Jon Dufresne 33dabf986f Import unittest from stdlib rather than helper.py
The unittest in helper.py has not offered an interesting abstraction
since dbe9f85c7d so import from the more
typical stdlib location.
2019-11-20 18:42:52 -08:00

80 lines
2.3 KiB

import os
import unittest
from PIL import Image, MspImagePlugin
from .helper import PillowTestCase, hopper
TEST_FILE = "Tests/images/hopper.msp"
EXTRA_DIR = "Tests/images/picins"
YA_EXTRA_DIR = "Tests/images/msp"
class TestFileMsp(PillowTestCase):
def test_sanity(self):
test_file = self.tempfile("temp.msp")
im = Image.open(test_file)
self.assertEqual(im.mode, "1")
self.assertEqual(im.size, (128, 128))
self.assertEqual(im.format, "MSP")
def test_invalid_file(self):
invalid_file = "Tests/images/flower.jpg"
self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, MspImagePlugin.MspImageFile, invalid_file)
def test_bad_checksum(self):
# Arrange
# This was created by forcing Pillow to save with checksum=0
bad_checksum = "Tests/images/hopper_bad_checksum.msp"
# Act / Assert
self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, MspImagePlugin.MspImageFile, bad_checksum)
def test_open_windows_v1(self):
# Arrange
# Act
im = Image.open(TEST_FILE)
# Assert
self.assert_image_equal(im, hopper("1"))
self.assertIsInstance(im, MspImagePlugin.MspImageFile)
def _assert_file_image_equal(self, source_path, target_path):
with Image.open(source_path) as im:
target = Image.open(target_path)
self.assert_image_equal(im, target)
@unittest.skipIf(not os.path.exists(EXTRA_DIR), "Extra image files not installed")
def test_open_windows_v2(self):
files = (
os.path.join(EXTRA_DIR, f)
for f in os.listdir(EXTRA_DIR)
if os.path.splitext(f)[1] == ".msp"
for path in files:
self._assert_file_image_equal(path, path.replace(".msp", ".png"))
not os.path.exists(YA_EXTRA_DIR), "Even More Extra image files not installed"
def test_msp_v2(self):
for f in os.listdir(YA_EXTRA_DIR):
if ".MSP" not in f:
path = os.path.join(YA_EXTRA_DIR, f)
self._assert_file_image_equal(path, path.replace(".MSP", ".png"))
def test_cannot_save_wrong_mode(self):
# Arrange
im = hopper()
filename = self.tempfile("temp.msp")
# Act/Assert
self.assertRaises(IOError, im.save, filename)