from fetch import fetch from unzip import unzip from untar import untar import os, hashlib import shutil from config import * def _relpath(*args): return os.path.join(os.getcwd(),*args) def _relbuild(*args): return _relpath('build', *args) build_dir = _relpath('build') inc_dir = _relpath('depends') def check_hash(filename, checksum): if not checksum: return filename (algo, value) = checksum.split(':') h = with open(filename, 'rb') as f: h.update( if not(h.hexdigest().lower() == value): raise ValueError('Checksum Mismatch for %s' %filename) return filename def check_sig(filename, signame): #UNDONE -- need gpg return filename def mkdirs(): try: os.mkdir(build_dir) except: pass try: os.mkdir(inc_dir) except: pass for compiler in compilers.values(): try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(inc_dir, compiler['inc_dir'])) except: pass def extract(src, dest): if '.zip' in src: return unzip(src, dest) if '.tar.gz' in src or '.tgz' in src: return untar(src, dest) def fetch_libs(): for name,lib in libs.items(): if name == 'openjpeg': filename = check_hash(fetch(lib['url']),lib['hash']) for compiler in compilers.values(): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(build_dir,lib['dir']+compiler['inc_dir'])): extract(filename, build_dir) os.rename(os.path.join(build_dir,lib['dir']), os.path.join(build_dir,lib['dir']+compiler['inc_dir'])) else: extract(check_hash(fetch(lib['url']),lib['hash']),build_dir) def extract_binlib(): lib = bin_libs['openjpeg'] extract(lib['filename'], build_dir) return base = os.path.splitext(lib['filename'])[0] for compiler in compilers.values(): shutil.copy(os.path.join(inc_dir, base, 'include', 'openjpeg-%s' % lib['version']), os.path.join(inc_dir, compiler['inc_dir'])) shutil.copy(os.path.join(inc_dir, base, 'bin', 'openjp2.dll'), os.path.join(inc_dir, compiler['inc_dir'])) shutil.copy(os.path.join(inc_dir, base, 'lib', 'openjp2.lib'), os.path.join(inc_dir, compiler['inc_dir'])) def extract_openjpeg(compiler): return r""" rem build openjpeg setlocal @echo on cd %%BUILD%% mkdir %%INCLIB%%\openjpeg-2.0 copy /Y /B openjpeg-2.0.0-win32-x86\include\openjpeg-2.0 %%INCLIB%%\openjpeg-2.0 copy /Y /B openjpeg-2.0.0-win32-x86\bin\ %%INCLIB%% copy /Y /B openjpeg-2.0.0-win32-x86\lib\ %%INCLIB%% endlocal """ % compiler def cp_tk(): return r""" mkdir %INCLIB%\tcl85\include\X11 copy /Y /B %BUILD%\tcl8.5.13\generic\*.h %INCLIB%\tcl85\include\ copy /Y /B %BUILD%\tk8.5.13\generic\*.h %INCLIB%\tcl85\include\ copy /Y /B %BUILD%\tk8.5.13\xlib\X11\* %INCLIB%\tcl85\include\X11\ """ def header(): return r"""setlocal set MSBUILD=C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe set CMAKE="C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.8\bin\cmake.exe" set INCLIB=%~dp0\depends set BUILD=%~dp0\build """ + "\n".join('set %s=%%BUILD%%\%s' %(k.upper(), v['dir']) for (k,v) in libs.items() if v['dir']) def setup_compiler(compiler): return r"""setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion call "%%ProgramFiles%%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\%(env_version)s\Bin\SetEnv.Cmd" /Release %(env_flags)s set INCLIB=%%INCLIB%%\%(inc_dir)s """ % compiler def end_compiler(): return """ endlocal """ def nmake_openjpeg(compiler): atts = {'op_ver': '2.1'} atts.update(compiler) return r""" rem build openjpeg setlocal @echo on cd /D %%OPENJPEG%%%(inc_dir)s %%CMAKE%% -DBUILD_THIRDPARTY:BOOL=OFF -G "NMake Makefiles" . nmake -f Makefile clean nmake -f Makefile copy /Y /B bin\* %%INCLIB%% mkdir %%INCLIB%%\openjpeg-%(op_ver)s copy /Y /B src\lib\openjp2\*.h %%INCLIB%%\openjpeg-%(op_ver)s endlocal """ % atts def msbuild_openjpeg(compiler): atts = {'op_ver': '2.1'} atts.update(compiler) return r""" rem build openjpeg setlocal @echo on cd /D %%OPENJPEG%%%(inc_dir)s %%CMAKE%% -DBUILD_THIRDPARTY:BOOL=OFF -G "NMake Makefiles" . nmake -f Makefile clean nmake -f Makefile copy /Y /B bin\* %%INCLIB%% mkdir %%INCLIB%%\openjpeg-%(op_ver)s copy /Y /B src\lib\openjp2\*.h %%INCLIB%%\openjpeg-%(op_ver)s endlocal """ % atts def nmake_libs(compiler): # undone -- pre, makes, headers, libs return r""" rem Build libjpeg setlocal cd /D %%JPEG%% nmake -f setup-vc6 nmake -f clean nmake -f all copy /Y /B *.dll %%INCLIB%% copy /Y /B *.lib %%INCLIB%% copy /Y /B j*.h %%INCLIB%% endlocal rem Build zlib setlocal cd /D %%ZLIB%% nmake -f win32\Makefile.msc clean nmake -f win32\Makefile.msc copy /Y /B *.dll %%INCLIB%% copy /Y /B *.lib %%INCLIB%% copy /Y /B zlib.lib %%INCLIB%%\z.lib copy /Y /B zlib.h %%INCLIB%% copy /Y /B zconf.h %%INCLIB%% endlocal rem Build webp setlocal cd /D %%WEBP%% nmake -f clean nmake -f CFG=release-static RTLIBCFG=static OBJDIR=output copy /Y /B release-static\output\%(platform)s\* %%INCLIB%% copy /Y /B src\webp\*.h %%INCLIB%% endlocal rem Build libtiff setlocal rem do after building jpeg and zlib copy %%~dp0\nmake.opt %%TIFF%% cd /D %%TIFF%% nmake -f clean nmake -f copy /Y /B libtiff\*.dll %%INCLIB%% copy /Y /B libtiff\*.lib %%INCLIB%% copy /Y /B libtiff\tiff*.h %%INCLIB%% endlocal """ % compiler def msbuild_freetype(compiler): return r""" rem Build freetype setlocal py -3 %%~dp0\ %%FREETYPE%%\builds\windows\vc%(vc_version)s\freetype.sln %(platform)s py -3 %%~dp0\ %%FREETYPE%%\builds\windows\vc%(vc_version)s\freetype.vcproj %(platform)s rd /S /Q %%FREETYPE%%\objs %%MSBUILD%% %%FREETYPE%%\builds\windows\vc%(vc_version)s\freetype.sln /t:Clean;Build /p:Configuration="LIB Release";Platform=%(platform)s /m xcopy /Y /E /Q %%FREETYPE%%\include %%INCLIB%% xcopy /Y /E /Q %%FREETYPE%%\objs\win32\vc%(vc_version)s %%INCLIB%% copy /Y /B %%FREETYPE%%\objs\win32\vc%(vc_version)s\*.lib %%INCLIB%%\freetype.lib endlocal """ %compiler def build_lcms2(compiler): return r""" rem Build lcms2 setlocal rd /S /Q %%LCMS%%\Lib %%MSBUILD%% %%LCMS%%\Projects\VC%(vc_version)s\lcms2.sln /t:Clean /p:Configuration="Release" /p:Platform=%(platform)s /m %%MSBUILD%% %%LCMS%%\Projects\VC%(vc_version)s\lcms2.sln /t:lcms2_static /p:Configuration="Release" /p:Platform=%(platform)s /m xcopy /Y /E /Q %%LCMS%%\include %%INCLIB%% copy /Y /B %%LCMS%%\Projects\VC%(vc_version)s\Release\*.lib %%INCLIB%% copy /Y /B %%LCMS%%\Lib\MS\*.lib %%INCLIB%% endlocal """ % compiler mkdirs() fetch_libs() #extract_binlib() script = [header()] #, cp_tk()] for compiler in compilers.values(): #if True: # compiler = compilers[(7,32)] script.append(setup_compiler(compiler)) # script.append(nmake_libs(compiler)) # script.append(extract_openjpeg(compiler)) # # script.append(build_freetype(compiler)) script.append(build_lcms2(compiler)) # script.append(nmake_openjpeg(compiler)) script.append(end_compiler()) with open('build_deps.cmd', 'w') as f: f.write("\n".join(script))