
Backwards Incompatible Changes

Python 2.7

Pillow has dropped support for Python 2.7, which reached end-of-life on 2020-01-01.


``PILLOW_VERSION`` has been removed. Use ``__version__`` instead.

PIL.*ImagePlugin.__version__ attributes

The version constants of individual plugins have been removed. Use ``PIL.__version__``

===============================  =================================  ==================================
Removed                          Removed                            Removed
===============================  =================================  ==================================
``BmpImagePlugin.__version__``   ``Jpeg2KImagePlugin.__version__``  ``PngImagePlugin.__version__``
``CurImagePlugin.__version__``   ``JpegImagePlugin.__version__``    ``PpmImagePlugin.__version__``
``DcxImagePlugin.__version__``   ``McIdasImagePlugin.__version__``  ``PsdImagePlugin.__version__``
``EpsImagePlugin.__version__``   ``MicImagePlugin.__version__``     ``SgiImagePlugin.__version__``
``FliImagePlugin.__version__``   ``MpegImagePlugin.__version__``    ``SunImagePlugin.__version__``
``FpxImagePlugin.__version__``   ``MpoImagePlugin.__version__``     ``TgaImagePlugin.__version__``
``GdImageFile.__version__``      ``MspImagePlugin.__version__``     ``TiffImagePlugin.__version__``
``GifImagePlugin.__version__``   ``PalmImagePlugin.__version__``    ``WmfImagePlugin.__version__``
``IcoImagePlugin.__version__``   ``PcdImagePlugin.__version__``     ``XbmImagePlugin.__version__``
``ImImagePlugin.__version__``    ``PcxImagePlugin.__version__``     ``XpmImagePlugin.__version__``
``ImtImagePlugin.__version__``   ``PdfImagePlugin.__version__``     ``XVThumbImagePlugin.__version__``
``IptcImagePlugin.__version__``  ``PixarImagePlugin.__version__``
===============================  =================================  ==================================

PyQt4 and PySide

Qt 4 reached end-of-life on 2015-12-19. Its Python bindings are also EOL: PyQt4 since
2018-08-31 and PySide since 2015-10-14.

Support for PyQt4 and PySide has been removed from ``ImageQt``. Please upgrade to PyQt5
or PySide2.

Setting the size of TIFF images

Setting the size of a TIFF image directly (eg. ``im.size = (256, 256)``) throws
an error. Use ``Image.resize`` instead.

Default resampling filter

The default resampling filter has been changed to the high-quality convolution
``Image.BICUBIC`` instead of ``Image.NEAREST``, for the :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.resize`
method and the :py:meth:`~PIL.ImageOps.pad`, :py:meth:`~PIL.ImageOps.scale`
and :py:meth:`~PIL.ImageOps.fit` functions.
``Image.NEAREST`` is still always used for images in "P" and "1" modes.
See :ref:`concept-filters` to learn the difference. In short,
``Image.NEAREST`` is a very fast filter, but simple and low-quality.

Image.draft() return value

If the :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.draft` method has no effect, it returns :data:`None`.
If it does have an effect, then it previously returned the image itself.
However, unlike other `chain methods`_, :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.draft` does not
return a modified version of the image, but modifies it in-place. So instead, if
:py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.draft` has an effect, Pillow will now return a tuple
of the image mode and a co-ordinate box. The box is the original coordinates in the
bounds of resulting image. This may be useful in a subsequent
:py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.resize` call.

.. _chain methods: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Method_chaining

API Additions

Custom unidentified image error

Pillow will now throw a custom ``UnidentifiedImageError`` when an image cannot be
identified. For backwards compatibility, this will inherit from ``OSError``.

New argument ``reducing_gap`` for Image.resize() and Image.thumbnail() methods

Speeds up resizing by resizing the image in two steps. The bigger ``reducing_gap``,
the closer the result to the fair resampling. The smaller ``reducing_gap``,
the faster resizing. With ``reducing_gap`` greater or equal to 3.0,
the result is indistinguishable from fair resampling.

The default value for :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.resize` is :data:`None`,
which means that the optimization is turned off by default.

The default value for :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.thumbnail` is 2.0,
which is very close to fair resampling while still being faster in many cases.
In addition, the same gap is applied when :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.thumbnail`
calls :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.draft`, which may greatly improve the quality
of JPEG thumbnails. As a result, :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.thumbnail`
in the new version provides equally high speed and high quality from any
source (JPEG or arbitrary images).

New Image.reduce() method

:py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.reduce` is a highly efficient operation
to reduce an image by integer times. Normally, it shouldn't be used directly.
Used internally by :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.resize` and :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.thumbnail`
methods to speed up resize when a new argument ``reducing_gap`` is set.

Loading WMF images at a given DPI

On Windows, Pillow can read WMF files, with a default DPI of 72. An image can
now also be loaded at another resolution::

    from PIL import Image
    with Image.open("drawing.wmf") as im:

Other Changes


Implicitly closing the image's underlying file in ``Image.__del__`` has been removed.
Use a context manager or call :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.close` instead to close
the file in a deterministic way.

Previous method::

    im = Image.open("hopper.png")

Use instead::

    with Image.open("hopper.png") as im:

Better thumbnail geometry

When calculating the new dimensions in :py:meth:`~PIL.Image.Image.thumbnail`,
round to the nearest integer, instead of always rounding down.
This better preserves the original aspect ratio.

When the image width or height is not divisible by 8 the last row and column
in the image get the correct weight after JPEG DCT scaling.