.. py:module:: PIL.ImageFile
.. py:currentmodule:: PIL.ImageFile

:py:mod:`ImageFile` Module

The :py:mod:`ImageFile` module provides support functions for the image open
and save functions.

In addition, it provides a :py:class:`Parser` class which can be used to decode
an image piece by piece (e.g. while receiving it over a network connection).
This class implements the same consumer interface as the standard **sgmllib**
and **xmllib** modules.

Example: Parse an image

.. code-block:: python

    from PIL import ImageFile

    fp = open("lena.pgm", "rb")

    p = ImageFile.Parser()

    while 1:
        s = fp.read(1024)
        if not s:

    im = p.close()



.. autoclass:: PIL.ImageFile.Parser()