test_comment(): image_data = b"SIMPLE = T / comment string" with pytest.raises(OSError): FitsImagePlugin.FitsImageFile(BytesIO(image_data))