.. py:module:: PIL.ImageFilter
.. py:currentmodule:: PIL.ImageFilter

:py:mod:`~PIL.ImageFilter` Module

The :py:mod:`~PIL.ImageFilter` module contains definitions for a pre-defined set of
filters, which can be be used with the :py:meth:`Image.filter()
<PIL.Image.Image.filter>` method.

Example: Filter an image


    from PIL import ImageFilter

    im1 = im.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)

    im2 = im.filter(ImageFilter.MinFilter(3))
    im3 = im.filter(ImageFilter.MinFilter)  # same as MinFilter(3)


The current version of the library provides the following set of predefined
image enhancement filters:

* **BLUR**
* **DETAIL**
* **EMBOSS**
* **SMOOTH**

.. autoclass:: PIL.ImageFilter.Color3DLUT

.. autoclass:: PIL.ImageFilter.BoxBlur

.. autoclass:: PIL.ImageFilter.GaussianBlur

.. autoclass:: PIL.ImageFilter.UnsharpMask

.. autoclass:: PIL.ImageFilter.Kernel

.. autoclass:: PIL.ImageFilter.RankFilter

.. autoclass:: PIL.ImageFilter.MedianFilter

.. autoclass:: PIL.ImageFilter.MinFilter

.. autoclass:: PIL.ImageFilter.MaxFilter

.. autoclass:: PIL.ImageFilter.ModeFilter

.. class:: Filter

    An abstract mixin used for filtering images
    (for use with :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.filter`).

    Implementors must provide the following method:

    .. method:: filter(self, image)

        Applies a filter to a single-band image, or a single band of an image.

        :returns: A filtered copy of the image.

.. class:: MultibandFilter

    An abstract mixin used for filtering multi-band images
    (for use with :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.filter`).

    Implementors must provide the following method:

    .. method:: filter(self, image)

        Applies a filter to a multi-band image.

        :returns: A filtered copy of the image.