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import io
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import pytest
import PIL
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImagePalette, ImageShow, UnidentifiedImageError
from .helper import (
class TestImage:
def test_image_modes_success(self):
for mode in [
Image.new(mode, (1, 1))
def test_image_modes_fail(self):
for mode in [
"very very long",
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
Image.new(mode, (1, 1))
assert str(e.value) == "unrecognized image mode"
def test_exception_inheritance(self):
assert issubclass(UnidentifiedImageError, OSError)
def test_sanity(self):
im = Image.new("L", (100, 100))
assert repr(im)[:45] == "<PIL.Image.Image image mode=L size=100x100 at"
assert im.mode == "L"
assert im.size == (100, 100)
im = Image.new("RGB", (100, 100))
assert repr(im)[:45] == "<PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGB size=100x100 "
assert im.mode == "RGB"
assert im.size == (100, 100)
Image.new("L", (100, 100), None)
im2 = Image.new("L", (100, 100), 0)
im3 = Image.new("L", (100, 100), "black")
assert im2.getcolors() == [(10000, 0)]
assert im3.getcolors() == [(10000, 0)]
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Image.new("X", (100, 100))
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Image.new("", (100, 100))
# with pytest.raises(MemoryError):
# Image.new("L", (1000000, 1000000))
def test_open_formats(self):
PNGFILE = "Tests/images/hopper.png"
JPGFILE = "Tests/images/hopper.jpg"
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Image.open(PNGFILE, formats=123)
for formats in [["JPEG"], ("JPEG",)]:
with pytest.raises(UnidentifiedImageError):
Image.open(PNGFILE, formats=formats)
with Image.open(JPGFILE, formats=formats) as im:
assert im.mode == "RGB"
assert im.size == (128, 128)
for file in [PNGFILE, JPGFILE]:
with Image.open(file, formats=None) as im:
assert im.mode == "RGB"
assert im.size == (128, 128)
def test_width_height(self):
im = Image.new("RGB", (1, 2))
assert im.width == 1
assert im.height == 2
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
im.size = (3, 4)
def test_invalid_image(self):
import io
im = io.BytesIO(b"")
with pytest.raises(UnidentifiedImageError):
def test_bad_mode(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Image.open("filename", "bad mode")
def test_stringio(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_pathlib(self, tmp_path):
from PIL.Image import Path
with Image.open(Path("Tests/images/multipage-mmap.tiff")) as im:
assert im.mode == "P"
assert im.size == (10, 10)
with Image.open(Path("Tests/images/hopper.jpg")) as im:
assert im.mode == "RGB"
assert im.size == (128, 128)
temp_file = str(tmp_path / "temp.jpg")
if os.path.exists(temp_file):
def test_fp_name(self, tmp_path):
temp_file = str(tmp_path / "temp.jpg")
class FP:
def write(a, b):
fp = FP()
fp.name = temp_file
im = hopper()
def test_tempfile(self):
# see #1460, pathlib support breaks tempfile.TemporaryFile on py27
# Will error out on save on 3.0.0
im = hopper()
with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as fp:
im.save(fp, "JPEG")
with Image.open(fp) as reloaded:
assert_image_similar(im, reloaded, 20)
def test_unknown_extension(self, tmp_path):
im = hopper()
temp_file = str(tmp_path / "temp.unknown")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_internals(self):
im = Image.new("L", (100, 100))
im.readonly = 1
assert not im.readonly
im.readonly = 1
im.paste(0, (0, 0, 100, 100))
assert not im.readonly
@pytest.mark.skipif(is_win32(), reason="Test requires opening tempfile twice")
def test_readonly_save(self, tmp_path):
temp_file = str(tmp_path / "temp.bmp")
shutil.copy("Tests/images/rgb32bf-rgba.bmp", temp_file)
with Image.open(temp_file) as im:
assert im.readonly
def test_dump(self, tmp_path):
im = Image.new("L", (10, 10))
im._dump(str(tmp_path / "temp_L.ppm"))
im = Image.new("RGB", (10, 10))
im._dump(str(tmp_path / "temp_RGB.ppm"))
im = Image.new("HSV", (10, 10))
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
im._dump(str(tmp_path / "temp_HSV.ppm"))
def test_comparison_with_other_type(self):
# Arrange
item = Image.new("RGB", (25, 25), "#000")
num = 12
# Act/Assert
# Shouldn't cause AttributeError (#774)
assert item is not None
assert item != num
def test_expand_x(self):
# Arrange
im = hopper()
orig_size = im.size
xmargin = 5
# Act
im = im._expand(xmargin)
# Assert
assert im.size[0] == orig_size[0] + 2 * xmargin
assert im.size[1] == orig_size[1] + 2 * xmargin
def test_expand_xy(self):
# Arrange
im = hopper()
orig_size = im.size
xmargin = 5
ymargin = 3
# Act
im = im._expand(xmargin, ymargin)
# Assert
assert im.size[0] == orig_size[0] + 2 * xmargin
assert im.size[1] == orig_size[1] + 2 * ymargin
def test_getbands(self):
# Assert
assert hopper("RGB").getbands() == ("R", "G", "B")
assert hopper("YCbCr").getbands() == ("Y", "Cb", "Cr")
def test_getchannel_wrong_params(self):
im = hopper()
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_getchannel(self):
im = hopper("YCbCr")
Y, Cb, Cr = im.split()
assert_image_equal(Y, im.getchannel(0))
assert_image_equal(Y, im.getchannel("Y"))
assert_image_equal(Cb, im.getchannel(1))
assert_image_equal(Cb, im.getchannel("Cb"))
assert_image_equal(Cr, im.getchannel(2))
assert_image_equal(Cr, im.getchannel("Cr"))
def test_getbbox(self):
# Arrange
im = hopper()
# Act
bbox = im.getbbox()
# Assert
assert bbox == (0, 0, 128, 128)
def test_ne(self):
# Arrange
im1 = Image.new("RGB", (25, 25), "black")
im2 = Image.new("RGB", (25, 25), "white")
# Act / Assert
assert im1 != im2
def test_alpha_composite(self):
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3374878
# Arrange
expected_colors = sorted(
(1122, (128, 127, 0, 255)),
(1089, (0, 255, 0, 255)),
(3300, (255, 0, 0, 255)),
(1156, (170, 85, 0, 192)),
(1122, (0, 255, 0, 128)),
(1122, (255, 0, 0, 128)),
(1089, (0, 255, 0, 0)),
dst = Image.new("RGBA", size=(100, 100), color=(0, 255, 0, 255))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(dst)
draw.rectangle((0, 33, 100, 66), fill=(0, 255, 0, 128))
draw.rectangle((0, 67, 100, 100), fill=(0, 255, 0, 0))
src = Image.new("RGBA", size=(100, 100), color=(255, 0, 0, 255))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(src)
draw.rectangle((33, 0, 66, 100), fill=(255, 0, 0, 128))
draw.rectangle((67, 0, 100, 100), fill=(255, 0, 0, 0))
# Act
img = Image.alpha_composite(dst, src)
# Assert
img_colors = sorted(img.getcolors())
assert img_colors == expected_colors
def test_alpha_inplace(self):
src = Image.new("RGBA", (128, 128), "blue")
over = Image.new("RGBA", (128, 128), "red")
mask = hopper("L")
target = Image.alpha_composite(src, over)
# basic
full = src.copy()
assert_image_equal(full, target)
# with offset down to right
offset = src.copy()
offset.alpha_composite(over, (64, 64))
assert_image_equal(offset.crop((64, 64, 127, 127)), target.crop((0, 0, 63, 63)))
assert offset.size == (128, 128)
# offset and crop
box = src.copy()
box.alpha_composite(over, (64, 64), (0, 0, 32, 32))
assert_image_equal(box.crop((64, 64, 96, 96)), target.crop((0, 0, 32, 32)))
assert_image_equal(box.crop((96, 96, 128, 128)), src.crop((0, 0, 32, 32)))
assert box.size == (128, 128)
# source point
source = src.copy()
source.alpha_composite(over, (32, 32), (32, 32, 96, 96))
assert_image_equal(source.crop((32, 32, 96, 96)), target.crop((32, 32, 96, 96)))
assert source.size == (128, 128)
# errors
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
source.alpha_composite(over, "invalid source")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
source.alpha_composite(over, (0, 0), "invalid destination")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
source.alpha_composite(over, 0)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
source.alpha_composite(over, (0, 0), 0)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
source.alpha_composite(over, (0, -1))
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
source.alpha_composite(over, (0, 0), (0, -1))
def test_registered_extensions_uninitialized(self):
# Arrange
Image._initialized = 0
extension = Image.EXTENSION
Image.EXTENSION = {}
# Act
# Assert
assert Image._initialized == 2
# Restore the original state and assert
Image.EXTENSION = extension
assert Image.EXTENSION
def test_registered_extensions(self):
# Arrange
# Open an image to trigger plugin registration
with Image.open("Tests/images/rgb.jpg"):
# Act
extensions = Image.registered_extensions()
# Assert
assert extensions
for ext in [".cur", ".icns", ".tif", ".tiff"]:
assert ext in extensions
def test_effect_mandelbrot(self):
# Arrange
size = (512, 512)
extent = (-3, -2.5, 2, 2.5)
quality = 100
# Act
im = Image.effect_mandelbrot(size, extent, quality)
# Assert
assert im.size == (512, 512)
with Image.open("Tests/images/effect_mandelbrot.png") as im2:
assert_image_equal(im, im2)
def test_effect_mandelbrot_bad_arguments(self):
# Arrange
size = (512, 512)
# Get coordinates the wrong way round:
extent = (+3, +2.5, -2, -2.5)
# Quality < 2:
quality = 1
# Act/Assert
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Image.effect_mandelbrot(size, extent, quality)
def test_effect_noise(self):
# Arrange
size = (100, 100)
sigma = 128
# Act
im = Image.effect_noise(size, sigma)
# Assert
assert im.size == (100, 100)
assert im.mode == "L"
p0 = im.getpixel((0, 0))
p1 = im.getpixel((0, 1))
p2 = im.getpixel((0, 2))
p3 = im.getpixel((0, 3))
p4 = im.getpixel((0, 4))
assert_not_all_same([p0, p1, p2, p3, p4])
def test_effect_spread(self):
# Arrange
im = hopper()
distance = 10
# Act
im2 = im.effect_spread(distance)
# Assert
assert im.size == (128, 128)
with Image.open("Tests/images/effect_spread.png") as im3:
assert_image_similar(im2, im3, 110)
def test_effect_spread_zero(self):
# Arrange
im = hopper()
distance = 0
# Act
im2 = im.effect_spread(distance)
# Assert
assert_image_equal(im, im2)
def test_check_size(self):
# Checking that the _check_size function throws value errors when we want it to
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Image.new("RGB", 0) # not a tuple
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Image.new("RGB", (0,)) # Tuple too short
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Image.new("RGB", (-1, -1)) # w,h < 0
# this should pass with 0 sized images, #2259
im = Image.new("L", (0, 0))
assert im.size == (0, 0)
im = Image.new("L", (0, 100))
assert im.size == (0, 100)
im = Image.new("L", (100, 0))
assert im.size == (100, 0)
assert Image.new("RGB", (1, 1))
# Should pass lists too
i = Image.new("RGB", [1, 1])
assert isinstance(i.size, tuple)
def test_storage_neg(self):
# Storage.c accepted negative values for xsize, ysize. Was
# test_neg_ppm, but the core function for that has been
# removed Calling directly into core to test the error in
# Storage.c, rather than the size check above
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Image.core.fill("RGB", (2, -2), (0, 0, 0))
def test_one_item_tuple(self):
for mode in ("I", "F", "L"):
im = Image.new(mode, (100, 100), (5,))
px = im.load()
assert px[0, 0] == 5
def test_linear_gradient_wrong_mode(self):
# Arrange
wrong_mode = "RGB"
# Act / Assert
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_linear_gradient(self):
# Arrange
target_file = "Tests/images/linear_gradient.png"
for mode in ["L", "P"]:
# Act
im = Image.linear_gradient(mode)
# Assert
assert im.size == (256, 256)
assert im.mode == mode
assert im.getpixel((0, 0)) == 0
assert im.getpixel((255, 255)) == 255
with Image.open(target_file) as target:
target = target.convert(mode)
assert_image_equal(im, target)
def test_radial_gradient_wrong_mode(self):
# Arrange
wrong_mode = "RGB"
# Act / Assert
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_radial_gradient(self):
# Arrange
target_file = "Tests/images/radial_gradient.png"
for mode in ["L", "P"]:
# Act
im = Image.radial_gradient(mode)
# Assert
assert im.size == (256, 256)
assert im.mode == mode
assert im.getpixel((0, 0)) == 255
assert im.getpixel((128, 128)) == 0
with Image.open(target_file) as target:
target = target.convert(mode)
assert_image_equal(im, target)
def test_register_extensions(self):
test_format = "a"
exts = ["b", "c"]
for ext in exts:
Image.register_extension(test_format, ext)
ext_individual = Image.EXTENSION.copy()
for ext in exts:
del Image.EXTENSION[ext]
Image.register_extensions(test_format, exts)
ext_multiple = Image.EXTENSION.copy()
for ext in exts:
del Image.EXTENSION[ext]
assert ext_individual == ext_multiple
def test_remap_palette(self):
# Test illegal image mode
with hopper() as im:
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test__new(self):
im = hopper("RGB")
im_p = hopper("P")
blank_p = Image.new("P", (10, 10))
blank_pa = Image.new("PA", (10, 10))
blank_p.palette = None
blank_pa.palette = None
def _make_new(base_image, im, palette_result=None):
new_im = base_image._new(im)
assert new_im.mode == im.mode
assert new_im.size == im.size
assert new_im.info == base_image.info
if palette_result is not None:
assert new_im.palette.tobytes() == palette_result.tobytes()
assert new_im.palette is None
_make_new(im, im_p, im_p.palette)
_make_new(im_p, im, None)
_make_new(im, blank_p, ImagePalette.ImagePalette())
_make_new(im, blank_pa, ImagePalette.ImagePalette())
def test_p_from_rgb_rgba(self):
for mode, color in [
("RGB", "#DDEEFF"),
("RGB", (221, 238, 255)),
("RGBA", (221, 238, 255, 255)),
im = Image.new("P", (100, 100), color)
expected = Image.new(mode, (100, 100), color)
assert_image_equal(im.convert(mode), expected)
def test_showxv_deprecation(self):
class TestViewer(ImageShow.Viewer):
def show_image(self, image, **options):
return True
viewer = TestViewer()
ImageShow.register(viewer, -1)
im = Image.new("RGB", (50, 50), "white")
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
# Restore original state
def test_no_resource_warning_on_save(self, tmp_path):
# https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/835
# Arrange
test_file = "Tests/images/hopper.png"
temp_file = str(tmp_path / "temp.jpg")
# Act/Assert
with Image.open(test_file) as im:
pytest.warns(None, im.save, temp_file)
def test_load_on_nonexclusive_multiframe(self):
with open("Tests/images/frozenpond.mpo", "rb") as fp:
def act(fp):
im = Image.open(fp)
with Image.open(fp) as im:
assert not fp.closed
def test_exif_jpeg(self, tmp_path):
with Image.open("Tests/images/exif-72dpi-int.jpg") as im: # Little endian
exif = im.getexif()
assert 258 not in exif
assert 274 in exif
assert 40960 in exif
assert exif[40963] == 450
assert exif[11] == "gThumb 3.0.1"
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.jpg")
exif[258] = 8
del exif[274]
del exif[40960]
exif[40963] = 455
exif[11] = "Pillow test"
im.save(out, exif=exif)
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
reloaded_exif = reloaded.getexif()
assert reloaded_exif[258] == 8
assert 274 not in reloaded_exif
assert 40960 not in reloaded_exif
assert reloaded_exif[40963] == 455
assert reloaded_exif[11] == "Pillow test"
with Image.open("Tests/images/no-dpi-in-exif.jpg") as im: # Big endian
exif = im.getexif()
assert 258 not in exif
assert 40962 in exif
assert exif[40963] == 200
assert exif[305] == "Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 (Macintosh)"
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.jpg")
exif[258] = 8
del exif[34665]
exif[40963] = 455
exif[305] = "Pillow test"
im.save(out, exif=exif)
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
reloaded_exif = reloaded.getexif()
assert reloaded_exif[258] == 8
assert 34665 not in reloaded_exif
assert reloaded_exif[40963] == 455
assert reloaded_exif[305] == "Pillow test"
def test_exif_webp(self, tmp_path):
with Image.open("Tests/images/hopper.webp") as im:
exif = im.getexif()
assert exif == {}
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.webp")
exif[258] = 8
exif[40963] = 455
exif[305] = "Pillow test"
def check_exif():
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
reloaded_exif = reloaded.getexif()
assert reloaded_exif[258] == 8
assert reloaded_exif[40963] == 455
assert reloaded_exif[305] == "Pillow test"
im.save(out, exif=exif)
im.save(out, exif=exif, save_all=True)
def test_exif_png(self, tmp_path):
with Image.open("Tests/images/exif.png") as im:
exif = im.getexif()
assert exif == {274: 1}
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.png")
exif[258] = 8
del exif[274]
exif[40963] = 455
exif[305] = "Pillow test"
im.save(out, exif=exif)
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
reloaded_exif = reloaded.getexif()
assert reloaded_exif == {258: 8, 40963: 455, 305: "Pillow test"}
def test_exif_interop(self):
with Image.open("Tests/images/flower.jpg") as im:
exif = im.getexif()
assert exif.get_ifd(0xA005) == {
1: "R98",
2: b"0100",
4097: 2272,
4098: 1704,
[PIL, Image],
def test_pillow_version(self, test_module):
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
assert test_module.PILLOW_VERSION == PIL.__version__
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
assert int(test_module.PILLOW_VERSION[0]) >= 7
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
assert test_module.PILLOW_VERSION < "9.9.0"
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
assert test_module.PILLOW_VERSION <= "9.9.0"
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
assert test_module.PILLOW_VERSION != "7.0.0"
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
assert test_module.PILLOW_VERSION >= "7.0.0"
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
assert test_module.PILLOW_VERSION > "7.0.0"
def test_overrun(self, path):
"""For overrun completeness, test as:
valgrind pytest -qq Tests/test_image.py::TestImage::test_overrun | grep decode.c
with Image.open(os.path.join("Tests/images", path)) as im:
assert False
except OSError as e:
buffer_overrun = str(e) == "buffer overrun when reading image file"
truncated = "image file is truncated" in str(e)
assert buffer_overrun or truncated
def test_fli_overrun2(self):
with Image.open("Tests/images/fli_overrun2.bin") as im:
assert False
except OSError as e:
assert str(e) == "buffer overrun when reading image file"
def test_show_deprecation(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(Image, "_show", lambda *args, **kwargs: None)
im = Image.new("RGB", (50, 50), "white")
with pytest.warns(None) as raised:
assert not raised
with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning):
class MockEncoder:
def mock_encode(*args):
encoder = MockEncoder()
encoder.args = args
return encoder
class TestRegistry:
def test_encode_registry(self):
Image.register_encoder("MOCK", mock_encode)
assert "MOCK" in Image.ENCODERS
enc = Image._getencoder("RGB", "MOCK", ("args",), extra=("extra",))
assert isinstance(enc, MockEncoder)
assert enc.args == ("RGB", "args", "extra")
def test_encode_registry_fail(self):
with pytest.raises(OSError):
Image._getencoder("RGB", "DoesNotExist", ("args",), extra=("extra",))