.. _deprecations:

Deprecations and removals

This page lists Pillow features that are deprecated, or have been removed in
past major releases, and gives the alternatives to use instead.

Deprecated features

Below are features which are considered deprecated. Where appropriate,
a ``DeprecationWarning`` is issued.

Python 2.7

.. deprecated:: 6.0.0

Python 2.7 reaches end-of-life on 2020-01-01.

Pillow 7.0.0 will be released on 2020-01-01 and will drop support for Python 2.7, making
Pillow 6.x the last series to support Python 2.

ImageCms.CmsProfile attributes

.. deprecated:: 3.2.0

Some attributes in ``ImageCms.CmsProfile`` are deprecated. From 6.0.0, they issue a

========================  ===============================
Deprecated                Use instead
========================  ===============================
``color_space``           Padded ``xcolor_space``
``pcs``                   Padded ``connection_space``
``product_copyright``     Unicode ``copyright``
``product_desc``          Unicode ``profile_description``
``product_description``   Unicode ``profile_description``
``product_manufacturer``  Unicode ``manufacturer``
``product_model``         Unicode ``model``
========================  ===============================

Removed features

Deprecated features are only removed in major releases after an appropriate
period of deprecation has passed.


*Removed in version 7.0.0.*

Implicitly closing the image's underlying file in ``Image.__del__`` has been removed.
Use a context manager or call ``Image.close()`` instead to close the file in a
deterministic way.

Previous method:

.. code-block:: python

    im = Image.open("hopper.png")

Use instead:

.. code-block:: python

    with Image.open("hopper.png") as im:


*Removed in version 7.0.0.*

``PILLOW_VERSION`` has been removed. Use ``__version__`` instead.

PIL.*ImagePlugin.__version__ attributes

*Removed in version 7.0.0.*

The version constants of individual plugins have been removed. Use ``PIL.__version__``

===============================  =================================  ==================================
Removed                          Removed                            Removed
===============================  =================================  ==================================
``BmpImagePlugin.__version__``   ``Jpeg2KImagePlugin.__version__``  ``PngImagePlugin.__version__``
``CurImagePlugin.__version__``   ``JpegImagePlugin.__version__``    ``PpmImagePlugin.__version__``
``DcxImagePlugin.__version__``   ``McIdasImagePlugin.__version__``  ``PsdImagePlugin.__version__``
``EpsImagePlugin.__version__``   ``MicImagePlugin.__version__``     ``SgiImagePlugin.__version__``
``FliImagePlugin.__version__``   ``MpegImagePlugin.__version__``    ``SunImagePlugin.__version__``
``FpxImagePlugin.__version__``   ``MpoImagePlugin.__version__``     ``TgaImagePlugin.__version__``
``GdImageFile.__version__``      ``MspImagePlugin.__version__``     ``TiffImagePlugin.__version__``
``GifImagePlugin.__version__``   ``PalmImagePlugin.__version__``    ``WmfImagePlugin.__version__``
``IcoImagePlugin.__version__``   ``PcdImagePlugin.__version__``     ``XbmImagePlugin.__version__``
``ImImagePlugin.__version__``    ``PcxImagePlugin.__version__``     ``XpmImagePlugin.__version__``
``ImtImagePlugin.__version__``   ``PdfImagePlugin.__version__``     ``XVThumbImagePlugin.__version__``
``IptcImagePlugin.__version__``  ``PixarImagePlugin.__version__``
===============================  =================================  ==================================

PyQt4 and PySide

*Removed in version 7.0.0.*

Qt 4 reached end-of-life on 2015-12-19. Its Python bindings are also EOL: PyQt4 since
2018-08-31 and PySide since 2015-10-14.

Support for PyQt4 and PySide has been removed  from ``ImageQt``. Please upgrade to PyQt5
or PySide2.

Setting the size of TIFF images

*Removed in version 7.0.0.*

Setting the size of a TIFF image directly (eg. ``im.size = (256, 256)``) throws
an error. Use ``Image.resize`` instead.

VERSION constant

*Removed in version 6.0.0.*

``VERSION`` (the old PIL version, always 1.1.7) has been removed. Use
``__version__`` instead.

Undocumented ImageOps functions

*Removed in version 6.0.0.*

Several undocumented functions in ``ImageOps`` have been removed. Use the equivalents
in ``ImageFilter`` instead:

==========================  ============================
Removed                     Use instead
==========================  ============================
``ImageOps.box_blur``       ``ImageFilter.BoxBlur``
``ImageOps.gaussian_blur``  ``ImageFilter.GaussianBlur``
``ImageOps.gblur``          ``ImageFilter.GaussianBlur``
``ImageOps.usm``            ``ImageFilter.UnsharpMask``
``ImageOps.unsharp_mask``   ``ImageFilter.UnsharpMask``
==========================  ============================


*Removed in version 6.0.0.*

PIL.OleFileIO was removed as a vendored file and in Pillow 4.0.0 (2017-01) in favour of
the upstream olefile Python package, and replaced with an ``ImportError`` in 5.0.0
(2018-01). The deprecated file has now been removed from Pillow. If needed, install from
PyPI (eg. ``pip install olefile``).