 * The Python Imaging Library
 * $Id$
 * helpers to bounding boxes, min/max values, number of colors, etc.
 * history:
 * 1996-07-22 fl   Created
 * 1996-12-30 fl   Added projection stuff
 * 1998-07-12 fl   Added extrema stuff
 * 2004-09-17 fl   Added colors stuff
 * Copyright (c) 1997-2004 by Secret Labs AB.
 * Copyright (c) 1996-2004 by Fredrik Lundh.
 * See the README file for details on usage and redistribution.

#include "Imaging.h"

ImagingGetBBox(Imaging im, int bbox[4])
    /* Get the bounding box for any non-zero data in the image.*/

    int x, y;
    int has_data;

    /* Initialize bounding box to max values */
    bbox[0] = im->xsize;
    bbox[1] = -1;
    bbox[2] = bbox[3] = 0;

#define	GETBBOX(image, mask)\
    for (y = 0; y < im->ysize; y++) {\
	has_data = 0;\
	for (x = 0; x < im->xsize; x++)\
	    if (im->image[y][x] & mask) {\
		has_data = 1;\
		if (x < bbox[0])\
		    bbox[0] = x;\
		if (x >= bbox[2])\
		    bbox[2] = x+1;\
	if (has_data) {\
	    if (bbox[1] < 0)\
		bbox[1] = y;\
	    bbox[3] = y+1;\

    if (im->image8) {
	GETBBOX(image8, 0xff);
    } else {
	INT32 mask = 0xffffffff;
	if (im->bands == 3)
	    ((UINT8*) &mask)[3] = 0;
	GETBBOX(image32, mask);

    /* Check that we got a box */
    if (bbox[1] < 0)
	return 0; /* no data */

    return 1; /* ok */

ImagingGetProjection(Imaging im, UINT8* xproj, UINT8* yproj)
    /* Get projection arrays for non-zero data in the image.*/

    int x, y;
    int has_data;

    /* Initialize projection arrays */
    memset(xproj, 0, im->xsize);
    memset(yproj, 0, im->ysize);

#define	GETPROJ(image, mask)\
    for (y = 0; y < im->ysize; y++) {\
	has_data = 0;\
	for (x = 0; x < im->xsize; x++)\
	    if (im->image[y][x] & mask) {\
		has_data = 1;\
		xproj[x] = 1;\
	if (has_data)\
	    yproj[y] = 1;\

    if (im->image8) {
	GETPROJ(image8, 0xff);
    } else {
	INT32 mask = 0xffffffff;
	if (im->bands == 3)
	    ((UINT8*) &mask)[3] = 0;
	GETPROJ(image32, mask);

    return 1; /* ok */

ImagingGetExtrema(Imaging im, void *extrema)
    int x, y;
    INT32 imin, imax;
    FLOAT32 fmin, fmax;

    if (im->bands != 1) {
	(void) ImagingError_ModeError();
        return -1; /* mismatch */

    if (!im->xsize || !im->ysize)
        return 0; /* zero size */

    switch (im->type) {
        imin = imax = im->image8[0][0];
        for (y = 0; y < im->ysize; y++) {
            UINT8* in = im->image8[y];
            for (x = 0; x < im->xsize; x++) {
                if (imin > in[x])
                    imin = in[x];
                else if (imax < in[x])
                    imax = in[x];
        ((UINT8*) extrema)[0] = (UINT8) imin;
        ((UINT8*) extrema)[1] = (UINT8) imax;
    case IMAGING_TYPE_INT32:
        imin = imax = im->image32[0][0];
        for (y = 0; y < im->ysize; y++) {
            INT32* in = im->image32[y];
            for (x = 0; x < im->xsize; x++) {
                if (imin > in[x])
                    imin = in[x];
                else if (imax < in[x])
                    imax = in[x];
        ((INT32*) extrema)[0] = imin;
        ((INT32*) extrema)[1] = imax;
        fmin = fmax = ((FLOAT32*) im->image32[0])[0];
        for (y = 0; y < im->ysize; y++) {
            FLOAT32* in = (FLOAT32*) im->image32[y];
            for (x = 0; x < im->xsize; x++) {
                if (fmin > in[x])
                    fmin = in[x];
                else if (fmax < in[x])
                    fmax = in[x];
        ((FLOAT32*) extrema)[0] = fmin;
        ((FLOAT32*) extrema)[1] = fmax;
      if (strcmp(im->mode, "I;16") == 0) {
          imin = imax = ((UINT16*) im->image8[0])[0];
          for (y = 0; y < im->ysize; y++) {
              UINT16* in = (UINT16 *) im->image[y];
              for (x = 0; x < im->xsize; x++) {
                  if (imin > in[x])
                      imin = in[x];
                  else if (imax < in[x])
                      imax = in[x];
          ((UINT16*) extrema)[0] = (UINT16) imin;
          ((UINT16*) extrema)[1] = (UINT16) imax;
      /* FALL THROUGH */
	(void) ImagingError_ModeError();
        return -1;
    return 1; /* ok */

/* static ImagingColorItem* getcolors8(Imaging im, int maxcolors, int* size);*/
static ImagingColorItem* getcolors32(Imaging im, int maxcolors, int* size);

ImagingGetColors(Imaging im, int maxcolors, int* size)
    /* FIXME: add support for 8-bit images */
    return getcolors32(im, maxcolors, size);

static ImagingColorItem*
getcolors32(Imaging im, int maxcolors, int* size)
    unsigned int h;
    unsigned int i, incr;
    int colors;
    INT32 pixel_mask;
    int x, y;
    ImagingColorItem* table;
    ImagingColorItem* v;

    unsigned int code_size;
    unsigned int code_poly;
    unsigned int code_mask;

    /* note: the hash algorithm used here is based on the dictionary
       code in Python 2.1.3; the exact implementation is borrowed from
       Python's Unicode property database (written by yours truly) /F */

    static int SIZES[] = {
        4,3, 8,3, 16,3, 32,5, 64,3, 128,3, 256,29, 512,17, 1024,9, 2048,5,
        4096,83, 8192,27, 16384,43, 32768,3, 65536,45, 131072,9, 262144,39,
        524288,39, 1048576,9, 2097152,5, 4194304,3, 8388608,33, 16777216,27,
        33554432,9, 67108864,71, 134217728,39, 268435456,9, 536870912,5,
        1073741824,83, 0
    code_size = code_poly = code_mask = 0;

    for (i = 0; SIZES[i]; i += 2) {
        if (SIZES[i] > maxcolors) {
            code_size = SIZES[i];
            code_poly = SIZES[i+1];
            code_mask = code_size - 1;

    /* printf("code_size=%d\n", code_size); */
    /* printf("code_poly=%d\n", code_poly); */

    if (!code_size)
	return ImagingError_MemoryError(); /* just give up */

    if (!im->image32)
	return ImagingError_ModeError();

    table = calloc(code_size + 1, sizeof(ImagingColorItem));
    if (!table)
	return ImagingError_MemoryError();

    pixel_mask = 0xffffffff;
    if (im->bands == 3)
        ((UINT8*) &pixel_mask)[3] = 0;

    colors = 0;

    for (y = 0; y < im->ysize; y++) {
        INT32* p = im->image32[y];
        for (x = 0; x < im->xsize; x++) {
            INT32 pixel = p[x] & pixel_mask;
            h = (pixel); /* null hashing */
            i = (~h) & code_mask;
            v = &table[i];
            if (!v->count) {
                /* add to table */
                if (colors++ == maxcolors)
                    goto overflow;
                v->x = x; v->y = y;
                v->pixel = pixel;
                v->count = 1;
            } else if (v->pixel == pixel) {
            incr = (h ^ (h >> 3)) & code_mask;
            if (!incr)
                incr = code_mask;
            for (;;) {
                i = (i + incr) & code_mask;
                v = &table[i];
                if (!v->count) {
                    /* add to table */
                    if (colors++ == maxcolors)
                        goto overflow;
                    v->x = x; v->y = y;
                    v->pixel = pixel;
                    v->count = 1;
                } else if (v->pixel == pixel) {
                incr = incr << 1;
                if (incr > code_mask)
                    incr = incr ^ code_poly;


    /* pack the table */
    for (x = y = 0; x < (int) code_size; x++)
        if (table[x].count) {
            if (x != y)
                table[y] = table[x];
    table[y].count = 0; /* mark end of table */

    *size = colors;

    return table;