from __future__ import division import io import struct from helper import unittest, PillowTestCase, hopper from PIL import Image, TiffImagePlugin, TiffTags tag_ids = dict((, info.value) for info in TiffTags.TAGS_V2.values()) class TestFileTiffMetadata(PillowTestCase): def test_rt_metadata(self): """ Test writing arbitrary metadata into the tiff image directory Use case is ImageJ private tags, one numeric, one arbitrary data. """ img = hopper() # Behaviour change: re #1416 # Pre ifd rewrite, ImageJMetaData was being written as a string(2), # Post ifd rewrite, it's defined as arbitrary bytes(7). It should # roundtrip with the actual bytes, rather than stripped text # of the premerge tests. # # For text items, we still have to decode('ascii','replace') because # the tiff file format can't take 8 bit bytes in that field. basetextdata = "This is some arbitrary metadata for a text field" bindata = basetextdata.encode('ascii') + b" \xff" textdata = basetextdata + " " + chr(255) reloaded_textdata = basetextdata + " ?" floatdata = 12.345 doubledata = 67.89 info = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory() ImageJMetaData = tag_ids['ImageJMetaData'] ImageJMetaDataByteCounts = tag_ids['ImageJMetaDataByteCounts'] ImageDescription = tag_ids['ImageDescription'] info[ImageJMetaDataByteCounts] = len(bindata) info[ImageJMetaData] = bindata info[tag_ids['RollAngle']] = floatdata info.tagtype[tag_ids['RollAngle']] = 11 info[tag_ids['YawAngle']] = doubledata info.tagtype[tag_ids['YawAngle']] = 12 info[ImageDescription] = textdata f = self.tempfile("temp.tif"), tiffinfo=info) loaded = self.assertEqual(loaded.tag[ImageJMetaDataByteCounts], (len(bindata),)) self.assertEqual(loaded.tag_v2[ImageJMetaDataByteCounts], len(bindata)) self.assertEqual(loaded.tag[ImageJMetaData], bindata) self.assertEqual(loaded.tag_v2[ImageJMetaData], bindata) self.assertEqual(loaded.tag[ImageDescription], (reloaded_textdata,)) self.assertEqual(loaded.tag_v2[ImageDescription], reloaded_textdata) loaded_float = loaded.tag[tag_ids['RollAngle']][0] self.assertAlmostEqual(loaded_float, floatdata, places=5) loaded_double = loaded.tag[tag_ids['YawAngle']][0] self.assertAlmostEqual(loaded_double, doubledata) def test_read_metadata(self): img ='Tests/images/hopper_g4.tif') self.assertEqual({'YResolution': 4294967295 / 113653537, 'PlanarConfiguration': 1, 'BitsPerSample': (1,), 'ImageLength': 128, 'Compression': 4, 'FillOrder': 1, 'RowsPerStrip': 128, 'ResolutionUnit': 3, 'PhotometricInterpretation': 0, 'PageNumber': (0, 1), 'XResolution': 4294967295 / 113653537, 'ImageWidth': 128, 'Orientation': 1, 'StripByteCounts': (1968,), 'SamplesPerPixel': 1, 'StripOffsets': (8,) }, img.tag_v2.named()) self.assertEqual({'YResolution': ((4294967295, 113653537),), 'PlanarConfiguration': (1,), 'BitsPerSample': (1,), 'ImageLength': (128,), 'Compression': (4,), 'FillOrder': (1,), 'RowsPerStrip': (128,), 'ResolutionUnit': (3,), 'PhotometricInterpretation': (0,), 'PageNumber': (0, 1), 'XResolution': ((4294967295, 113653537),), 'ImageWidth': (128,), 'Orientation': (1,), 'StripByteCounts': (1968,), 'SamplesPerPixel': (1,), 'StripOffsets': (8,) }, img.tag.named()) def test_write_metadata(self): """ Test metadata writing through the python code """ img ='Tests/images/hopper.tif') f = self.tempfile('temp.tiff'), tiffinfo=img.tag) loaded = original = img.tag_v2.named() reloaded = loaded.tag_v2.named() ignored = [ 'StripByteCounts', 'RowsPerStrip', 'PageNumber', 'StripOffsets'] for tag, value in reloaded.items(): if tag not in ignored: self.assertEqual(original[tag], value, "%s didn't roundtrip, %s, %s" % (tag, original[tag], value)) for tag, value in original.items(): if tag not in ignored: self.assertEqual( value, reloaded[tag], "%s didn't roundtrip" % tag) def test_no_duplicate_50741_tag(self): self.assertEqual(tag_ids['MakerNoteSafety'], 50741) self.assertEqual(tag_ids['BestQualityScale'], 50780) def test_empty_metadata(self): f = io.BytesIO(b'II*\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00') head = info = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory(head) try: self.assert_warning(UserWarning, lambda: info.load(f)) except struct.error:"Should not be struct errors there.") def test_iccprofile(self): # im ='Tests/images/hopper.iccprofile.tif') out = self.tempfile('temp.tiff') reloaded = self.assert_(type(['icc_profile']) is not type(tuple)) self.assertEqual(['icc_profile'],['icc_profile']) def test_iccprofile_binary(self): # # We should be able to load this, but probably won't be able to save it. im ='Tests/images/hopper.iccprofile_binary.tif') self.assertEqual(im.tag_v2.tagtype[34675], 1) self.assertTrue(['icc_profile']) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() # End of file