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synced 2025-03-28 22:14:14 +03:00
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from helper import unittest, PillowTestCase, hopper
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageFile
from PIL import PngImagePlugin
import zlib
codecs = dir(Image.core)
# sample png stream
TEST_PNG_FILE = "Tests/images/hopper.png"
TEST_DATA = open(TEST_PNG_FILE, "rb").read()
# stuff to create inline PNG images
MAGIC = PngImagePlugin._MAGIC
def chunk(cid, *data):
test_file = BytesIO()
PngImagePlugin.putchunk(*(test_file, cid) + data)
return test_file.getvalue()
o32 = PngImagePlugin.o32
IHDR = chunk(b"IHDR", o32(1), o32(1), b'\x08\x02', b'\0\0\0')
IDAT = chunk(b"IDAT")
IEND = chunk(b"IEND")
def load(data):
return Image.open(BytesIO(data))
def roundtrip(im, **options):
out = BytesIO()
im.save(out, "PNG", **options)
return Image.open(out)
class TestFilePng(PillowTestCase):
def setUp(self):
if "zip_encoder" not in codecs or "zip_decoder" not in codecs:
self.skipTest("zip/deflate support not available")
def test_sanity(self):
# internal version number
Image.core.zlib_version, "\d+\.\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?$")
test_file = self.tempfile("temp.png")
im = Image.open(test_file)
self.assertEqual(im.mode, "RGB")
self.assertEqual(im.size, (128, 128))
self.assertEqual(im.format, "PNG")
im = Image.open(test_file)
im = Image.open(test_file)
im = Image.open(test_file)
im = Image.open(test_file)
im = Image.open(test_file)
def test_invalid_file(self):
invalid_file = "Tests/images/flower.jpg"
lambda: PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile(invalid_file))
def test_broken(self):
# Check reading of totally broken files. In this case, the test
# file was checked into Subversion as a text file.
test_file = "Tests/images/broken.png"
self.assertRaises(IOError, lambda: Image.open(test_file))
def test_bad_text(self):
# Make sure PIL can read malformed tEXt chunks (@PIL152)
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'tEXt') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'tEXt', b'spam') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {'spam': ''})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'tEXt', b'spam\0') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {'spam': ''})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'tEXt', b'spam\0egg') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {'spam': 'egg'})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'tEXt', b'spam\0egg\0') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {'spam': 'egg\x00'})
def test_bad_ztxt(self):
# Test reading malformed zTXt chunks (python-pillow/Pillow#318)
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'zTXt') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'zTXt', b'spam') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {'spam': ''})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'zTXt', b'spam\0') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {'spam': ''})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'zTXt', b'spam\0\0') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {'spam': ''})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(
b'zTXt', b'spam\0\0' + zlib.compress(b'egg')[:1]) + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {'spam': ''})
im = load(
HEAD + chunk(b'zTXt', b'spam\0\0' + zlib.compress(b'egg')) + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {'spam': 'egg'})
def test_bad_itxt(self):
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'iTXt') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'iTXt', b'spam') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'iTXt', b'spam\0') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'iTXt', b'spam\0\x02') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'iTXt', b'spam\0\0\0foo\0') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'iTXt', b'spam\0\0\0en\0Spam\0egg') + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {"spam": "egg"})
self.assertEqual(im.info["spam"].lang, "en")
self.assertEqual(im.info["spam"].tkey, "Spam")
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'iTXt', b'spam\0\1\0en\0Spam\0' +
zlib.compress(b"egg")[:1]) + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {'spam': ''})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'iTXt', b'spam\0\1\1en\0Spam\0' +
zlib.compress(b"egg")) + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {})
im = load(HEAD + chunk(b'iTXt', b'spam\0\1\0en\0Spam\0' +
zlib.compress(b"egg")) + TAIL)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {"spam": "egg"})
self.assertEqual(im.info["spam"].lang, "en")
self.assertEqual(im.info["spam"].tkey, "Spam")
def test_interlace(self):
test_file = "Tests/images/pil123p.png"
im = Image.open(test_file)
self.assert_image(im, "P", (162, 150))
test_file = "Tests/images/pil123rgba.png"
im = Image.open(test_file)
self.assert_image(im, "RGBA", (162, 150))
def test_load_transparent_p(self):
test_file = "Tests/images/pil123p.png"
im = Image.open(test_file)
self.assert_image(im, "P", (162, 150))
im = im.convert("RGBA")
self.assert_image(im, "RGBA", (162, 150))
# image has 124 uniqe qlpha values
self.assertEqual(len(im.split()[3].getcolors()), 124)
def test_load_transparent_rgb(self):
test_file = "Tests/images/rgb_trns.png"
im = Image.open(test_file)
self.assertEqual(im.info["transparency"], (0, 255, 52))
self.assert_image(im, "RGB", (64, 64))
im = im.convert("RGBA")
self.assert_image(im, "RGBA", (64, 64))
# image has 876 transparent pixels
self.assertEqual(im.split()[3].getcolors()[0][0], 876)
def test_save_p_transparent_palette(self):
in_file = "Tests/images/pil123p.png"
im = Image.open(in_file)
# 'transparency' contains a byte string with the opacity for
# each palette entry
self.assertEqual(len(im.info["transparency"]), 256)
test_file = self.tempfile("temp.png")
# check if saved image contains same transparency
im = Image.open(test_file)
self.assertEqual(len(im.info["transparency"]), 256)
self.assert_image(im, "P", (162, 150))
im = im.convert("RGBA")
self.assert_image(im, "RGBA", (162, 150))
# image has 124 unique alpha values
self.assertEqual(len(im.split()[3].getcolors()), 124)
def test_save_p_single_transparency(self):
in_file = "Tests/images/p_trns_single.png"
im = Image.open(in_file)
# pixel value 164 is full transparent
self.assertEqual(im.info["transparency"], 164)
self.assertEqual(im.getpixel((31, 31)), 164)
test_file = self.tempfile("temp.png")
# check if saved image contains same transparency
im = Image.open(test_file)
self.assertEqual(im.info["transparency"], 164)
self.assertEqual(im.getpixel((31, 31)), 164)
self.assert_image(im, "P", (64, 64))
im = im.convert("RGBA")
self.assert_image(im, "RGBA", (64, 64))
self.assertEqual(im.getpixel((31, 31)), (0, 255, 52, 0))
# image has 876 transparent pixels
self.assertEqual(im.split()[3].getcolors()[0][0], 876)
def test_save_p_transparent_black(self):
# check if solid black image with full transparency
# is supported (check for #1838)
im = Image.new("RGBA", (10, 10), (0, 0, 0, 0))
self.assertEqual(im.getcolors(), [(100, (0, 0, 0, 0))])
im = im.convert("P")
test_file = self.tempfile("temp.png")
# check if saved image contains same transparency
im = Image.open(test_file)
self.assertEqual(len(im.info["transparency"]), 256)
self.assert_image(im, "P", (10, 10))
im = im.convert("RGBA")
self.assert_image(im, "RGBA", (10, 10))
self.assertEqual(im.getcolors(), [(100, (0, 0, 0, 0))])
def test_save_l_transparency(self):
in_file = "Tests/images/l_trns.png"
im = Image.open(in_file)
test_file = self.tempfile("temp.png")
# There are 559 transparent pixels.
im = im.convert('RGBA')
self.assertEqual(im.split()[3].getcolors()[0][0], 559)
def test_save_rgb_single_transparency(self):
in_file = "Tests/images/caption_6_33_22.png"
im = Image.open(in_file)
test_file = self.tempfile("temp.png")
def test_load_verify(self):
# Check open/load/verify exception (@PIL150)
im = Image.open(TEST_PNG_FILE)
im = Image.open(TEST_PNG_FILE)
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, im.verify)
def test_verify_struct_error(self):
# Check open/load/verify exception (#1755)
# offsets to test, -10: breaks in i32() in read. (IOError)
# -13: breaks in crc, txt chunk.
# -14: malformed chunk
for offset in (-10, -13, -14):
with open(TEST_PNG_FILE, 'rb') as f:
test_file = f.read()[:offset]
im = Image.open(BytesIO(test_file))
self.assertTrue(im.fp is not None)
self.assertRaises((IOError, SyntaxError), im.verify)
def test_verify_ignores_crc_error(self):
# check ignores crc errors in ancillary chunks
chunk_data = chunk(b'tEXt', b'spam')
broken_crc_chunk_data = chunk_data[:-1] + b'q' # break CRC
image_data = HEAD + broken_crc_chunk_data + TAIL
self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile, BytesIO(image_data))
im = load(image_data)
self.assertTrue(im is not None)
def test_verify_not_ignores_crc_error_in_required_chunk(self):
# check does not ignore crc errors in required chunks
image_data = MAGIC + IHDR[:-1] + b'q' + TAIL
self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile, BytesIO(image_data))
def test_roundtrip_dpi(self):
# Check dpi roundtripping
im = Image.open(TEST_PNG_FILE)
im = roundtrip(im, dpi=(100, 100))
self.assertEqual(im.info["dpi"], (100, 100))
def test_roundtrip_text(self):
# Check text roundtripping
im = Image.open(TEST_PNG_FILE)
info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
info.add_text("TXT", "VALUE")
info.add_text("ZIP", "VALUE", 1)
im = roundtrip(im, pnginfo=info)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {'TXT': 'VALUE', 'ZIP': 'VALUE'})
self.assertEqual(im.text, {'TXT': 'VALUE', 'ZIP': 'VALUE'})
def test_roundtrip_itxt(self):
# Check iTXt roundtripping
im = Image.new("RGB", (32, 32))
info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
info.add_itxt("spam", "Eggs", "en", "Spam")
info.add_text("eggs", PngImagePlugin.iTXt("Spam", "en", "Eggs"),
im = roundtrip(im, pnginfo=info)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {"spam": "Eggs", "eggs": "Spam"})
self.assertEqual(im.text, {"spam": "Eggs", "eggs": "Spam"})
self.assertEqual(im.text["spam"].lang, "en")
self.assertEqual(im.text["spam"].tkey, "Spam")
self.assertEqual(im.text["eggs"].lang, "en")
self.assertEqual(im.text["eggs"].tkey, "Eggs")
def test_nonunicode_text(self):
# Check so that non-Unicode text is saved as a tEXt rather than iTXt
im = Image.new("RGB", (32, 32))
info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
info.add_text("Text", "Ascii")
im = roundtrip(im, pnginfo=info)
self.assertEqual(type(im.info["Text"]), str)
def test_unicode_text(self):
# Check preservation of non-ASCII characters on Python3
# This cannot really be meaningfully tested on Python2,
# since it didn't preserve charsets to begin with.
def rt_text(value):
im = Image.new("RGB", (32, 32))
info = PngImagePlugin.PngInfo()
info.add_text("Text", value)
im = roundtrip(im, pnginfo=info)
self.assertEqual(im.info, {"Text": value})
if str is not bytes:
rt_text(" Aa" + chr(0xa0) + chr(0xc4) + chr(0xff)) # Latin1
rt_text(chr(0x400) + chr(0x472) + chr(0x4ff)) # Cyrillic
rt_text(chr(0x4e00) + chr(0x66f0) + # CJK
chr(0x9fba) + chr(0x3042) + chr(0xac00))
rt_text("A" + chr(0xc4) + chr(0x472) + chr(0x3042)) # Combined
def test_scary(self):
# Check reading of evil PNG file. For information, see:
# http://scary.beasts.org/security/CESA-2004-001.txt
# The first byte is removed from pngtest_bad.png
# to avoid classification as malware.
with open("Tests/images/pngtest_bad.png.bin", 'rb') as fd:
data = b'\x89' + fd.read()
pngfile = BytesIO(data)
self.assertRaises(IOError, lambda: Image.open(pngfile))
def test_trns_rgb(self):
# Check writing and reading of tRNS chunks for RGB images.
# Independent file sample provided by Sebastian Spaeth.
test_file = "Tests/images/caption_6_33_22.png"
im = Image.open(test_file)
self.assertEqual(im.info["transparency"], (248, 248, 248))
# check saving transparency by default
im = roundtrip(im)
self.assertEqual(im.info["transparency"], (248, 248, 248))
im = roundtrip(im, transparency=(0, 1, 2))
self.assertEqual(im.info["transparency"], (0, 1, 2))
def test_trns_p(self):
# Check writing a transparency of 0, issue #528
im = hopper('P')
im.info['transparency'] = 0
f = self.tempfile("temp.png")
im2 = Image.open(f)
self.assertIn('transparency', im2.info)
def test_trns_null(self):
# Check reading images with null tRNS value, issue #1239
test_file = "Tests/images/tRNS_null_1x1.png"
im = Image.open(test_file)
self.assertEqual(im.info["transparency"], 0)
def test_save_icc_profile(self):
im = Image.open("Tests/images/icc_profile_none.png")
self.assertEqual(im.info['icc_profile'], None)
with_icc = Image.open("Tests/images/icc_profile.png")
expected_icc = with_icc.info['icc_profile']
im = roundtrip(im, icc_profile=expected_icc)
self.assertEqual(im.info['icc_profile'], expected_icc)
def test_discard_icc_profile(self):
im = Image.open('Tests/images/icc_profile.png')
im = roundtrip(im, icc_profile=None)
self.assertNotIn('icc_profile', im.info)
def test_roundtrip_icc_profile(self):
im = Image.open('Tests/images/icc_profile.png')
expected_icc = im.info['icc_profile']
im = roundtrip(im)
self.assertEqual(im.info['icc_profile'], expected_icc)
def test_roundtrip_no_icc_profile(self):
im = Image.open("Tests/images/icc_profile_none.png")
self.assertEqual(im.info['icc_profile'], None)
im = roundtrip(im)
self.assertNotIn('icc_profile', im.info)
def test_repr_png(self):
im = hopper()
repr_png = Image.open(BytesIO(im._repr_png_()))
self.assertEqual(repr_png.format, 'PNG')
self.assert_image_equal(im, repr_png)
if __name__ == '__main__':