from __future__ import print_function import glob import os import platform as plat import re import struct import sys from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext from distutils import sysconfig from setuptools import Extension, setup, find_packages _IMAGING = ( "decode", "encode", "map", "display", "outline", "path") _LIB_IMAGING = ( "Access", "AlphaComposite", "Antialias", "Bands", "BitDecode", "Blend", "Chops", "Convert", "ConvertYCbCr", "Copy", "Crc32", "Crop", "Dib", "Draw", "Effects", "EpsEncode", "File", "Fill", "Filter", "FliDecode", "Geometry", "GetBBox", "GifDecode", "GifEncode", "HexDecode", "Histo", "JpegDecode", "JpegEncode", "LzwDecode", "Matrix", "ModeFilter", "MspDecode", "Negative", "Offset", "Pack", "PackDecode", "Palette", "Paste", "Quant", "QuantOctree", "QuantHash", "QuantHeap", "PcdDecode", "PcxDecode", "PcxEncode", "Point", "RankFilter", "RawDecode", "RawEncode", "Storage", "SunRleDecode", "TgaRleDecode", "Unpack", "UnpackYCC", "UnsharpMask", "XbmDecode", "XbmEncode", "ZipDecode", "ZipEncode", "TiffDecode") def _add_directory(path, dir, where=None): if dir and os.path.isdir(dir) and dir not in path: if where is None: path.append(dir) else: path.insert(where, dir) def _find_include_file(self, include): for directory in self.compiler.include_dirs: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, include)): return 1 return 0 def _find_library_file(self, library): # Fix for 3.2.x <3.2.4, 3.3.0, shared lib extension is the python shared # lib extension, not the system shared lib extension: e.g. # vs .so. See Python bug if 'cpython' in self.compiler.shared_lib_extension: existing = self.compiler.shared_lib_extension self.compiler.shared_lib_extension = "." + existing.split('.')[-1] ret = self.compiler.find_library_file( self.compiler.library_dirs, library) self.compiler.shared_lib_extension = existing return ret else: return self.compiler.find_library_file( self.compiler.library_dirs, library) def _lib_include(root): # map root to (root/lib, root/include) return os.path.join(root, "lib"), os.path.join(root, "include") def _read(file): return open(file, 'rb').read() try: import _tkinter except ImportError: _tkinter = None NAME = 'Pillow' VERSION = '2.1.0' TCL_ROOT = None JPEG_ROOT = None ZLIB_ROOT = None TIFF_ROOT = None FREETYPE_ROOT = None LCMS_ROOT = None class pil_build_ext(build_ext): class feature: zlib = jpeg = tiff = freetype = tcl = tk = lcms = webp = webpmux = None required = [] def require(self, feat): return feat in self.required def want(self, feat): return getattr(self, feat) is None def __iter__(self): for x in dir(self): if x[1] != '_': yield x feature = feature() user_options = build_ext.user_options + [ ('disable-%s' % x, None, 'Disable support for %s' % x) for x in feature ] + [ ('enable-%s' % x, None, 'Enable support for %s' % x) for x in feature ] def initialize_options(self): build_ext.initialize_options(self) for x in self.feature: setattr(self, 'disable_%s' % x, None) setattr(self, 'enable_%s' % x, None) def finalize_options(self): build_ext.finalize_options(self) for x in self.feature: if getattr(self, 'disable_%s' % x): setattr(self.feature, x, False) if getattr(self, 'enable_%s' % x): raise ValueError( 'Conflicting options: --enable-%s and --disable-%s' % (x, x)) if getattr(self, 'enable_%s' % x): self.feature.required.append(x) def build_extensions(self): global TCL_ROOT library_dirs = [] include_dirs = [] _add_directory(include_dirs, "libImaging") # # add configured kits for root in (TCL_ROOT, JPEG_ROOT, TIFF_ROOT, ZLIB_ROOT, FREETYPE_ROOT, LCMS_ROOT): if isinstance(root, type(())): lib_root, include_root = root else: lib_root = include_root = root _add_directory(library_dirs, lib_root) _add_directory(include_dirs, include_root) # # add platform directories if sys.platform == "cygwin": # pythonX.Y.dll.a is in the /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/config directory _add_directory(library_dirs, os.path.join( "/usr/lib", "python%s" % sys.version[:3], "config")) elif sys.platform == "darwin": # attempt to make sure we pick freetype2 over other versions _add_directory(include_dirs, "/sw/include/freetype2") _add_directory(include_dirs, "/sw/lib/freetype2/include") # fink installation directories _add_directory(library_dirs, "/sw/lib") _add_directory(include_dirs, "/sw/include") # darwin ports installation directories _add_directory(library_dirs, "/opt/local/lib") _add_directory(include_dirs, "/opt/local/include") # freetype2 ships with X11 _add_directory(library_dirs, "/usr/X11/lib") _add_directory(include_dirs, "/usr/X11/include") # if brew is installed, use its lib and include directories import commands status, homebrew = commands.getstatusoutput('brew --prefix') if status == 0: _add_directory(library_dirs, os.path.join(homebrew, 'lib')) _add_directory(include_dirs, os.path.join(homebrew, 'include')) elif sys.platform.startswith("linux"): for platform_ in (plat.processor(), plat.architecture()[0]): if not platform_: continue if platform_ in ["x86_64", "64bit"]: _add_directory(library_dirs, "/lib64") _add_directory(library_dirs, "/usr/lib64") _add_directory(library_dirs, "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu") break elif platform_ in ["i386", "i686", "32bit"]: _add_directory(library_dirs, "/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu") break else: raise ValueError( "Unable to identify Linux platform: `%s`" % platform_) # XXX Kludge. Above /\ we brute force support multiarch. Here we # try Barry's more general approach. Afterward, something should # work ;-) self.add_multiarch_paths() _add_directory(library_dirs, "/usr/local/lib") # FIXME: check /opt/stuff directories here? # include, rpath, if set as environment variables: if os.environ.get('C_INCLUDE_PATH'): _add_directory(include_dirs, os.environ.get('C_INCLUDE_PATH')) if os.environ.get('LD_RUN_PATH'): _add_directory(library_dirs, os.environ.get('LD_RUN_PATH')) prefix = sysconfig.get_config_var("prefix") if prefix: _add_directory(library_dirs, os.path.join(prefix, "lib")) _add_directory(include_dirs, os.path.join(prefix, "include")) # # locate tkinter libraries if _tkinter: TCL_VERSION = _tkinter.TCL_VERSION[:3] if _tkinter and not TCL_ROOT: # we have Tkinter but the TCL_ROOT variable was not set; # try to locate appropriate Tcl/Tk libraries PYVERSION = sys.version[0] + sys.version[2] TCLVERSION = TCL_VERSION[0] + TCL_VERSION[2] roots = [ # common installation directories, mostly for Windows # (for Unix-style platforms, we'll check in well-known # locations later) os.path.join("/py" + PYVERSION, "Tcl"), os.path.join("/python" + PYVERSION, "Tcl"), "/Tcl", "/Tcl" + TCLVERSION, "/Tcl" + TCL_VERSION, os.path.join(os.environ.get("ProgramFiles", ""), "Tcl"), ] for TCL_ROOT in roots: TCL_ROOT = os.path.abspath(TCL_ROOT) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(TCL_ROOT, "include", "tk.h")): # FIXME: use distutils logging (?) print("--- using Tcl/Tk libraries at", TCL_ROOT) print("--- using Tcl/Tk version", TCL_VERSION) TCL_ROOT = _lib_include(TCL_ROOT) break else: TCL_ROOT = None # add standard directories # look for tcl specific subdirectory (e.g debian) if _tkinter: tcl_dir = "/usr/include/tcl" + TCL_VERSION if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tcl_dir, "tk.h")): _add_directory(include_dirs, tcl_dir) # standard locations _add_directory(library_dirs, "/usr/local/lib") _add_directory(include_dirs, "/usr/local/include") _add_directory(library_dirs, "/usr/lib") _add_directory(include_dirs, "/usr/include") # # insert new dirs *before* default libs, to avoid conflicts # between Python PYD stub libs and real libraries self.compiler.library_dirs = library_dirs + self.compiler.library_dirs self.compiler.include_dirs = include_dirs + self.compiler.include_dirs # # look for available libraries feature = self.feature if feature.want('zlib'): if _find_include_file(self, "zlib.h"): if _find_library_file(self, "z"): feature.zlib = "z" elif sys.platform == "win32" and _find_library_file(self, "zlib"): feature.zlib = "zlib" # alternative name if feature.want('jpeg'): if _find_include_file(self, "jpeglib.h"): if _find_library_file(self, "jpeg"): feature.jpeg = "jpeg" elif ( sys.platform == "win32" and _find_library_file(self, "libjpeg")): feature.jpeg = "libjpeg" # alternative name if feature.want('tiff'): if _find_library_file(self, "tiff"): feature.tiff = "tiff" if sys.platform == "win32" and _find_library_file(self, "libtiff"): feature.tiff = "libtiff" if sys.platform == "darwin" and _find_library_file(self, "libtiff"): feature.tiff = "libtiff" if feature.want('freetype'): if _find_library_file(self, "freetype"): # look for freetype2 include files freetype_version = 0 for dir in self.compiler.include_dirs: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, "ft2build.h")): freetype_version = 21 dir = os.path.join(dir, "freetype2") break dir = os.path.join(dir, "freetype2") if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dir, "ft2build.h")): freetype_version = 21 break if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir, "freetype")): freetype_version = 20 break if freetype_version: feature.freetype = "freetype" feature.freetype_version = freetype_version if dir: _add_directory(self.compiler.include_dirs, dir, 0) if feature.want('lcms'): if _find_include_file(self, "lcms.h"): if _find_library_file(self, "lcms"): feature.lcms = "lcms" if _tkinter and _find_include_file(self, "tk.h"): # the library names may vary somewhat (e.g. tcl84 or tcl8.4) version = TCL_VERSION[0] + TCL_VERSION[2] if feature.want('tcl'): if _find_library_file(self, "tcl" + version): feature.tcl = "tcl" + version elif _find_library_file(self, "tcl" + TCL_VERSION): feature.tcl = "tcl" + TCL_VERSION if feature.want('tk'): if _find_library_file(self, "tk" + version): = "tk" + version elif _find_library_file(self, "tk" + TCL_VERSION): = "tk" + TCL_VERSION if feature.want('webp'): if (_find_include_file(self, "webp/encode.h") and _find_include_file(self, "webp/decode.h")): if _find_library_file(self, "webp"): # in googles precompiled zip it is call "libwebp" feature.webp = "webp" if feature.want('webpmux'): if (_find_include_file(self, "webp/mux.h") and _find_include_file(self, "webp/demux.h")): if _find_library_file(self, "webpmux") and _find_library_file(self, "webpdemux"): feature.webpmux = "webpmux" for f in feature: if not getattr(feature, f) and feature.require(f): raise ValueError( '--enable-%s requested but %s not found, aborting.' % (f, f)) # # core library files = ["_imaging.c"] for file in _IMAGING: files.append(file + ".c") for file in _LIB_IMAGING: files.append(os.path.join("libImaging", file + ".c")) libs = [] defs = [] if feature.jpeg: libs.append(feature.jpeg) defs.append(("HAVE_LIBJPEG", None)) if feature.zlib: libs.append(feature.zlib) defs.append(("HAVE_LIBZ", None)) if feature.tiff: libs.append(feature.tiff) defs.append(("HAVE_LIBTIFF", None)) if sys.platform == "win32": libs.extend(["kernel32", "user32", "gdi32"]) if struct.unpack("h", "\0\1".encode('ascii'))[0] == 1: defs.append(("WORDS_BIGENDIAN", None)) exts = [(Extension( "PIL._imaging", files, libraries=libs, define_macros=defs))] # # additional libraries if feature.freetype: defs = [] if feature.freetype_version == 20: defs.append(("USE_FREETYPE_2_0", None)) exts.append(Extension( "PIL._imagingft", ["_imagingft.c"], libraries=["freetype"], define_macros=defs)) if os.path.isfile("_imagingtiff.c") and feature.tiff: exts.append(Extension( "PIL._imagingtiff", ["_imagingtiff.c"], libraries=["tiff"])) if os.path.isfile("_imagingcms.c") and feature.lcms: extra = [] if sys.platform == "win32": extra.extend(["user32", "gdi32"]) exts.append(Extension( "PIL._imagingcms", ["_imagingcms.c"], libraries=["lcms"] + extra)) if os.path.isfile("_webp.c") and feature.webp: libs = ["webp"] defs = [] if feature.webpmux: defs.append(("HAVE_WEBPMUX", None)) libs.append("webpmux") libs.append("webpdemux") exts.append(Extension( "PIL._webp", ["_webp.c"], libraries=libs, define_macros=defs)) if sys.platform == "darwin": # locate Tcl/Tk frameworks frameworks = [] framework_roots = [ "/Library/Frameworks", "/System/Library/Frameworks"] for root in framework_roots: if ( os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, "Tcl.framework")) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, "Tk.framework"))): print("--- using frameworks at %s" % root) frameworks = ["-framework", "Tcl", "-framework", "Tk"] dir = os.path.join(root, "Tcl.framework", "Headers") _add_directory(self.compiler.include_dirs, dir, 0) dir = os.path.join(root, "Tk.framework", "Headers") _add_directory(self.compiler.include_dirs, dir, 1) break if frameworks: exts.append(Extension( "PIL._imagingtk", ["_imagingtk.c", "Tk/tkImaging.c"], extra_compile_args=frameworks, extra_link_args=frameworks)) feature.tcl = = 1 # mark as present elif feature.tcl and exts.append(Extension( "PIL._imagingtk", ["_imagingtk.c", "Tk/tkImaging.c"], libraries=[feature.tcl,])) if os.path.isfile("_imagingmath.c"): exts.append(Extension("PIL._imagingmath", ["_imagingmath.c"])) self.extensions[:] = exts build_ext.build_extensions(self) # # sanity and security checks unsafe_zlib = None if feature.zlib: unsafe_zlib = self.check_zlib_version(self.compiler.include_dirs) self.summary_report(feature, unsafe_zlib) def summary_report(self, feature, unsafe_zlib): print("-" * 68) print("PIL SETUP SUMMARY") print("-" * 68) print("version Pillow %s" % VERSION) v = sys.version.split("[") print("platform %s %s" % (sys.platform, v[0].strip())) for v in v[1:]: print(" [%s" % v.strip()) print("-" * 68) options = [ (feature.tcl and, "TKINTER"), (feature.jpeg, "JPEG"), (feature.zlib, "ZLIB (PNG/ZIP)"), (feature.tiff, "TIFF G3/G4 (experimental)"), (feature.freetype, "FREETYPE2"), (feature.lcms, "LITTLECMS"), (feature.webp, "WEBP"), (feature.webpmux, "WEBPMUX"), ] all = 1 for option in options: if option[0]: print("--- %s support available" % option[1]) else: print("*** %s support not available" % option[1]) if option[1] == "TKINTER" and _tkinter: version = _tkinter.TCL_VERSION print("(Tcl/Tk %s libraries needed)" % version) all = 0 if feature.zlib and unsafe_zlib: print("") print("*** Warning: zlib", unsafe_zlib) print("may contain a security vulnerability.") print("*** Consider upgrading to zlib 1.2.3 or newer.") print("*** See:") print("") print("") print("") print("-" * 68) if not all: print("To add a missing option, make sure you have the required") print("library, and set the corresponding ROOT variable in the") print(" script.") print("") print("To check the build, run the script.") print("") def check_zlib_version(self, include_dirs): # look for unsafe versions of zlib for dir in include_dirs: zlibfile = os.path.join(dir, "zlib.h") if os.path.isfile(zlibfile): break else: return for line in open(zlibfile).readlines(): m = re.match('#define\s+ZLIB_VERSION\s+"([^"]*)"', line) if not m: continue if < "1.2.3": return # def add_multiarch_paths(self): # Debian/Ubuntu multiarch support. # # self.build_temp tmpfile = os.path.join(self.build_temp, 'multiarch') if not os.path.exists(self.build_temp): os.makedirs(self.build_temp) ret = os.system( 'dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH > %s 2> /dev/null' % tmpfile) try: if ret >> 8 == 0: fp = open(tmpfile, 'r') multiarch_path_component = fp.readline().strip() _add_directory( self.compiler.library_dirs, '/usr/lib/' + multiarch_path_component) _add_directory( self.compiler.include_dirs, '/usr/include/' + multiarch_path_component) finally: os.unlink(tmpfile) setup( name=NAME, version=VERSION, description='Python Imaging Library (fork)', long_description=( _read('README.rst') + b'\n' + _read('CHANGES.rst') + b'\n' + _read('docs/CONTRIBUTORS.txt')).decode('utf-8'), author='Alex Clark (fork author)', author_email='', url='', classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 6 - Mature", "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics", "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera", "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Scanners", "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Screen Capture", "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion", "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3", ], cmdclass={"build_ext": pil_build_ext}, ext_modules=[Extension("PIL._imaging", ["_imaging.c"])], include_package_data=True, packages=find_packages(), scripts=glob.glob("Scripts/pil*.py"), keywords=["Imaging",], license='Standard PIL License', zip_safe=True, )