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synced 2025-03-09 23:15:49 +03:00
when the jpeg encoder sees the flags optimize or progressive (or progression) it will write the full image in one shot. The bufsize needs to be big enough to hold the entire image. The current heuristic is that the entire compressed image will fit in width * height bytes, but this heuristic is only applied to save operations with the flag "optimize" and not to save operations with the flag "progressive". This patch fixes this oversight. (Btw, it will probably be a good idea to have a loop that retries with a bigger bufsize in case this guess is not big enough.)
194 lines
6.6 KiB
194 lines
6.6 KiB
from tester import *
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageFile
codecs = dir(Image.core)
if "jpeg_encoder" not in codecs or "jpeg_decoder" not in codecs:
skip("jpeg support not available")
# sample jpeg stream
file = "Images/lena.jpg"
data = open(file, "rb").read()
def roundtrip(im, **options):
out = BytesIO()
im.save(out, "JPEG", **options)
bytes = out.tell()
im = Image.open(out)
im.bytes = bytes # for testing only
return im
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_sanity():
# internal version number
assert_match(Image.core.jpeglib_version, "\d+\.\d+$")
im = Image.open(file)
assert_equal(im.mode, "RGB")
assert_equal(im.size, (128, 128))
assert_equal(im.format, "JPEG")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def test_app():
# Test APP/COM reader (@PIL135)
im = Image.open(file)
("APP0", b"JFIF\x00\x01\x01\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00"))
assert_equal(im.applist[1], ("COM", b"Python Imaging Library"))
assert_equal(len(im.applist), 2)
def test_cmyk():
# Test CMYK handling. Thanks to Tim and Charlie for test data,
# Michael for getting me to look one more time.
file = "Tests/images/pil_sample_cmyk.jpg"
im = Image.open(file)
# the source image has red pixels in the upper left corner.
c, m, y, k = [x / 255.0 for x in im.getpixel((0, 0))]
assert_true(c == 0.0 and m > 0.8 and y > 0.8 and k == 0.0)
# the opposite corner is black
c, m, y, k = [x / 255.0 for x in im.getpixel((im.size[0]-1, im.size[1]-1))]
assert_true(k > 0.9)
# roundtrip, and check again
im = roundtrip(im)
c, m, y, k = [x / 255.0 for x in im.getpixel((0, 0))]
assert_true(c == 0.0 and m > 0.8 and y > 0.8 and k == 0.0)
c, m, y, k = [x / 255.0 for x in im.getpixel((im.size[0]-1, im.size[1]-1))]
assert_true(k > 0.9)
def test_dpi():
def test(xdpi, ydpi=None):
im = Image.open(file)
im = roundtrip(im, dpi=(xdpi, ydpi or xdpi))
return im.info.get("dpi")
assert_equal(test(72), (72, 72))
assert_equal(test(300), (300, 300))
assert_equal(test(100, 200), (100, 200))
assert_equal(test(0), None) # square pixels
def test_icc():
# Test ICC support
im1 = Image.open("Tests/images/rgb.jpg")
icc_profile = im1.info["icc_profile"]
assert_equal(len(icc_profile), 3144)
# Roundtrip via physical file.
file = tempfile("temp.jpg")
im1.save(file, icc_profile=icc_profile)
im2 = Image.open(file)
assert_equal(im2.info.get("icc_profile"), icc_profile)
# Roundtrip via memory buffer.
im1 = roundtrip(lena())
im2 = roundtrip(lena(), icc_profile=icc_profile)
assert_image_equal(im1, im2)
def test_icc_big():
# Make sure that the "extra" support handles large blocks
def test(n):
# The ICC APP marker can store 65519 bytes per marker, so
# using a 4-byte test code should allow us to detect out of
# order issues.
icc_profile = (b"Test"*int(n/4+1))[:n]
assert len(icc_profile) == n # sanity
im1 = roundtrip(lena(), icc_profile=icc_profile)
assert_equal(im1.info.get("icc_profile"), icc_profile or None)
test(0); test(1)
test(3); test(4); test(5)
test(65533-14) # full JPEG marker block
test(65533-14+1) # full block plus one byte
test(ImageFile.MAXBLOCK) # full buffer block
test(ImageFile.MAXBLOCK+1) # full buffer block plus one byte
test(ImageFile.MAXBLOCK*4+3) # large block
def test_optimize():
im1 = roundtrip(lena())
im2 = roundtrip(lena(), optimize=1)
assert_image_equal(im1, im2)
assert_true(im1.bytes >= im2.bytes)
def test_optimize_large_buffer():
f = tempfile('temp.jpg')
# this requires ~ 1.5x Image.MAXBLOCK
im = Image.new("RGB", (4096,4096), 0xff3333)
im.save(f, format="JPEG", optimize=True)
def test_progressive():
im1 = roundtrip(lena())
im2 = roundtrip(lena(), progressive=True)
assert_image_equal(im1, im2)
assert_true(im1.bytes >= im2.bytes)
def test_progressive_large_buffer():
f = tempfile('temp.jpg')
# this requires ~ 1.5x Image.MAXBLOCK
im = Image.new("RGB", (4096,4096), 0xff3333)
im.save(f, format="JPEG", progressive=True)
def test_large_exif():
f = tempfile('temp.jpg')
im = lena()
im.save(f,'JPEG', quality=90, exif=b"1"*65532)
def test_progressive():
im1 = roundtrip(lena())
im2 = roundtrip(lena(), progressive=1)
im3 = roundtrip(lena(), progression=1) # compatibility
assert_image_equal(im1, im2)
assert_image_equal(im1, im3)
def test_quality():
im1 = roundtrip(lena())
im2 = roundtrip(lena(), quality=50)
assert_image(im1, im2.mode, im2.size)
assert_true(im1.bytes >= im2.bytes)
def test_smooth():
im1 = roundtrip(lena())
im2 = roundtrip(lena(), smooth=100)
assert_image(im1, im2.mode, im2.size)
def test_subsampling():
def getsampling(im):
layer = im.layer
return layer[0][1:3] + layer[1][1:3] + layer[2][1:3]
# experimental API
im = roundtrip(lena(), subsampling=-1) # default
assert_equal(getsampling(im), (2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1))
im = roundtrip(lena(), subsampling=0) # 4:4:4
assert_equal(getsampling(im), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
im = roundtrip(lena(), subsampling=1) # 4:2:2
assert_equal(getsampling(im), (2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
im = roundtrip(lena(), subsampling=2) # 4:1:1
assert_equal(getsampling(im), (2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1))
im = roundtrip(lena(), subsampling=3) # default (undefined)
assert_equal(getsampling(im), (2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1))
im = roundtrip(lena(), subsampling="4:4:4")
assert_equal(getsampling(im), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
im = roundtrip(lena(), subsampling="4:2:2")
assert_equal(getsampling(im), (2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))
im = roundtrip(lena(), subsampling="4:1:1")
assert_equal(getsampling(im), (2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1))
assert_exception(TypeError, lambda: roundtrip(lena(), subsampling="1:1:1"))
def test_exif():
im = Image.open("Tests/images/pil_sample_rgb.jpg")
info = im._getexif()
assert_equal(info[305], 'Adobe Photoshop CS Macintosh')