7.2.0 ----- API Changes =========== Replaced TiffImagePlugin DEBUG with logging ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``TiffImagePlugin.DEBUG = True`` has been a way to print various debugging information when interacting with TIFF images. This has now been removed in favour of Python's ``logging`` module, already used in other places in the Pillow source code. Corrected default offset when writing EXIF data ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Previously, the default ``offset`` argument for :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Exif.tobytes` was 0, which did not include the magic header. It is now 8. Moved to ImageFileDirectory_v2 in Image.Exif ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Moved from the legacy :py:class:`PIL.TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory_v1` to :py:class:`PIL.TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory_v2` in :py:class:`PIL.Image.Exif`. This means that Exif RATIONALs and SIGNED_RATIONALs are now read as :py:class:`PIL.TiffImagePlugin.IFDRational`, instead of as a tuple with a numerator and a denominator. TIFF BYTE tags format ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TIFF BYTE tags were previously read as a tuple containing a bytestring. They are now read as just a single bytestring. Deprecations ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ImageFile.raise_ioerror ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``IOError`` was merged into ``OSError`` in Python 3.3. So, ``ImageFile.raise_ioerror`` is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use ``ImageFile.raise_oserror`` instead.