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synced 2025-03-03 11:35:52 +03:00
1239 lines
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1239 lines
36 KiB
import warnings
from io import BytesIO
import pytest
from PIL import GifImagePlugin, Image, ImageDraw, ImagePalette, ImageSequence, features
from .helper import (
# sample gif stream
TEST_GIF = "Tests/images/hopper.gif"
with open(TEST_GIF, "rb") as f:
data = f.read()
def test_sanity():
with Image.open(TEST_GIF) as im:
assert im.mode == "P"
assert im.size == (128, 128)
assert im.format == "GIF"
assert im.info["version"] == b"GIF89a"
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_pypy(), reason="Requires CPython")
def test_unclosed_file():
def open():
im = Image.open(TEST_GIF)
pytest.warns(ResourceWarning, open)
def test_closed_file():
with warnings.catch_warnings():
im = Image.open(TEST_GIF)
def test_seek_after_close():
im = Image.open("Tests/images/iss634.gif")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_context_manager():
with warnings.catch_warnings():
with Image.open(TEST_GIF) as im:
def test_invalid_file():
invalid_file = "Tests/images/flower.jpg"
with pytest.raises(SyntaxError):
def test_l_mode_transparency():
with Image.open("Tests/images/no_palette_with_transparency.gif") as im:
assert im.mode == "L"
assert im.load()[0, 0] == 128
assert im.info["transparency"] == 255
assert im.mode == "L"
assert im.load()[0, 0] == 128
def test_l_mode_after_rgb():
with Image.open("Tests/images/no_palette_after_rgb.gif") as im:
assert im.mode == "RGB"
assert im.mode == "RGB"
def test_palette_not_needed_for_second_frame():
with Image.open("Tests/images/palette_not_needed_for_second_frame.gif") as im:
assert_image_similar(im, hopper("L").convert("RGB"), 8)
def test_strategy():
with Image.open("Tests/images/iss634.gif") as im:
expected_rgb_always = im.convert("RGB")
with Image.open("Tests/images/chi.gif") as im:
expected_rgb_always_rgba = im.convert("RGBA")
expected_different = im.convert("RGB")
GifImagePlugin.LOADING_STRATEGY = GifImagePlugin.LoadingStrategy.RGB_ALWAYS
with Image.open("Tests/images/iss634.gif") as im:
assert im.mode == "RGB"
assert_image_equal(im, expected_rgb_always)
with Image.open("Tests/images/chi.gif") as im:
assert im.mode == "RGBA"
assert_image_equal(im, expected_rgb_always_rgba)
# Stay in P mode with only a global palette
with Image.open("Tests/images/chi.gif") as im:
assert im.mode == "P"
assert im.mode == "P"
assert_image_equal(im.convert("RGB"), expected_different)
# Change to RGB mode when a frame has an individual palette
with Image.open("Tests/images/iss634.gif") as im:
assert im.mode == "P"
assert im.mode == "RGB"
GifImagePlugin.LOADING_STRATEGY = GifImagePlugin.LoadingStrategy.RGB_AFTER_FIRST
def test_optimize():
def test_grayscale(optimize):
im = Image.new("L", (1, 1), 0)
filename = BytesIO()
im.save(filename, "GIF", optimize=optimize)
return len(filename.getvalue())
def test_bilevel(optimize):
im = Image.new("1", (1, 1), 0)
test_file = BytesIO()
im.save(test_file, "GIF", optimize=optimize)
return len(test_file.getvalue())
assert test_grayscale(0) == 799
assert test_grayscale(1) == 43
assert test_bilevel(0) == 799
assert test_bilevel(1) == 799
def test_optimize_correctness():
# 256 color Palette image, posterize to > 128 and < 128 levels
# Size bigger and smaller than 512x512
# Check the palette for number of colors allocated.
# Check for correctness after conversion back to RGB
def check(colors, size, expected_palette_length):
# make an image with empty colors in the start of the palette range
im = Image.frombytes(
"P", (colors, colors), bytes(range(256 - colors, 256)) * colors
im = im.resize((size, size))
outfile = BytesIO()
im.save(outfile, "GIF")
with Image.open(outfile) as reloaded:
# check palette length
palette_length = max(i + 1 for i, v in enumerate(reloaded.histogram()) if v)
assert expected_palette_length == palette_length
assert_image_equal(im.convert("RGB"), reloaded.convert("RGB"))
# These do optimize the palette
check(256, 511, 256)
check(255, 511, 255)
check(129, 511, 129)
check(128, 511, 128)
check(64, 511, 64)
check(4, 511, 4)
# These don't optimize the palette
check(128, 513, 256)
check(64, 513, 256)
check(4, 513, 256)
def test_optimize_full_l():
im = Image.frombytes("L", (16, 16), bytes(range(256)))
test_file = BytesIO()
im.save(test_file, "GIF", optimize=True)
assert im.mode == "L"
def test_optimize_if_palette_can_be_reduced_by_half():
with Image.open("Tests/images/test.colors.gif") as im:
# Reduce dimensions because original is too big for _get_optimize()
im = im.resize((591, 443))
im_rgb = im.convert("RGB")
for (optimize, colors) in ((False, 256), (True, 8)):
out = BytesIO()
im_rgb.save(out, "GIF", optimize=optimize)
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert len(reloaded.palette.palette) // 3 == colors
def test_roundtrip(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im = hopper()
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert_image_similar(reread.convert("RGB"), im, 50)
def test_roundtrip2(tmp_path):
# see https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/403
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
with Image.open(TEST_GIF) as im:
im2 = im.copy()
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert_image_similar(reread.convert("RGB"), hopper(), 50)
def test_roundtrip_save_all(tmp_path):
# Single frame image
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im = hopper()
im.save(out, save_all=True)
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert_image_similar(reread.convert("RGB"), im, 50)
# Multiframe image
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_bgnd.gif") as im:
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im.save(out, save_all=True)
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.n_frames == 5
"path, mode",
("Tests/images/dispose_bgnd.gif", "RGB"),
# Hexeditted copy of dispose_bgnd to add transparency
("Tests/images/dispose_bgnd_rgba.gif", "RGBA"),
def test_loading_multiple_palettes(path, mode):
with Image.open(path) as im:
assert im.mode == "P"
first_frame_colors = im.palette.colors.keys()
original_color = im.convert("RGB").load()[0, 0]
assert im.mode == mode
if mode == "RGBA":
im = im.convert("RGB")
# Check a color only from the old palette
assert im.load()[0, 0] == original_color
# Check a color from the new palette
assert im.load()[24, 24] not in first_frame_colors
def test_headers_saving_for_animated_gifs(tmp_path):
important_headers = ["background", "version", "duration", "loop"]
# Multiframe image
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_bgnd.gif") as im:
info = im.info.copy()
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im.save(out, save_all=True)
with Image.open(out) as reread:
for header in important_headers:
assert info[header] == reread.info[header]
def test_palette_handling(tmp_path):
# see https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/513
with Image.open(TEST_GIF) as im:
im = im.convert("RGB")
im = im.resize((100, 100), Image.Resampling.LANCZOS)
im2 = im.convert("P", palette=Image.Palette.ADAPTIVE, colors=256)
f = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im2.save(f, optimize=True)
with Image.open(f) as reloaded:
assert_image_similar(im, reloaded.convert("RGB"), 10)
def test_palette_434(tmp_path):
# see https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/434
def roundtrip(im, *args, **kwargs):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im.copy().save(out, *args, **kwargs)
reloaded = Image.open(out)
return reloaded
orig = "Tests/images/test.colors.gif"
with Image.open(orig) as im:
with roundtrip(im) as reloaded:
assert_image_similar(im, reloaded, 1)
with roundtrip(im, optimize=True) as reloaded:
assert_image_similar(im, reloaded, 1)
im = im.convert("RGB")
# check automatic P conversion
with roundtrip(im) as reloaded:
reloaded = reloaded.convert("RGB")
assert_image_equal(im, reloaded)
@pytest.mark.skipif(not netpbm_available(), reason="Netpbm not available")
def test_save_netpbm_bmp_mode(tmp_path):
with Image.open(TEST_GIF) as img:
img = img.convert("RGB")
tempfile = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
GifImagePlugin._save_netpbm(img, 0, tempfile)
with Image.open(tempfile) as reloaded:
assert_image_similar(img, reloaded.convert("RGB"), 0)
@pytest.mark.skipif(not netpbm_available(), reason="Netpbm not available")
def test_save_netpbm_l_mode(tmp_path):
with Image.open(TEST_GIF) as img:
img = img.convert("L")
tempfile = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
GifImagePlugin._save_netpbm(img, 0, tempfile)
with Image.open(tempfile) as reloaded:
assert_image_similar(img, reloaded.convert("L"), 0)
def test_seek():
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_none.gif") as img:
frame_count = 0
while True:
frame_count += 1
img.seek(img.tell() + 1)
except EOFError:
assert frame_count == 5
def test_seek_info():
with Image.open("Tests/images/iss634.gif") as im:
info = im.info.copy()
assert im.info == info
def test_seek_rewind():
with Image.open("Tests/images/iss634.gif") as im:
with Image.open("Tests/images/iss634.gif") as expected:
assert_image_equal(im, expected)
"path, n_frames",
(TEST_GIF, 1),
("Tests/images/comment_after_last_frame.gif", 2),
("Tests/images/iss634.gif", 42),
def test_n_frames(path, n_frames):
# Test is_animated before n_frames
with Image.open(path) as im:
assert im.is_animated == (n_frames != 1)
# Test is_animated after n_frames
with Image.open(path) as im:
assert im.n_frames == n_frames
assert im.is_animated == (n_frames != 1)
def test_no_change():
# Test n_frames does not change the image
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_bgnd.gif") as im:
expected = im.copy()
assert im.n_frames == 5
assert_image_equal(im, expected)
# Test is_animated does not change the image
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_bgnd.gif") as im:
expected = im.copy()
assert im.is_animated
assert_image_equal(im, expected)
with Image.open("Tests/images/comment_after_only_frame.gif") as im:
expected = Image.new("P", (1, 1))
assert not im.is_animated
assert_image_equal(im, expected)
def test_eoferror():
with Image.open(TEST_GIF) as im:
n_frames = im.n_frames
# Test seeking past the last frame
with pytest.raises(EOFError):
assert im.tell() < n_frames
# Test that seeking to the last frame does not raise an error
im.seek(n_frames - 1)
def test_first_frame_transparency():
with Image.open("Tests/images/first_frame_transparency.gif") as im:
px = im.load()
assert px[0, 0] == im.info["transparency"]
def test_dispose_none():
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_none.gif") as img:
while True:
img.seek(img.tell() + 1)
assert img.disposal_method == 1
except EOFError:
def test_dispose_none_load_end():
# Test image created with:
# im = Image.open("transparent.gif")
# im_rotated = im.rotate(180)
# im.save("dispose_none_load_end.gif",
# save_all=True, append_images=[im_rotated], disposal=[1,2])
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_none_load_end.gif") as img:
assert_image_equal_tofile(img, "Tests/images/dispose_none_load_end_second.png")
def test_dispose_background():
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_bgnd.gif") as img:
while True:
img.seek(img.tell() + 1)
assert img.disposal_method == 2
except EOFError:
def test_dispose_background_transparency():
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_bgnd_transparency.gif") as img:
px = img.load()
assert px[35, 30][3] == 0
"loading_strategy, expected_colors",
(2, 1, 2),
((0, 255, 24, 255), (0, 0, 255, 255), (0, 255, 24, 255)),
((0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 255, 255), (0, 0, 0, 0)),
(2, 1, 2),
(0, 1, 0),
(2, 1, 2),
def test_transparent_dispose(loading_strategy, expected_colors):
GifImagePlugin.LOADING_STRATEGY = loading_strategy
with Image.open("Tests/images/transparent_dispose.gif") as img:
for frame in range(3):
for x in range(3):
color = img.getpixel((x, 0))
assert color == expected_colors[frame][x]
GifImagePlugin.LOADING_STRATEGY = GifImagePlugin.LoadingStrategy.RGB_AFTER_FIRST
def test_dispose_previous():
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_prev.gif") as img:
while True:
img.seek(img.tell() + 1)
assert img.disposal_method == 3
except EOFError:
def test_dispose_previous_first_frame():
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_prev_first_frame.gif") as im:
im, "Tests/images/dispose_prev_first_frame_seeked.png"
def test_previous_frame_loaded():
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_none.gif") as img:
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_none.gif") as img_skipped:
assert_image_equal(img_skipped, img)
def test_save_dispose(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im_list = [
Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000"),
Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#111"),
Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#222"),
for method in range(0, 4):
im_list[0].save(out, save_all=True, append_images=im_list[1:], disposal=method)
with Image.open(out) as img:
for _ in range(2):
img.seek(img.tell() + 1)
assert img.disposal_method == method
# Check per frame disposal
with Image.open(out) as img:
for i in range(2):
img.seek(img.tell() + 1)
assert img.disposal_method == i + 1
def test_dispose2_palette(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
# Four colors: white, grey, black, red
circles = [(255, 255, 255), (153, 153, 153), (0, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0)]
im_list = []
for circle in circles:
# Red background
img = Image.new("RGB", (100, 100), (255, 0, 0))
# Circle in center of each frame
d = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
d.ellipse([(40, 40), (60, 60)], fill=circle)
im_list[0].save(out, save_all=True, append_images=im_list[1:], disposal=2)
with Image.open(out) as img:
for i, circle in enumerate(circles):
rgb_img = img.convert("RGB")
# Check top left pixel matches background
assert rgb_img.getpixel((0, 0)) == (255, 0, 0)
# Center remains red every frame
assert rgb_img.getpixel((50, 50)) == circle
def test_dispose2_diff(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
# 4 frames: red/blue, red/red, blue/blue, red/blue
circles = [
((255, 0, 0, 255), (0, 0, 255, 255)),
((255, 0, 0, 255), (255, 0, 0, 255)),
((0, 0, 255, 255), (0, 0, 255, 255)),
((255, 0, 0, 255), (0, 0, 255, 255)),
im_list = []
for i in range(len(circles)):
# Transparent BG
img = Image.new("RGBA", (100, 100), (255, 255, 255, 0))
# Two circles per frame
d = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
d.ellipse([(0, 30), (40, 70)], fill=circles[i][0])
d.ellipse([(60, 30), (100, 70)], fill=circles[i][1])
out, save_all=True, append_images=im_list[1:], disposal=2, transparency=0
with Image.open(out) as img:
for i, colours in enumerate(circles):
rgb_img = img.convert("RGBA")
# Check left circle is correct colour
assert rgb_img.getpixel((20, 50)) == colours[0]
# Check right circle is correct colour
assert rgb_img.getpixel((80, 50)) == colours[1]
# Check BG is correct colour
assert rgb_img.getpixel((1, 1)) == (255, 255, 255, 0)
def test_dispose2_background(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im_list = []
im = Image.new("P", (100, 100))
d = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
d.rectangle([(50, 0), (100, 100)], fill="#f00")
d.rectangle([(0, 0), (50, 100)], fill="#0f0")
im = Image.new("P", (100, 100))
d = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
d.rectangle([(0, 0), (100, 50)], fill="#f00")
d.rectangle([(0, 50), (100, 100)], fill="#0f0")
out, save_all=True, append_images=im_list[1:], disposal=[0, 2], background=1
with Image.open(out) as im:
assert im.getpixel((0, 0)) == (255, 0, 0)
def test_transparency_in_second_frame(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
with Image.open("Tests/images/different_transparency.gif") as im:
assert im.info["transparency"] == 0
# Seek to the second frame
im.seek(im.tell() + 1)
assert "transparency" not in im.info
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/different_transparency_merged.png")
im.save(out, save_all=True)
with Image.open(out) as reread:
reread.seek(reread.tell() + 1)
reread, "Tests/images/different_transparency_merged.png"
def test_no_transparency_in_second_frame():
with Image.open("Tests/images/iss634.gif") as img:
# Seek to the second frame
img.seek(img.tell() + 1)
assert "transparency" not in img.info
# All transparent pixels should be replaced with the color from the first frame
assert img.histogram()[255] == 0
def test_remapped_transparency(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im = Image.new("P", (1, 2))
im2 = im.copy()
# Add transparency at a higher index
# so that it will be optimized to a lower index
im.putpixel((0, 1), 5)
im.info["transparency"] = 5
im.save(out, save_all=True, append_images=[im2])
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert reloaded.info["transparency"] == reloaded.getpixel((0, 1))
def test_duration(tmp_path):
duration = 1000
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im = Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000")
# Check that the argument has priority over the info settings
im.info["duration"] = 100
im.save(out, duration=duration)
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.info["duration"] == duration
def test_multiple_duration(tmp_path):
duration_list = [1000, 2000, 3000]
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im_list = [
Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000"),
Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#111"),
Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#222"),
# Duration as list
out, save_all=True, append_images=im_list[1:], duration=duration_list
with Image.open(out) as reread:
for duration in duration_list:
assert reread.info["duration"] == duration
reread.seek(reread.tell() + 1)
except EOFError:
# Duration as tuple
out, save_all=True, append_images=im_list[1:], duration=tuple(duration_list)
with Image.open(out) as reread:
for duration in duration_list:
assert reread.info["duration"] == duration
reread.seek(reread.tell() + 1)
except EOFError:
def test_roundtrip_info_duration(tmp_path):
duration_list = [100, 500, 500]
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
with Image.open("Tests/images/transparent_dispose.gif") as im:
assert [
frame.info["duration"] for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(im)
] == duration_list
im.save(out, save_all=True)
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert [
frame.info["duration"] for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(reloaded)
] == duration_list
def test_identical_frames(tmp_path):
duration_list = [1000, 1500, 2000, 4000]
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im_list = [
Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000"),
Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000"),
Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000"),
Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#111"),
# Duration as list
out, save_all=True, append_images=im_list[1:], duration=duration_list
with Image.open(out) as reread:
# Assert that the first three frames were combined
assert reread.n_frames == 2
# Assert that the new duration is the total of the identical frames
assert reread.info["duration"] == 4500
"duration", ([1000, 1500, 2000, 4000], (1000, 1500, 2000, 4000), 8500)
def test_identical_frames_to_single_frame(duration, tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im_list = [
Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000"),
Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000"),
Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000"),
im_list[0].save(out, save_all=True, append_images=im_list[1:], duration=duration)
with Image.open(out) as reread:
# Assert that all frames were combined
assert reread.n_frames == 1
# Assert that the new duration is the total of the identical frames
assert reread.info["duration"] == 8500
def test_number_of_loops(tmp_path):
number_of_loops = 2
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im = Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000")
im.save(out, loop=number_of_loops)
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.info["loop"] == number_of_loops
# Check that even if a subsequent GIF frame has the number of loops specified,
# only the value from the first frame is used
with Image.open("Tests/images/duplicate_number_of_loops.gif") as im:
assert im.info["loop"] == 2
assert im.info["loop"] == 2
def test_background(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im = Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000")
im.info["background"] = 1
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.info["background"] == im.info["background"]
if features.check("webp") and features.check("webp_anim"):
with Image.open("Tests/images/hopper.webp") as im:
assert isinstance(im.info["background"], tuple)
def test_comment(tmp_path):
with Image.open(TEST_GIF) as im:
assert im.info["comment"] == b"File written by Adobe Photoshop\xa8 4.0"
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im = Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000")
im.info["comment"] = b"Test comment text"
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.info["comment"] == im.info["comment"]
im.info["comment"] = "Test comment text"
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.info["comment"] == im.info["comment"].encode()
# Test that GIF89a is used for comments
assert reread.info["version"] == b"GIF89a"
def test_comment_over_255(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im = Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000")
comment = b"Test comment text"
while len(comment) < 256:
comment += comment
im.info["comment"] = comment
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.info["comment"] == comment
# Test that GIF89a is used for comments
assert reread.info["version"] == b"GIF89a"
def test_zero_comment_subblocks():
with Image.open("Tests/images/hopper_zero_comment_subblocks.gif") as im:
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, TEST_GIF)
def test_read_multiple_comment_blocks():
with Image.open("Tests/images/multiple_comments.gif") as im:
# Multiple comment blocks in a frame are separated not concatenated
assert im.info["comment"] == b"Test comment 1\nTest comment 2"
def test_empty_string_comment(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
with Image.open("Tests/images/chi.gif") as im:
assert "comment" in im.info
# Empty string comment should suppress existing comment
im.save(out, save_all=True, comment="")
with Image.open(out) as reread:
for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(reread):
assert "comment" not in frame.info
def test_retain_comment_in_subsequent_frames(tmp_path):
# Test that a comment block at the beginning is kept
with Image.open("Tests/images/chi.gif") as im:
for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(im):
assert frame.info["comment"] == b"Created with GIMP"
with Image.open("Tests/images/second_frame_comment.gif") as im:
assert "comment" not in im.info
# Test that a comment in the middle is read
assert im.info["comment"] == b"Comment in the second frame"
# Test that it is still present in a later frame
assert im.info["comment"] == b"Comment in the second frame"
# Test that rewinding removes the comment
assert "comment" not in im.info
# Test that a saved image keeps the comment
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_prev.gif") as im:
im.save(out, save_all=True, comment="Test")
with Image.open(out) as reread:
for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(reread):
assert frame.info["comment"] == b"Test"
def test_version(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
def assert_version_after_save(im, version):
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.info["version"] == version
# Test that GIF87a is used by default
im = Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000")
assert_version_after_save(im, b"GIF87a")
# Test setting the version to 89a
im = Image.new("L", (100, 100), "#000")
im.info["version"] = b"89a"
assert_version_after_save(im, b"GIF89a")
# Test that adding a GIF89a feature changes the version
im.info["transparency"] = 1
assert_version_after_save(im, b"GIF89a")
# Test that a GIF87a image is also saved in that format
with Image.open("Tests/images/test.colors.gif") as im:
assert_version_after_save(im, b"GIF87a")
# Test that a GIF89a image is also saved in that format
im.info["version"] = b"GIF89a"
assert_version_after_save(im, b"GIF87a")
def test_append_images(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
# Test appending single frame images
im = Image.new("RGB", (100, 100), "#f00")
ims = [Image.new("RGB", (100, 100), color) for color in ["#0f0", "#00f"]]
im.copy().save(out, save_all=True, append_images=ims)
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.n_frames == 3
# Tests appending using a generator
def im_generator(ims):
yield from ims
im.save(out, save_all=True, append_images=im_generator(ims))
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.n_frames == 3
# Tests appending single and multiple frame images
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_none.gif") as im:
with Image.open("Tests/images/dispose_prev.gif") as im2:
im.save(out, save_all=True, append_images=[im2])
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.n_frames == 10
def test_transparent_optimize(tmp_path):
# From issue #2195, if the transparent color is incorrectly optimized out, GIF loses
# transparency.
# Need a palette that isn't using the 0 color,
# where the transparent color is actually the top palette entry to trigger the bug.
data = bytes(range(1, 254))
palette = ImagePalette.ImagePalette("RGB", list(range(256)) * 3)
im = Image.new("L", (253, 1))
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im.save(out, transparency=im.getpixel((252, 0)))
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert reloaded.info["transparency"] == reloaded.getpixel((252, 0))
def test_rgb_transparency(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
# Single frame
im = Image.new("RGB", (1, 1))
im.info["transparency"] = (255, 0, 0)
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert "transparency" in reloaded.info
# Multiple frames
im = Image.new("RGB", (1, 1))
im.info["transparency"] = b""
ims = [Image.new("RGB", (1, 1))]
pytest.warns(UserWarning, im.save, out, save_all=True, append_images=ims)
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert "transparency" not in reloaded.info
def test_rgba_transparency(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im = hopper("P")
im.save(out, save_all=True, append_images=[Image.new("RGBA", im.size)])
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert_image_equal(hopper("P").convert("RGB"), reloaded)
def test_bbox(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im = Image.new("RGB", (100, 100), "#fff")
ims = [Image.new("RGB", (100, 100), "#000")]
im.save(out, save_all=True, append_images=ims)
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.n_frames == 2
def test_palette_save_L(tmp_path):
# Generate an L mode image with a separate palette
im = hopper("P")
im_l = Image.frombytes("L", im.size, im.tobytes())
palette = bytes(im.getpalette())
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im_l.save(out, palette=palette)
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert_image_equal(reloaded.convert("RGB"), im.convert("RGB"))
def test_palette_save_P(tmp_path):
# Pass in a different palette, then construct what the image would look like.
# Forcing a non-straight grayscale palette.
im = hopper("P")
palette = bytes(255 - i // 3 for i in range(768))
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im.save(out, palette=palette)
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert_image_equal(reloaded, im)
def test_palette_save_duplicate_entries(tmp_path):
im = Image.new("P", (1, 2))
im.putpixel((0, 1), 1)
im.putpalette((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im.save(out, palette=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert reloaded.convert("RGB").getpixel((0, 1)) == (0, 0, 0)
def test_palette_save_all_P(tmp_path):
frames = []
colors = ((255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0))
for color in colors:
frame = Image.new("P", (100, 100))
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
out, save_all=True, palette=[255, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0], append_images=frames[1:]
with Image.open(out) as im:
# Assert that the frames are correct, and each frame has the same palette
assert_image_equal(im.convert("RGB"), frames[0].convert("RGB"))
assert im.palette.palette == im.global_palette.palette
assert_image_equal(im.convert("RGB"), frames[1].convert("RGB"))
assert im.palette.palette == im.global_palette.palette
def test_palette_save_ImagePalette(tmp_path):
# Pass in a different palette, as an ImagePalette.ImagePalette
# effectively the same as test_palette_save_P
im = hopper("P")
palette = ImagePalette.ImagePalette("RGB", list(range(256))[::-1] * 3)
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
im.save(out, palette=palette)
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert_image_equal(reloaded.convert("RGB"), im.convert("RGB"))
def test_save_I(tmp_path):
# Test saving something that would trigger the auto-convert to 'L'
im = hopper("I")
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert_image_equal(reloaded.convert("L"), im.convert("L"))
def test_getdata():
# Test getheader/getdata against legacy values.
# Create a 'P' image with holes in the palette.
im = Image._wedge().resize((16, 16), Image.Resampling.NEAREST)
im.info = {"background": 0}
passed_palette = bytes(255 - i // 3 for i in range(768))
GifImagePlugin._FORCE_OPTIMIZE = True
h = GifImagePlugin.getheader(im, passed_palette)
d = GifImagePlugin.getdata(im)
import pickle
# Enable to get target values on pre-refactor version
# with open('Tests/images/gif_header_data.pkl', 'wb') as f:
# pickle.dump((h, d), f, 1)
with open("Tests/images/gif_header_data.pkl", "rb") as f:
(h_target, d_target) = pickle.load(f)
assert h == h_target
assert d == d_target
GifImagePlugin._FORCE_OPTIMIZE = False
def test_lzw_bits():
# see https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/2811
with Image.open("Tests/images/issue_2811.gif") as im:
assert im.tile[0][3][0] == 11 # LZW bits
# codec error prepatch
def test_extents():
with Image.open("Tests/images/test_extents.gif") as im:
assert im.size == (100, 100)
# Check that n_frames does not change the size
assert im.n_frames == 2
assert im.size == (100, 100)
assert im.size == (150, 150)
def test_missing_background():
# The Global Color Table Flag isn't set, so there is no background color index,
# but the disposal method is "Restore to background color"
with Image.open("Tests/images/missing_background.gif") as im:
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/missing_background_first_frame.png")
def test_saving_rgba(tmp_path):
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.gif")
with Image.open("Tests/images/transparent.png") as im:
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
reloaded_rgba = reloaded.convert("RGBA")
assert reloaded_rgba.load()[0, 0][3] == 0