from helper import unittest, PillowTestCase, hopper, fromstring, tostring from io import BytesIO from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageFile from PIL import EpsImagePlugin codecs = dir(Image.core) # save original block sizes MAXBLOCK = ImageFile.MAXBLOCK SAFEBLOCK = ImageFile.SAFEBLOCK class TestImageFile(PillowTestCase): def test_parser(self): def roundtrip(format): im = hopper("L").resize((1000, 1000)) if format in ("MSP", "XBM"): im = im.convert("1") test_file = BytesIO(), format) data = test_file.getvalue() parser = ImageFile.Parser() parser.feed(data) imOut = parser.close() return im, imOut self.assert_image_equal(*roundtrip("BMP")) self.assert_image_equal(*roundtrip("GIF")) self.assert_image_equal(*roundtrip("IM")) self.assert_image_equal(*roundtrip("MSP")) if "zip_encoder" in codecs: try: # force multiple blocks in PNG driver ImageFile.MAXBLOCK = 8192 self.assert_image_equal(*roundtrip("PNG")) finally: ImageFile.MAXBLOCK = MAXBLOCK self.assert_image_equal(*roundtrip("PPM")) self.assert_image_equal(*roundtrip("TIFF")) self.assert_image_equal(*roundtrip("XBM")) self.assert_image_equal(*roundtrip("TGA")) self.assert_image_equal(*roundtrip("PCX")) if EpsImagePlugin.has_ghostscript(): im1, im2 = roundtrip("EPS") # This test fails on Ubuntu 12.04, PPC (Bigendian) It # appears to be a ghostscript 9.05 bug, since the # ghostscript rendering is wonky and the file is identical # to that written on ubuntu 12.04 x64 # md5sum: ba974835ff2d6f3f2fd0053a23521d4a # EPS comes back in RGB: self.assert_image_similar(im1, im2.convert('L'), 20) if "jpeg_encoder" in codecs: im1, im2 = roundtrip("JPEG") # lossy compression self.assert_image(im1, im2.mode, im2.size) self.assertRaises(IOError, lambda: roundtrip("PDF")) def test_ico(self): with open('Tests/images/python.ico', 'rb') as f: data = p = ImageFile.Parser() p.feed(data) self.assertEqual((48, 48), p.image.size) def test_safeblock(self): im1 = hopper() if "zip_encoder" not in codecs: self.skipTest("PNG (zlib) encoder not available") try: ImageFile.SAFEBLOCK = 1 im2 = fromstring(tostring(im1, "PNG")) finally: ImageFile.SAFEBLOCK = SAFEBLOCK self.assert_image_equal(im1, im2) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() # End of file