mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 12:34:13 +03:00
647 lines
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647 lines
22 KiB
* The Python Imaging Library.
* $Id: //modules/pil/libImaging/TiffDecode.c#1 $
* LibTiff-based Group3 and Group4 decoder
* started modding to use non-private tiff functions to port to libtiff 4.x
* eds 3/12/12
#include "Imaging.h"
#ifndef uint
#define uint uint32
#include "TiffDecode.h"
void dump_state(const TIFFSTATE *state){
TRACE(("State: Location %u size %d eof %d data: %p ifd: %d\n", (uint)state->loc,
(int)state->size, (uint)state->eof, state->data, state->ifd));
procs for TIFFOpenClient
tsize_t _tiffReadProc(thandle_t hdata, tdata_t buf, tsize_t size) {
TIFFSTATE *state = (TIFFSTATE *)hdata;
tsize_t to_read;
TRACE(("_tiffReadProc: %d \n", (int)size));
to_read = min(size, min(state->size, (tsize_t)state->eof) - (tsize_t)state->loc);
TRACE(("to_read: %d\n", (int)to_read));
_TIFFmemcpy(buf, (UINT8 *)state->data + state->loc, to_read);
state->loc += (toff_t)to_read;
TRACE( ("location: %u\n", (uint)state->loc));
return to_read;
tsize_t _tiffWriteProc(thandle_t hdata, tdata_t buf, tsize_t size) {
TIFFSTATE *state = (TIFFSTATE *)hdata;
tsize_t to_write;
TRACE(("_tiffWriteProc: %d \n", (int)size));
to_write = min(size, state->size - (tsize_t)state->loc);
if (state->flrealloc && size>to_write) {
tdata_t new_data;
tsize_t newsize=state->size;
while (newsize < (size + state->size)) {
if (newsize > INT_MAX - 64*1024){
return 0;
newsize += 64*1024;
// newsize*=2; // UNDONE, by 64k chunks?
TRACE(("Reallocing in write to %d bytes\n", (int)newsize));
/* malloc check ok, overflow checked above */
new_data = realloc(state->data, newsize);
if (!new_data) {
// fail out
return 0;
state->data = new_data;
state->size = newsize;
to_write = size;
TRACE(("to_write: %d\n", (int)to_write));
_TIFFmemcpy((UINT8 *)state->data + state->loc, buf, to_write);
state->loc += (toff_t)to_write;
state->eof = max(state->loc, state->eof);
return to_write;
toff_t _tiffSeekProc(thandle_t hdata, toff_t off, int whence) {
TIFFSTATE *state = (TIFFSTATE *)hdata;
TRACE(("_tiffSeekProc: off: %u whence: %d \n", (uint)off, whence));
switch (whence) {
case 0:
state->loc = off;
case 1:
state->loc += off;
case 2:
state->loc = state->eof + off;
return state->loc;
int _tiffCloseProc(thandle_t hdata) {
TIFFSTATE *state = (TIFFSTATE *)hdata;
TRACE(("_tiffCloseProc \n"));
return 0;
toff_t _tiffSizeProc(thandle_t hdata) {
TIFFSTATE *state = (TIFFSTATE *)hdata;
TRACE(("_tiffSizeProc \n"));
return (toff_t)state->size;
int _tiffMapProc(thandle_t hdata, tdata_t* pbase, toff_t* psize) {
TIFFSTATE *state = (TIFFSTATE *)hdata;
TRACE(("_tiffMapProc input size: %u, data: %p\n", (uint)*psize, *pbase));
*pbase = state->data;
*psize = state->size;
TRACE(("_tiffMapProc returning size: %u, data: %p\n", (uint)*psize, *pbase));
return (1);
int _tiffNullMapProc(thandle_t hdata, tdata_t* pbase, toff_t* psize) {
(void) hdata; (void) pbase; (void) psize;
return (0);
void _tiffUnmapProc(thandle_t hdata, tdata_t base, toff_t size) {
(void) hdata; (void) base; (void) size;
int ImagingLibTiffInit(ImagingCodecState state, int fp, int offset) {
TIFFSTATE *clientstate = (TIFFSTATE *)state->context;
TRACE(("initing libtiff\n"));
TRACE(("filepointer: %d \n", fp));
TRACE(("State: count %d, state %d, x %d, y %d, ystep %d\n", state->count, state->state,
state->x, state->y, state->ystep));
TRACE(("State: xsize %d, ysize %d, xoff %d, yoff %d \n", state->xsize, state->ysize,
state->xoff, state->yoff));
TRACE(("State: bits %d, bytes %d \n", state->bits, state->bytes));
TRACE(("State: context %p \n", state->context));
clientstate->loc = 0;
clientstate->size = 0;
clientstate->data = 0;
clientstate->fp = fp;
clientstate->ifd = offset;
clientstate->eof = 0;
return 1;
int ReadTile(TIFF* tiff, UINT32 col, UINT32 row, UINT32* buffer) {
uint16 photometric;
TIFFGetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &photometric);
// To avoid dealing with YCbCr subsampling, let libtiff handle it
if (photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) {
UINT32 tile_width, tile_height, swap_line_size, i_row;
UINT32* swap_line;
TIFFGetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, &tile_width);
TIFFGetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, &tile_height);
swap_line_size = tile_width * sizeof(UINT32);
if (tile_width != swap_line_size / sizeof(UINT32)) {
return -1;
/* Read the tile into an RGBA array */
if (!TIFFReadRGBATile(tiff, col, row, buffer)) {
return -1;
swap_line = (UINT32*)malloc(swap_line_size);
* For some reason the TIFFReadRGBATile() function chooses the
* lower left corner as the origin. Vertically mirror scanlines.
for(i_row = 0; i_row < tile_height / 2; i_row++) {
UINT32 *top_line, *bottom_line;
top_line = buffer + tile_width * i_row;
bottom_line = buffer + tile_width * (tile_height - i_row - 1);
memcpy(swap_line, top_line, 4*tile_width);
memcpy(top_line, bottom_line, 4*tile_width);
memcpy(bottom_line, swap_line, 4*tile_width);
return 0;
if (TIFFReadTile(tiff, (tdata_t)buffer, col, row, 0, 0) == -1) {
TRACE(("Decode Error, Tile at %dx%d\n", col, row));
return -1;
TRACE(("Successfully read tile at %dx%d; \n\n", col, row));
return 0;
int ReadStrip(TIFF* tiff, UINT32 row, UINT32* buffer) {
uint16 photometric;
TIFFGetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &photometric);
// To avoid dealing with YCbCr subsampling, let libtiff handle it
if (photometric == PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR) {
TIFFRGBAImage img;
char emsg[1024] = "";
UINT32 rows_per_strip, rows_to_read;
int ok;
TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tiff, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, &rows_per_strip);
if ((row % rows_per_strip) != 0) {
TRACE(("Row passed to ReadStrip() must be first in a strip."));
return -1;
if (TIFFRGBAImageOK(tiff, emsg) && TIFFRGBAImageBegin(&img, tiff, 0, emsg)) {
TRACE(("Initialized RGBAImage\n"));
img.req_orientation = ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT;
img.row_offset = row;
img.col_offset = 0;
rows_to_read = min(rows_per_strip, img.height - row);
TRACE(("rows to read: %d\n", rows_to_read));
ok = TIFFRGBAImageGet(&img, buffer, img.width, rows_to_read);
} else {
ok = 0;
if (ok == 0) {
TRACE(("Decode Error, row %d; msg: %s\n", row, emsg));
return -1;
return 0;
if (TIFFReadEncodedStrip(tiff, TIFFComputeStrip(tiff, row, 0), (tdata_t)buffer, -1) == -1) {
TRACE(("Decode Error, strip %d\n", TIFFComputeStrip(tiff, row, 0)));
return -1;
return 0;
int ImagingLibTiffDecode(Imaging im, ImagingCodecState state, UINT8* buffer, int bytes) {
TIFFSTATE *clientstate = (TIFFSTATE *)state->context;
char *filename = "tempfile.tif";
char *mode = "r";
TIFF *tiff;
/* buffer is the encoded file, bytes is the length of the encoded file */
/* it all ends up in state->buffer, which is a uint8* from Imaging.h */
TRACE(("in decoder: bytes %d\n", bytes));
TRACE(("State: count %d, state %d, x %d, y %d, ystep %d\n", state->count, state->state,
state->x, state->y, state->ystep));
TRACE(("State: xsize %d, ysize %d, xoff %d, yoff %d \n", state->xsize, state->ysize,
state->xoff, state->yoff));
TRACE(("State: bits %d, bytes %d \n", state->bits, state->bytes));
TRACE(("Buffer: %p: %c%c%c%c\n", buffer, (char)buffer[0], (char)buffer[1],(char)buffer[2], (char)buffer[3]));
TRACE(("State->Buffer: %c%c%c%c\n", (char)state->buffer[0], (char)state->buffer[1],(char)state->buffer[2], (char)state->buffer[3]));
TRACE(("Image: mode %s, type %d, bands: %d, xsize %d, ysize %d \n",
im->mode, im->type, im->bands, im->xsize, im->ysize));
TRACE(("Image: image8 %p, image32 %p, image %p, block %p \n",
im->image8, im->image32, im->image, im->block));
TRACE(("Image: pixelsize: %d, linesize %d \n",
im->pixelsize, im->linesize));
clientstate->size = bytes;
clientstate->eof = clientstate->size;
clientstate->loc = 0;
clientstate->data = (tdata_t)buffer;
clientstate->flrealloc = 0;
if (clientstate->fp) {
TRACE(("Opening using fd: %d\n",clientstate->fp));
lseek(clientstate->fp,0,SEEK_SET); // Sometimes, I get it set to the end.
tiff = TIFFFdOpen(clientstate->fp, filename, mode);
} else {
TRACE(("Opening from string\n"));
tiff = TIFFClientOpen(filename, mode,
(thandle_t) clientstate,
_tiffReadProc, _tiffWriteProc,
_tiffSeekProc, _tiffCloseProc, _tiffSizeProc,
_tiffMapProc, _tiffUnmapProc);
if (!tiff){
TRACE(("Error, didn't get the tiff\n"));
state->errcode = IMAGING_CODEC_BROKEN;
return -1;
if (clientstate->ifd){
int rv;
uint32 ifdoffset = clientstate->ifd;
TRACE(("reading tiff ifd %u\n", ifdoffset));
rv = TIFFSetSubDirectory(tiff, ifdoffset);
if (!rv){
TRACE(("error in TIFFSetSubDirectory"));
return -1;
if (TIFFIsTiled(tiff)) {
UINT32 x, y, tile_y, row_byte_size;
UINT32 tile_width, tile_length, current_tile_width;
UINT8 *new_data;
TIFFGetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, &tile_width);
TIFFGetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, &tile_length);
// We could use TIFFTileSize, but for YCbCr data it returns subsampled data size
row_byte_size = (tile_width * state->bits + 7) / 8;
state->bytes = row_byte_size * tile_length;
/* overflow check for malloc */
if (state->bytes > INT_MAX - 1) {
state->errcode = IMAGING_CODEC_MEMORY;
return -1;
/* realloc to fit whole tile */
new_data = realloc (state->buffer, state->bytes);
if (!new_data) {
state->errcode = IMAGING_CODEC_MEMORY;
return -1;
state->buffer = new_data;
TRACE(("TIFFTileSize: %d\n", state->bytes));
for (y = state->yoff; y < state->ysize; y += tile_length) {
for (x = state->xoff; x < state->xsize; x += tile_width) {
if (ReadTile(tiff, x, y, (UINT32*) state->buffer) == -1) {
TRACE(("Decode Error, Tile at %dx%d\n", x, y));
state->errcode = IMAGING_CODEC_BROKEN;
return -1;
TRACE(("Read tile at %dx%d; \n\n", x, y));
current_tile_width = min(tile_width, state->xsize - x);
// iterate over each line in the tile and stuff data into image
for (tile_y = 0; tile_y < min(tile_length, state->ysize - y); tile_y++) {
TRACE(("Writing tile data at %dx%d using tile_width: %d; \n", tile_y + y, x, current_tile_width));
// UINT8 * bbb = state->buffer + tile_y * row_byte_size;
// TRACE(("chars: %x%x%x%x\n", ((UINT8 *)bbb)[0], ((UINT8 *)bbb)[1], ((UINT8 *)bbb)[2], ((UINT8 *)bbb)[3]));
state->shuffle((UINT8*) im->image[tile_y + y] + x * im->pixelsize,
state->buffer + tile_y * row_byte_size,
} else {
UINT32 strip_row, row_byte_size;
UINT8 *new_data;
UINT32 rows_per_strip;
TIFFGetField(tiff, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, &rows_per_strip);
TRACE(("RowsPerStrip: %u \n", rows_per_strip));
// We could use TIFFStripSize, but for YCbCr data it returns subsampled data size
row_byte_size = (state->xsize * state->bits + 7) / 8;
state->bytes = rows_per_strip * row_byte_size;
TRACE(("StripSize: %d \n", state->bytes));
/* realloc to fit whole strip */
new_data = realloc (state->buffer, state->bytes);
if (!new_data) {
state->errcode = IMAGING_CODEC_MEMORY;
return -1;
state->buffer = new_data;
for (; state->y < state->ysize; state->y += rows_per_strip) {
if (ReadStrip(tiff, state->y, (UINT32 *)state->buffer) == -1) {
TRACE(("Decode Error, strip %d\n", TIFFComputeStrip(tiff, state->y, 0)));
state->errcode = IMAGING_CODEC_BROKEN;
return -1;
TRACE(("Decoded strip for row %d \n", state->y));
// iterate over each row in the strip and stuff data into image
for (strip_row = 0; strip_row < min(rows_per_strip, state->ysize - state->y); strip_row++) {
TRACE(("Writing data into line %d ; \n", state->y + strip_row));
// UINT8 * bbb = state->buffer + strip_row * (state->bytes / rows_per_strip);
// TRACE(("chars: %x %x %x %x\n", ((UINT8 *)bbb)[0], ((UINT8 *)bbb)[1], ((UINT8 *)bbb)[2], ((UINT8 *)bbb)[3]));
state->shuffle((UINT8*) im->image[state->y + state->yoff + strip_row] +
state->xoff * im->pixelsize,
state->buffer + strip_row * row_byte_size,
TRACE(("Done Decoding, Returning \n"));
// Returning -1 here to force ImageFile.load to break, rather than
// even think about looping back around.
return -1;
int ImagingLibTiffEncodeInit(ImagingCodecState state, char *filename, int fp) {
// Open the FD or the pointer as a tiff file, for writing.
// We may have to do some monkeying around to make this really work.
// If we have a fp, then we're good.
// If we have a memory string, we're probably going to have to malloc, then
// shuffle bytes into the writescanline process.
// Going to have to deal with the directory as well.
TIFFSTATE *clientstate = (TIFFSTATE *)state->context;
int bufsize = 64*1024;
char *mode = "w";
TRACE(("initing libtiff\n"));
TRACE(("Filename %s, filepointer: %d \n", filename, fp));
TRACE(("State: count %d, state %d, x %d, y %d, ystep %d\n", state->count, state->state,
state->x, state->y, state->ystep));
TRACE(("State: xsize %d, ysize %d, xoff %d, yoff %d \n", state->xsize, state->ysize,
state->xoff, state->yoff));
TRACE(("State: bits %d, bytes %d \n", state->bits, state->bytes));
TRACE(("State: context %p \n", state->context));
clientstate->loc = 0;
clientstate->size = 0;
clientstate->eof =0;
clientstate->data = 0;
clientstate->flrealloc = 0;
clientstate->fp = fp;
state->state = 0;
if (fp) {
TRACE(("Opening using fd: %d for writing \n",clientstate->fp));
clientstate->tiff = TIFFFdOpen(clientstate->fp, filename, mode);
} else {
// malloc a buffer to write the tif, we're going to need to realloc or something if we need bigger.
TRACE(("Opening a buffer for writing \n"));
/* malloc check ok, small constant allocation */
clientstate->data = malloc(bufsize);
clientstate->size = bufsize;
if (!clientstate->data) {
TRACE(("Error, couldn't allocate a buffer of size %d\n", bufsize));
return 0;
clientstate->tiff = TIFFClientOpen(filename, mode,
(thandle_t) clientstate,
_tiffReadProc, _tiffWriteProc,
_tiffSeekProc, _tiffCloseProc, _tiffSizeProc,
_tiffNullMapProc, _tiffUnmapProc); /*force no mmap*/
if (!clientstate->tiff) {
TRACE(("Error, couldn't open tiff file\n"));
return 0;
return 1;
int ImagingLibTiffMergeFieldInfo(ImagingCodecState state, TIFFDataType field_type, int key){
TIFFSTATE *clientstate = (TIFFSTATE *)state->context;
char field_name[10];
uint32 n;
int status = 0;
const TIFFFieldInfo info[] = {
{ key, 0, 1, field_type, FIELD_CUSTOM, 1, 0, field_name }
n = sizeof(info) / sizeof(info[0]);
// Test for libtiff 4.0 or later, excluding libtiff 3.9.6 and 3.9.7
#if TIFFLIB_VERSION >= 20111221 && TIFFLIB_VERSION != 20120218 && TIFFLIB_VERSION != 20120922
status = TIFFMergeFieldInfo(clientstate->tiff, info, n);
TIFFMergeFieldInfo(clientstate->tiff, info, n);
return status;
int ImagingLibTiffSetField(ImagingCodecState state, ttag_t tag, ...){
// after tif_dir.c->TIFFSetField.
TIFFSTATE *clientstate = (TIFFSTATE *)state->context;
va_list ap;
int status;
va_start(ap, tag);
status = TIFFVSetField(clientstate->tiff, tag, ap);
return status;
int ImagingLibTiffEncode(Imaging im, ImagingCodecState state, UINT8* buffer, int bytes) {
/* One shot encoder. Encode everything to the tiff in the clientstate.
If we're running off of a FD, then run once, we're good, everything
ends up in the file, we close and we're done.
If we're going to memory, then we need to write the whole file into memory, then
parcel it back out to the pystring buffer bytes at a time.
TIFFSTATE *clientstate = (TIFFSTATE *)state->context;
TIFF *tiff = clientstate->tiff;
TRACE(("in encoder: bytes %d\n", bytes));
TRACE(("State: count %d, state %d, x %d, y %d, ystep %d\n", state->count, state->state,
state->x, state->y, state->ystep));
TRACE(("State: xsize %d, ysize %d, xoff %d, yoff %d \n", state->xsize, state->ysize,
state->xoff, state->yoff));
TRACE(("State: bits %d, bytes %d \n", state->bits, state->bytes));
TRACE(("Buffer: %p: %c%c%c%c\n", buffer, (char)buffer[0], (char)buffer[1],(char)buffer[2], (char)buffer[3]));
TRACE(("State->Buffer: %c%c%c%c\n", (char)state->buffer[0], (char)state->buffer[1],(char)state->buffer[2], (char)state->buffer[3]));
TRACE(("Image: mode %s, type %d, bands: %d, xsize %d, ysize %d \n",
im->mode, im->type, im->bands, im->xsize, im->ysize));
TRACE(("Image: image8 %p, image32 %p, image %p, block %p \n",
im->image8, im->image32, im->image, im->block));
TRACE(("Image: pixelsize: %d, linesize %d \n",
im->pixelsize, im->linesize));
if (state->state == 0) {
TRACE(("Encoding line bt line"));
while(state->y < state->ysize){
(UINT8*) im->image[state->y + state->yoff] +
state->xoff * im->pixelsize,
if (TIFFWriteScanline(tiff, (tdata_t)(state->buffer), (uint32)state->y, 0) == -1) {
TRACE(("Encode Error, row %d\n", state->y));
state->errcode = IMAGING_CODEC_BROKEN;
if (!clientstate->fp){
return -1;
if (state->y == state->ysize) {
TRACE(("Flushing \n"));
if (!TIFFFlush(tiff)) {
TRACE(("Error flushing the tiff"));
// likely reason is memory.
state->errcode = IMAGING_CODEC_MEMORY;
if (!clientstate->fp){
return -1;
TRACE(("Closing \n"));
// reset the clientstate metadata to use it to read out the buffer.
clientstate->loc = 0;
clientstate->size = clientstate->eof; // redundant?
if (state->state == 1 && !clientstate->fp) {
int read = (int)_tiffReadProc(clientstate, (tdata_t)buffer, (tsize_t)bytes);
TRACE(("Buffer: %p: %c%c%c%c\n", buffer, (char)buffer[0], (char)buffer[1],(char)buffer[2], (char)buffer[3]));
if (clientstate->loc == clientstate->eof) {
TRACE(("Hit EOF, calling an end, freeing data"));
state->errcode = IMAGING_CODEC_END;
return read;
state->errcode = IMAGING_CODEC_END;
return 0;
const char*
return TIFFGetVersion();