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synced 2025-03-19 01:32:14 +03:00
Similar to the recent adoption of Black. isort is a Python utility to sort imports alphabetically and automatically separate into sections. By using isort, contributors can quickly and automatically conform to the projects style without thinking. Just let the tool do it. Uses the configuration recommended by the Black to avoid conflicts of style. Rewrite TestImageQt.test_deprecated to no rely on import order.
90 lines
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90 lines
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from PIL import Image, SgiImagePlugin
from .helper import PillowTestCase, hopper
class TestFileSgi(PillowTestCase):
def test_rgb(self):
# Created with ImageMagick then renamed:
# convert hopper.ppm -compress None sgi:hopper.rgb
test_file = "Tests/images/hopper.rgb"
im = Image.open(test_file)
self.assert_image_equal(im, hopper())
self.assertEqual(im.get_format_mimetype(), "image/rgb")
def test_rgb16(self):
test_file = "Tests/images/hopper16.rgb"
im = Image.open(test_file)
self.assert_image_equal(im, hopper())
def test_l(self):
# Created with ImageMagick
# convert hopper.ppm -monochrome -compress None sgi:hopper.bw
test_file = "Tests/images/hopper.bw"
im = Image.open(test_file)
self.assert_image_similar(im, hopper("L"), 2)
self.assertEqual(im.get_format_mimetype(), "image/sgi")
def test_rgba(self):
# Created with ImageMagick:
# convert transparent.png -compress None transparent.sgi
test_file = "Tests/images/transparent.sgi"
im = Image.open(test_file)
target = Image.open("Tests/images/transparent.png")
self.assert_image_equal(im, target)
self.assertEqual(im.get_format_mimetype(), "image/sgi")
def test_rle(self):
# Created with ImageMagick:
# convert hopper.ppm hopper.sgi
test_file = "Tests/images/hopper.sgi"
im = Image.open(test_file)
target = Image.open("Tests/images/hopper.rgb")
self.assert_image_equal(im, target)
def test_rle16(self):
test_file = "Tests/images/tv16.sgi"
im = Image.open(test_file)
target = Image.open("Tests/images/tv.rgb")
self.assert_image_equal(im, target)
def test_invalid_file(self):
invalid_file = "Tests/images/flower.jpg"
self.assertRaises(ValueError, SgiImagePlugin.SgiImageFile, invalid_file)
def test_write(self):
def roundtrip(img):
out = self.tempfile("temp.sgi")
img.save(out, format="sgi")
reloaded = Image.open(out)
self.assert_image_equal(img, reloaded)
for mode in ("L", "RGB", "RGBA"):
# Test 1 dimension for an L mode image
roundtrip(Image.new("L", (10, 1)))
def test_write16(self):
test_file = "Tests/images/hopper16.rgb"
im = Image.open(test_file)
out = self.tempfile("temp.sgi")
im.save(out, format="sgi", bpc=2)
reloaded = Image.open(out)
self.assert_image_equal(im, reloaded)
def test_unsupported_mode(self):
im = hopper("LA")
out = self.tempfile("temp.sgi")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, im.save, out, format="sgi")