2018-11-13 22:13:55 +11:00

398 lines
12 KiB

# The Python Imaging Library.
# $Id$
# macOS icns file decoder, based on icns.py by Bob Ippolito.
# history:
# 2004-10-09 fl Turned into a PIL plugin; removed 2.3 dependencies.
# Copyright (c) 2004 by Bob Ippolito.
# Copyright (c) 2004 by Secret Labs.
# Copyright (c) 2004 by Fredrik Lundh.
# Copyright (c) 2014 by Alastair Houghton.
# See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
from PIL import Image, ImageFile, PngImagePlugin
from PIL._binary import i8
import io
import os
import shutil
import struct
import sys
import tempfile
enable_jpeg2k = hasattr(Image.core, 'jp2klib_version')
if enable_jpeg2k:
from PIL import Jpeg2KImagePlugin
def nextheader(fobj):
return struct.unpack('>4sI', fobj.read(HEADERSIZE))
def read_32t(fobj, start_length, size):
# The 128x128 icon seems to have an extra header for some reason.
(start, length) = start_length
sig = fobj.read(4)
if sig != b'\x00\x00\x00\x00':
raise SyntaxError('Unknown signature, expecting 0x00000000')
return read_32(fobj, (start + 4, length - 4), size)
def read_32(fobj, start_length, size):
Read a 32bit RGB icon resource. Seems to be either uncompressed or
an RLE packbits-like scheme.
(start, length) = start_length
pixel_size = (size[0] * size[2], size[1] * size[2])
sizesq = pixel_size[0] * pixel_size[1]
if length == sizesq * 3:
# uncompressed ("RGBRGBGB")
indata = fobj.read(length)
im = Image.frombuffer("RGB", pixel_size, indata, "raw", "RGB", 0, 1)
# decode image
im = Image.new("RGB", pixel_size, None)
for band_ix in range(3):
data = []
bytesleft = sizesq
while bytesleft > 0:
byte = fobj.read(1)
if not byte:
byte = i8(byte)
if byte & 0x80:
blocksize = byte - 125
byte = fobj.read(1)
for i in range(blocksize):
blocksize = byte + 1
bytesleft -= blocksize
if bytesleft <= 0:
if bytesleft != 0:
raise SyntaxError(
"Error reading channel [%r left]" % bytesleft
band = Image.frombuffer(
"L", pixel_size, b"".join(data), "raw", "L", 0, 1
im.im.putband(band.im, band_ix)
return {"RGB": im}
def read_mk(fobj, start_length, size):
# Alpha masks seem to be uncompressed
start = start_length[0]
pixel_size = (size[0] * size[2], size[1] * size[2])
sizesq = pixel_size[0] * pixel_size[1]
band = Image.frombuffer(
"L", pixel_size, fobj.read(sizesq), "raw", "L", 0, 1
return {"A": band}
def read_png_or_jpeg2000(fobj, start_length, size):
(start, length) = start_length
sig = fobj.read(12)
if sig[:8] == b'\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a':
im = PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile(fobj)
return {"RGBA": im}
elif sig[:4] == b'\xff\x4f\xff\x51' \
or sig[:4] == b'\x0d\x0a\x87\x0a' \
or sig == b'\x00\x00\x00\x0cjP \x0d\x0a\x87\x0a':
if not enable_jpeg2k:
raise ValueError('Unsupported icon subimage format (rebuild PIL '
'with JPEG 2000 support to fix this)')
# j2k, jpc or j2c
jp2kstream = fobj.read(length)
f = io.BytesIO(jp2kstream)
im = Jpeg2KImagePlugin.Jpeg2KImageFile(f)
if im.mode != 'RGBA':
im = im.convert('RGBA')
return {"RGBA": im}
raise ValueError('Unsupported icon subimage format')
class IcnsFile(object):
(512, 512, 2): [
(b'ic10', read_png_or_jpeg2000),
(512, 512, 1): [
(b'ic09', read_png_or_jpeg2000),
(256, 256, 2): [
(b'ic14', read_png_or_jpeg2000),
(256, 256, 1): [
(b'ic08', read_png_or_jpeg2000),
(128, 128, 2): [
(b'ic13', read_png_or_jpeg2000),
(128, 128, 1): [
(b'ic07', read_png_or_jpeg2000),
(b'it32', read_32t),
(b't8mk', read_mk),
(64, 64, 1): [
(b'icp6', read_png_or_jpeg2000),
(32, 32, 2): [
(b'ic12', read_png_or_jpeg2000),
(48, 48, 1): [
(b'ih32', read_32),
(b'h8mk', read_mk),
(32, 32, 1): [
(b'icp5', read_png_or_jpeg2000),
(b'il32', read_32),
(b'l8mk', read_mk),
(16, 16, 2): [
(b'ic11', read_png_or_jpeg2000),
(16, 16, 1): [
(b'icp4', read_png_or_jpeg2000),
(b'is32', read_32),
(b's8mk', read_mk),
def __init__(self, fobj):
fobj is a file-like object as an icns resource
# signature : (start, length)
self.dct = dct = {}
self.fobj = fobj
sig, filesize = nextheader(fobj)
if sig != b'icns':
raise SyntaxError('not an icns file')
while i < filesize:
sig, blocksize = nextheader(fobj)
if blocksize <= 0:
raise SyntaxError('invalid block header')
blocksize -= HEADERSIZE
dct[sig] = (i, blocksize)
fobj.seek(blocksize, 1)
i += blocksize
def itersizes(self):
sizes = []
for size, fmts in self.SIZES.items():
for (fmt, reader) in fmts:
if fmt in self.dct:
return sizes
def bestsize(self):
sizes = self.itersizes()
if not sizes:
raise SyntaxError("No 32bit icon resources found")
return max(sizes)
def dataforsize(self, size):
Get an icon resource as {channel: array}. Note that
the arrays are bottom-up like windows bitmaps and will likely
need to be flipped or transposed in some way.
dct = {}
for code, reader in self.SIZES[size]:
desc = self.dct.get(code)
if desc is not None:
dct.update(reader(self.fobj, desc, size))
return dct
def getimage(self, size=None):
if size is None:
size = self.bestsize()
if len(size) == 2:
size = (size[0], size[1], 1)
channels = self.dataforsize(size)
im = channels.get('RGBA', None)
if im:
return im
im = channels.get("RGB").copy()
except KeyError:
return im
# Image plugin for Mac OS icons.
class IcnsImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
PIL image support for Mac OS .icns files.
Chooses the best resolution, but will possibly load
a different size image if you mutate the size attribute
before calling 'load'.
The info dictionary has a key 'sizes' that is a list
of sizes that the icns file has.
format = "ICNS"
format_description = "Mac OS icns resource"
def _open(self):
self.icns = IcnsFile(self.fp)
self.mode = 'RGBA'
self.info['sizes'] = self.icns.itersizes()
self.best_size = self.icns.bestsize()
self.size = (self.best_size[0] * self.best_size[2],
self.best_size[1] * self.best_size[2])
# Just use this to see if it's loaded or not yet.
self.tile = ('',)
def size(self):
return self._size
def size(self, value):
info_size = value
if info_size not in self.info['sizes'] and len(info_size) == 2:
info_size = (info_size[0], info_size[1], 1)
if info_size not in self.info['sizes'] and len(info_size) == 3 and \
info_size[2] == 1:
simple_sizes = [(size[0] * size[2], size[1] * size[2])
for size in self.info['sizes']]
if value in simple_sizes:
info_size = self.info['sizes'][simple_sizes.index(value)]
if info_size not in self.info['sizes']:
raise ValueError(
"This is not one of the allowed sizes of this image")
self._size = value
def load(self):
if len(self.size) == 3:
self.best_size = self.size
self.size = (self.best_size[0] * self.best_size[2],
self.best_size[1] * self.best_size[2])
if not self.tile:
# This is likely NOT the best way to do it, but whatever.
im = self.icns.getimage(self.best_size)
# If this is a PNG or JPEG 2000, it won't be loaded yet
self.im = im.im
self.mode = im.mode
self.size = im.size
if self._exclusive_fp:
self.fp = None
self.icns = None
self.tile = ()
def _save(im, fp, filename):
Saves the image as a series of PNG files,
that are then converted to a .icns file
using the macOS command line utility 'iconutil'.
macOS only.
if hasattr(fp, "flush"):
# create the temporary set of pngs
iconset = tempfile.mkdtemp('.iconset')
provided_images = {im.width: im
for im in im.encoderinfo.get("append_images", [])}
last_w = None
second_path = None
for w in [16, 32, 128, 256, 512]:
prefix = 'icon_{}x{}'.format(w, w)
first_path = os.path.join(iconset, prefix+'.png')
if last_w == w:
shutil.copyfile(second_path, first_path)
im_w = provided_images.get(w, im.resize((w, w), Image.LANCZOS))
second_path = os.path.join(iconset, prefix+'@2x.png')
im_w2 = provided_images.get(w*2, im.resize((w*2, w*2), Image.LANCZOS))
last_w = w*2
# iconutil -c icns -o {} {}
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, CalledProcessError
convert_cmd = ["iconutil", "-c", "icns", "-o", filename, iconset]
with open(os.devnull, 'wb') as devnull:
convert_proc = Popen(convert_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=devnull)
retcode = convert_proc.wait()
# remove the temporary files
if retcode:
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, convert_cmd)
Image.register_open(IcnsImageFile.format, IcnsImageFile,
lambda x: x[:4] == b'icns')
Image.register_extension(IcnsImageFile.format, '.icns')
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
Image.register_save(IcnsImageFile.format, _save)
Image.register_mime(IcnsImageFile.format, "image/icns")
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Syntax: python IcnsImagePlugin.py [file]")
imf = IcnsImageFile(open(sys.argv[1], 'rb'))
for size in imf.info['sizes']:
imf.size = size
im = imf.im
im.save('out-%s-%s-%s.png' % size)
im = Image.open(sys.argv[1])
if sys.platform == 'windows':