#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import shutil import sys import getopt import os from config import (compilers, compiler_from_env, pythons, pyversion_from_env, bit_from_env, VIRT_BASE, X64_EXT) def setup_vms(): ret = [] for py in pythons: for arch in ('', X64_EXT): ret.append("virtualenv -p c:/Python%s%s/python.exe --clear %s%s%s" % (py, arch, VIRT_BASE, py, arch)) ret.append(r"%s%s%s\Scripts\pip.exe install pytest pytest-cov" % (VIRT_BASE, py, arch)) return "\n".join(ret) def run_script(params): (version, script) = params try: print("Running %s" % version) filename = 'build_pillow_%s.cmd' % version with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(script) command = ['powershell', "./%s" % filename] proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) (trace, stderr) = proc.communicate() status = proc.returncode print("-- stderr --") print(stderr) print("-- stdout --") print(trace) print("Done with %s: %s" % (version, status)) return (version, status, trace, stderr) except Exception as msg: print("Error with %s: %s" % (version, str(msg))) return (version, -1, "", str(msg)) def header(op): return r""" setlocal set MPLSRC=%%~dp0\.. set INCLIB=%%~dp0\depends set BLDOPT=%s cd /D %%MPLSRC%% """ % (op) def footer(): return """endlocal exit """ def vc_setup(compiler, bit): script = "" if compiler['vc_version'] == '2015': arch = "x86" if bit == 32 else "x86_amd64" script = r""" call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %s""" % arch return script def build_one(py_ver, compiler, bit): # UNDONE virtual envs if we're not running on appveyor args = {} args.update(compiler) if 'PYTHON' in os.environ: args['python_path'] = "%PYTHON%" else: args['python_path'] = "%s%s\\Scripts" % (VIRT_BASE, py_ver) args['executable'] = "python.exe" if 'EXECUTABLE' in os.environ: args['executable'] = "%EXECUTABLE%" args['py_ver'] = py_ver if '27' in py_ver: args['tcl_ver'] = '85' else: args['tcl_ver'] = '86' if compiler['vc_version'] == '2015': args['imaging_libs'] = ' build_ext --add-imaging-libs=msvcrt' else: args['imaging_libs'] = '' script = r""" setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion call "%%ProgramFiles%%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\%(env_version)s\Bin\SetEnv.Cmd" /Release %(env_flags)s set DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1 set LIB=%%LIB%%;%%INCLIB%%\%(inc_dir)s set INCLUDE=%%INCLUDE%%;%%INCLIB%%\%(inc_dir)s;%%INCLIB%%\tcl%(tcl_ver)s\include setlocal set LIB=%%LIB%%;C:\Python%(py_ver)s\tcl""" + vc_setup(compiler, bit) + r""" call %(python_path)s\%(executable)s setup.py %(imaging_libs)s %%BLDOPT%% endlocal endlocal """ return script % args def clean(): try: shutil.rmtree('../build') except: # could already be removed pass run_script(('virtualenvs', setup_vms())) def main(op): scripts = [] for py_version, py_info in pythons.items(): py_compilers = compilers[py_info['compiler']][py_info['vc']] scripts.append((py_version, "\n".join([header(op), build_one(py_version, py_compilers[32], 32), footer()]))) scripts.append(("%s%s" % (py_version, X64_EXT), "\n".join([header(op), build_one("%sx64" % py_version, py_compilers[64], 64), footer()]))) results = map(run_script, scripts) for (version, status, trace, err) in results: print("Compiled %s: %s" % (version, status and 'ERR' or 'OK')) def run_one(op): compiler = compiler_from_env() py_version = pyversion_from_env() bit = bit_from_env() run_script((py_version, "\n".join([header(op), build_one(py_version, compiler, bit), footer()]) )) if __name__ == '__main__': opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', ['clean', 'dist', 'wheel']) opts = dict(opts) if '--clean' in opts: clean() op = 'install' if '--dist' in opts: op = "bdist_wininst --user-access-control=auto" elif '--wheel' in opts: op = "bdist_wheel" if 'PYTHON' in os.environ: run_one(op) else: main(op)