Chris Hogan 711e95e361 Fix bug in test_idf_rational_save
A boolean wrapped in parentheses is still a boolean, not a tuple.
The comma makes this an actual tuple so it can be iterated on in
the for loop.
2016-12-01 11:10:03 -06:00

66 lines
1.8 KiB

from __future__ import print_function
from helper import unittest, PillowTestCase, hopper
from PIL import TiffImagePlugin, Image
from PIL.TiffImagePlugin import IFDRational
from fractions import Fraction
class Test_IFDRational(PillowTestCase):
def _test_equal(self, num, denom, target):
t = IFDRational(num, denom)
self.assertEqual(target, t)
self.assertEqual(t, target)
def test_sanity(self):
self._test_equal(1, 1, 1)
self._test_equal(1, 1, Fraction(1, 1))
self._test_equal(2, 2, 1)
self._test_equal(1.0, 1, Fraction(1, 1))
self._test_equal(Fraction(1, 1), 1, Fraction(1, 1))
self._test_equal(IFDRational(1, 1), 1, 1)
self._test_equal(1, 2, Fraction(1, 2))
self._test_equal(1, 2, IFDRational(1, 2))
def test_nonetype(self):
" Fails if the _delegate function doesn't return a valid function"
xres = IFDRational(72)
yres = IFDRational(72)
self.assertTrue(xres._val is not None)
self.assertTrue(xres.numerator is not None)
self.assertTrue(xres.denominator is not None)
self.assertTrue(yres._val is not None)
self.assertTrue(xres and 1)
self.assertTrue(xres and yres)
def test_ifd_rational_save(self):
methods = (True, False)
if 'libtiff_encoder' not in dir(Image.core):
methods = (False,)
for libtiff in methods:
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = libtiff
im = hopper()
out = self.tempfile('temp.tiff')
res = IFDRational(301, 1)
im.save(out, dpi=(res, res), compression='raw')
reloaded = Image.open(out)
self.assertEqual(float(IFDRational(301, 1)),
if __name__ == '__main__':