2012-02-16 20:10:57 -05:00

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The PIL.GdImageFile Module
The PIL.GdImageFile Module
**GdImageFile** (class) [`# <#PIL.GdImageFile.GdImageFile-class>`_]
Image plugin for the GD uncompressed format.
For more information about this class, see `*The GdImageFile
Class* <#PIL.GdImageFile.GdImageFile-class>`_.
**open(fp, mode="r")** [`# <#PIL.GdImageFile.open-function>`_]
Raises **IOError**:
The GdImageFile Class
**GdImageFile** (class) [`# <#PIL.GdImageFile.GdImageFile-class>`_]
Image plugin for the GD uncompressed format. Note that this format
is not supported by the standard **Image.open** function. To use
this plugin, you have to import the **GdImageFile** module and use
the **GdImageFile.open** function.