Antony Lee 974bcc074b Major rewrite of TIFF ImageFileDirectory.
Do not represent scalar tags as 1-element tuples.  Keep tag
type and count information in TiffTags.TAGS.  Normalize data in
ImageFileDirectory.__setitem__: wrap and unwrap tuples as needed,
convert rationals to floats.  (To ensure consistency, make the "tags"
attribute private.)  Interpret byte data as a series of integers rather
than a bytearray (which should only map to the "undefined" type).  On
Python3, if a str is assigned to an "undefined" tag, encode it as ASCII.

Note that a large number of tags have been removed from TiffTags.TAGS
because I do not have time to figure out the type and count of each of
them.  They should be restored before this gets merged in.

This obviously breaks backwards compatibility in a lot of ways...
2015-09-11 22:34:50 +01:00

402 lines
11 KiB

from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import struct
from helper import unittest, PillowTestCase, hopper, py3
from PIL import Image, TiffImagePlugin
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestFileTiff(PillowTestCase):
def test_sanity(self):
filename = self.tempfile("temp.tif")
im = Image.open(filename)
self.assertEqual(im.mode, "RGB")
self.assertEqual(im.size, (128, 128))
self.assertEqual(im.format, "TIFF")
im = Image.open(filename)
im = Image.open(filename)
im = Image.open(filename)
im = Image.open(filename)
im = Image.open(filename)
def test_mac_tiff(self):
# Read RGBa images from Mac OS X [@PIL136]
filename = "Tests/images/pil136.tiff"
im = Image.open(filename)
self.assertEqual(im.mode, "RGBA")
self.assertEqual(im.size, (55, 43))
self.assertEqual(im.tile, [('raw', (0, 0, 55, 43), 8, ('RGBa', 0, 1))])
def test_gimp_tiff(self):
# Read TIFF JPEG images from GIMP [@PIL168]
codecs = dir(Image.core)
if "jpeg_decoder" not in codecs:
self.skipTest("jpeg support not available")
filename = "Tests/images/pil168.tif"
im = Image.open(filename)
self.assertEqual(im.mode, "RGB")
self.assertEqual(im.size, (256, 256))
im.tile, [
('jpeg', (0, 0, 256, 64), 8, ('RGB', '')),
('jpeg', (0, 64, 256, 128), 1215, ('RGB', '')),
('jpeg', (0, 128, 256, 192), 2550, ('RGB', '')),
('jpeg', (0, 192, 256, 256), 3890, ('RGB', '')),
def test_xyres_tiff(self):
from PIL.TiffImagePlugin import X_RESOLUTION, Y_RESOLUTION
filename = "Tests/images/pil168.tif"
im = Image.open(filename)
# Try to read a file where X,Y_RESOLUTION are ints
im.tag[X_RESOLUTION] = (72,)
im.tag[Y_RESOLUTION] = (72,)
self.assertEqual(im.info['dpi'], (72., 72.))
def test_invalid_file(self):
invalid_file = "Tests/images/flower.jpg"
lambda: TiffImagePlugin.TiffImageFile(invalid_file))
def test_bad_exif(self):
except struct.error:
"Bad EXIF data passed incorrect values to _binary unpack")
def test_save_unsupported_mode(self):
im = hopper("HSV")
outfile = self.tempfile("temp.tif")
self.assertRaises(IOError, lambda: im.save(outfile))
def test_little_endian(self):
im = Image.open('Tests/images/16bit.cropped.tif')
self.assertEqual(im.getpixel((0, 0)), 480)
self.assertEqual(im.mode, 'I;16')
b = im.tobytes()
# Bytes are in image native order (little endian)
if py3:
self.assertEqual(b[0], ord(b'\xe0'))
self.assertEqual(b[1], ord(b'\x01'))
self.assertEqual(b[0], b'\xe0')
self.assertEqual(b[1], b'\x01')
def test_big_endian(self):
im = Image.open('Tests/images/16bit.MM.cropped.tif')
self.assertEqual(im.getpixel((0, 0)), 480)
self.assertEqual(im.mode, 'I;16B')
b = im.tobytes()
# Bytes are in image native order (big endian)
if py3:
self.assertEqual(b[0], ord(b'\x01'))
self.assertEqual(b[1], ord(b'\xe0'))
self.assertEqual(b[0], b'\x01')
self.assertEqual(b[1], b'\xe0')
def test_12bit_rawmode(self):
""" Are we generating the same interpretation
of the image as Imagemagick is? """
im = Image.open('Tests/images/12bit.cropped.tif')
# to make the target --
# convert 12bit.cropped.tif -depth 16 tmp.tif
# convert tmp.tif -evaluate RightShift 4 12in16bit2.tif
# imagemagick will auto scale so that a 12bit FFF is 16bit FFF0,
# so we need to unshift so that the integer values are the same.
im2 = Image.open('Tests/images/12in16bit.tif')
logger.debug("%s", [img.getpixel((0, idx))
for img in [im, im2] for idx in range(3)])
self.assert_image_equal(im, im2)
def test_32bit_float(self):
# Issue 614, specific 32 bit float format
path = 'Tests/images/10ct_32bit_128.tiff'
im = Image.open(path)
self.assertEqual(im.getpixel((0, 0)), -0.4526388943195343)
im.getextrema(), (-3.140936851501465, 3.140684127807617))
def test_n_frames(self):
im = Image.open('Tests/images/multipage-lastframe.tif')
self.assertEqual(im.n_frames, 1)
im = Image.open('Tests/images/multipage.tiff')
self.assertEqual(im.n_frames, 3)
def test_eoferror(self):
im = Image.open('Tests/images/multipage-lastframe.tif')
n_frames = im.n_frames
while True:
n_frames -= 1
except EOFError:
self.assertTrue(im.tell() < n_frames)
def test_multipage(self):
# issue #862
im = Image.open('Tests/images/multipage.tiff')
# file is a multipage tiff: 10x10 green, 10x10 red, 20x20 blue
self.assertEqual(im.size, (10, 10))
self.assertEqual(im.convert('RGB').getpixel((0, 0)), (0, 128, 0))
self.assertEqual(im.size, (10, 10))
self.assertEqual(im.convert('RGB').getpixel((0, 0)), (255, 0, 0))
self.assertEqual(im.size, (20, 20))
self.assertEqual(im.convert('RGB').getpixel((0, 0)), (0, 0, 255))
def test_multipage_last_frame(self):
im = Image.open('Tests/images/multipage-lastframe.tif')
self.assertEqual(im.size, (20, 20))
self.assertEqual(im.convert('RGB').getpixel((0, 0)), (0, 0, 255))
def test___str__(self):
# Arrange
filename = "Tests/images/pil136.tiff"
im = Image.open(filename)
# Act
ret = str(im.ifd)
# Assert
self.assertIsInstance(ret, str)
def test_as_dict(self):
# Arrange
filename = "Tests/images/pil136.tiff"
im = Image.open(filename)
# Act
ret = im.ifd.as_dict()
# Assert
self.assertIsInstance(ret, dict)
ret, {256: 55, 257: 43, 258: (8, 8, 8, 8), 259: 1, 262: 2, 296: 2,
273: (8,), 338: (1,), 277: 4, 279: (9460,),
282: 72.0, 283: 72.0, 284: 1})
def test__delitem__(self):
# Arrange
filename = "Tests/images/pil136.tiff"
im = Image.open(filename)
len_before = len(im.ifd.as_dict())
# Act
del im.ifd[256]
# Assert
len_after = len(im.ifd.as_dict())
self.assertEqual(len_before, len_after + 1)
def test_load_byte(self):
# Arrange
ifd = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory()
data = b"abc"
# Act
ret = ifd.load_byte(data)
# Assert
self.assertEqual(ret, (97, 98, 99))
def test_load_string(self):
# Arrange
ifd = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory()
data = b"abc\0"
# Act
ret = ifd.load_string(data)
# Assert
self.assertEqual(ret, "abc")
def test_load_float(self):
# Arrange
ifd = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory()
data = b"abcdabcd"
# Act
ret = ifd.load_float(data)
# Assert
self.assertEqual(ret, (1.6777999408082104e+22, 1.6777999408082104e+22))
def test_load_double(self):
# Arrange
ifd = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory()
data = b"abcdefghabcdefgh"
# Act
ret = ifd.load_double(data)
# Assert
self.assertEqual(ret, (8.540883223036124e+194, 8.540883223036124e+194))
def test_seek(self):
# Arrange
filename = "Tests/images/pil136.tiff"
im = Image.open(filename)
# Act
# Assert
self.assertEqual(im.tell(), 0)
def test_seek_eof(self):
# Arrange
filename = "Tests/images/pil136.tiff"
im = Image.open(filename)
self.assertEqual(im.tell(), 0)
# Act / Assert
self.assertRaises(EOFError, lambda: im.seek(1))
def test__limit_rational_int(self):
# Arrange
from PIL.TiffImagePlugin import _limit_rational
value = 34
# Act
ret = _limit_rational(value, 65536)
# Assert
self.assertEqual(ret, (34, 1))
def test__limit_rational_float(self):
# Arrange
from PIL.TiffImagePlugin import _limit_rational
value = 22.3
# Act
ret = _limit_rational(value, 65536)
# Assert
self.assertEqual(ret, (223, 10))
def test_4bit(self):
# Arrange
test_file = "Tests/images/hopper_gray_4bpp.tif"
original = hopper("L")
# Act
im = Image.open(test_file)
# Assert
self.assertEqual(im.size, (128, 128))
self.assertEqual(im.mode, "L")
self.assert_image_similar(im, original, 7.3)
def test_page_number_x_0(self):
# Issue 973
# Test TIFF with tag 297 (Page Number) having value of 0 0.
# The first number is the current page number.
# The second is the total number of pages, zero means not available.
# Arrange
outfile = self.tempfile("temp.tif")
# Created by printing a page in Chrome to PDF, then:
# /usr/bin/gs -q -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -sOutputFile=total-pages-zero.tif
# -dNOPAUSE /tmp/test.pdf -c quit
infile = "Tests/images/total-pages-zero.tif"
im = Image.open(infile)
# Act / Assert
# Should not divide by zero
def test_with_underscores(self):
# Arrange: use underscores
kwargs = {'resolution_unit': 'inch',
'x_resolution': 72,
'y_resolution': 36}
filename = self.tempfile("temp.tif")
# Act
hopper("RGB").save(filename, **kwargs)
# Assert
from PIL.TiffImagePlugin import X_RESOLUTION, Y_RESOLUTION
im = Image.open(filename)
self.assertEqual(im.tag[X_RESOLUTION], 72)
self.assertEqual(im.tag[Y_RESOLUTION], 36)
def test_deprecation_warning_with_spaces(self):
# Arrange: use spaces
kwargs = {'resolution unit': 'inch',
'x resolution': 36,
'y resolution': 72}
filename = self.tempfile("temp.tif")
# Act
lambda: hopper("RGB").save(filename, **kwargs))
# Assert
from PIL.TiffImagePlugin import X_RESOLUTION, Y_RESOLUTION
im = Image.open(filename)
self.assertEqual(im.tag[X_RESOLUTION], 36)
self.assertEqual(im.tag[Y_RESOLUTION], 72)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# End of file