dist: xenial language: python cache: pip notifications: irc: "chat.freenode.net#pil" # Run fast lint first to get fast feedback. # Run slow PyPy next, to give it a headstart and reduce waiting time. # Run latest 3.x next, to get quick compatibility results. # Then run the remainder, with fastest Docker jobs last. matrix: fast_finish: true include: - python: "3.6" name: "Lint" env: LINT="true" - python: "pypy3" name: "PyPy3 Xenial" - python: "3.8" name: "3.8 Xenial" services: xvfb - python: '3.7' name: "3.7 Xenial" services: xvfb - python: '3.6' name: "3.6 Xenial PYTHONOPTIMIZE=1" env: PYTHONOPTIMIZE=1 services: xvfb - python: '3.5' name: "3.5 Xenial PYTHONOPTIMIZE=2" env: PYTHONOPTIMIZE=2 services: xvfb - env: DOCKER="alpine" DOCKER_TAG="master" - env: DOCKER="arch" DOCKER_TAG="master" # contains PyQt5 - env: DOCKER="ubuntu-16.04-xenial-amd64" DOCKER_TAG="master" - env: DOCKER="ubuntu-18.04-bionic-amd64" DOCKER_TAG="master" - env: DOCKER="debian-9-stretch-x86" DOCKER_TAG="master" - env: DOCKER="debian-10-buster-x86" DOCKER_TAG="master" - env: DOCKER="centos-6-amd64" DOCKER_TAG="master" - env: DOCKER="centos-7-amd64" DOCKER_TAG="master" - env: DOCKER="amazon-1-amd64" DOCKER_TAG="master" - env: DOCKER="amazon-2-amd64" DOCKER_TAG="master" - env: DOCKER="fedora-30-amd64" DOCKER_TAG="master" - env: DOCKER="fedora-31-amd64" DOCKER_TAG="master" services: - docker before_install: - if [ "$DOCKER" ]; then travis_retry docker pull pythonpillow/$DOCKER:$DOCKER_TAG; fi install: - | if [ "$LINT" == "true" ]; then pip install tox elif [ "$DOCKER" == "" ]; then .travis/install.sh; fi script: - | if [ "$LINT" == "true" ]; then tox -e lint elif [ "$DOCKER" == "" ]; then .travis/build.sh .travis/test.sh elif [ "$DOCKER" ]; then # the Pillow user in the docker container is UID 1000 sudo chown -R 1000 $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR docker run -v $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR:/Pillow pythonpillow/$DOCKER:$DOCKER_TAG fi after_success: - | if [ "$LINT" == "" ]; then .travis/after_success.sh fi