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synced 2025-03-08 22:45:48 +03:00
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import base64
import io
import itertools
import os
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from ctypes import c_float
import pytest
from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, TiffImagePlugin, TiffTags, features
from PIL.TiffImagePlugin import STRIPOFFSETS, SUBIFD
from .helper import (
class LibTiffTestCase:
def _assert_noerr(self, tmp_path, im):
"""Helper tests that assert basic sanity about the g4 tiff reading"""
# 1 bit
assert im.mode == "1"
# Does the data actually load
assert im._compression == "group4"
except AttributeError:
print("No _compression")
# can we write it back out, in a different form.
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.png")
out_bytes = io.BytesIO()
im.save(out_bytes, format="tiff", compression="group4")
class TestFileLibTiff(LibTiffTestCase):
def test_version(self):
assert re.search(r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+$", features.version_codec("libtiff"))
def test_g4_tiff(self, tmp_path):
"""Test the ordinary file path load path"""
test_file = "Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif"
with Image.open(test_file) as im:
assert im.size == (500, 500)
self._assert_noerr(tmp_path, im)
def test_g4_large(self, tmp_path):
test_file = "Tests/images/pport_g4.tif"
with Image.open(test_file) as im:
self._assert_noerr(tmp_path, im)
def test_g4_tiff_file(self, tmp_path):
"""Testing the string load path"""
test_file = "Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif"
with open(test_file, "rb") as f:
with Image.open(f) as im:
assert im.size == (500, 500)
self._assert_noerr(tmp_path, im)
def test_g4_tiff_bytesio(self, tmp_path):
"""Testing the stringio loading code path"""
test_file = "Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif"
s = io.BytesIO()
with open(test_file, "rb") as f:
with Image.open(s) as im:
assert im.size == (500, 500)
self._assert_noerr(tmp_path, im)
def test_g4_non_disk_file_object(self, tmp_path):
"""Testing loading from non-disk non-BytesIO file object"""
test_file = "Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif"
s = io.BytesIO()
with open(test_file, "rb") as f:
r = io.BufferedReader(s)
with Image.open(r) as im:
assert im.size == (500, 500)
self._assert_noerr(tmp_path, im)
def test_g4_eq_png(self):
"""Checking that we're actually getting the data that we expect"""
with Image.open("Tests/images/hopper_bw_500.png") as png:
assert_image_equal_tofile(png, "Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif")
# see https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/279
def test_g4_fillorder_eq_png(self):
"""Checking that we're actually getting the data that we expect"""
with Image.open("Tests/images/g4-fillorder-test.tif") as g4:
assert_image_equal_tofile(g4, "Tests/images/g4-fillorder-test.png")
def test_g4_write(self, tmp_path):
"""Checking to see that the saved image is the same as what we wrote"""
test_file = "Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif"
with Image.open(test_file) as orig:
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
rot = orig.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90)
assert rot.size == (500, 500)
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.size == (500, 500)
self._assert_noerr(tmp_path, reread)
assert_image_equal(reread, rot)
assert reread.info["compression"] == "group4"
assert reread.info["compression"] == orig.info["compression"]
assert orig.tobytes() != reread.tobytes()
def test_adobe_deflate_tiff(self):
test_file = "Tests/images/tiff_adobe_deflate.tif"
with Image.open(test_file) as im:
assert im.mode == "RGB"
assert im.size == (278, 374)
assert im.tile[0][:3] == ("libtiff", (0, 0, 278, 374), 0)
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/tiff_adobe_deflate.png")
def test_write_metadata(self, tmp_path):
"""Test metadata writing through libtiff"""
for legacy_api in [False, True]:
f = str(tmp_path / "temp.tiff")
with Image.open("Tests/images/hopper_g4.tif") as img:
img.save(f, tiffinfo=img.tag)
if legacy_api:
original = img.tag.named()
original = img.tag_v2.named()
# PhotometricInterpretation is set from SAVE_INFO,
# not the original image.
ignored = [
with Image.open(f) as loaded:
if legacy_api:
reloaded = loaded.tag.named()
reloaded = loaded.tag_v2.named()
for tag, value in itertools.chain(reloaded.items(), original.items()):
if tag not in ignored:
val = original[tag]
if tag.endswith("Resolution"):
if legacy_api:
assert (
c_float(val[0][0] / val[0][1]).value
== c_float(value[0][0] / value[0][1]).value
), f"{tag} didn't roundtrip"
assert (
c_float(val).value == c_float(value).value
), f"{tag} didn't roundtrip"
assert val == value, f"{tag} didn't roundtrip"
# https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/1561
requested_fields = ["StripByteCounts", "RowsPerStrip", "StripOffsets"]
for field in requested_fields:
assert field in reloaded, f"{field} not in metadata"
@pytest.mark.valgrind_known_error(reason="Known invalid metadata")
def test_additional_metadata(self, tmp_path):
# these should not crash. Seriously dummy data, most of it doesn't make
# any sense, so we're running up against limits where we're asking
# libtiff to do stupid things.
# Get the list of the ones that we should be able to write
core_items = {
tag: info
for tag, info in ((s, TiffTags.lookup(s)) for s in TiffTags.LIBTIFF_CORE)
if info.type is not None
# Exclude ones that have special meaning
# that we're already testing them
with Image.open("Tests/images/hopper_g4.tif") as im:
for tag in im.tag_v2:
del core_items[tag]
except KeyError:
del core_items[320] # colormap is special, tested below
# Type codes:
# 2: "ascii",
# 3: "short",
# 4: "long",
# 5: "rational",
# 12: "double",
# Type: dummy value
values = {
2: "test",
3: 1,
4: 2 ** 20,
5: TiffImagePlugin.IFDRational(100, 1),
12: 1.05,
new_ifd = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory_v2()
for tag, info in core_items.items():
if info.length == 1:
new_ifd[tag] = values[info.type]
if info.length == 0:
new_ifd[tag] = tuple(values[info.type] for _ in range(3))
new_ifd[tag] = tuple(values[info.type] for _ in range(info.length))
# Extra samples really doesn't make sense in this application.
del new_ifd[338]
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = True
im.save(out, tiffinfo=new_ifd)
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = False
def test_custom_metadata(self, tmp_path):
tc = namedtuple("test_case", "value,type,supported_by_default")
custom = {
37000 + k: v
for k, v in enumerate(
tc(4, TiffTags.SHORT, True),
tc(123456789, TiffTags.LONG, True),
tc(-4, TiffTags.SIGNED_BYTE, False),
tc(-4, TiffTags.SIGNED_SHORT, False),
tc(-123456789, TiffTags.SIGNED_LONG, False),
tc(TiffImagePlugin.IFDRational(4, 7), TiffTags.RATIONAL, True),
tc(4.25, TiffTags.FLOAT, True),
tc(4.25, TiffTags.DOUBLE, True),
tc("custom tag value", TiffTags.ASCII, True),
tc(b"custom tag value", TiffTags.BYTE, True),
tc((4, 5, 6), TiffTags.SHORT, True),
tc((123456789, 9, 34, 234, 219387, 92432323), TiffTags.LONG, True),
tc((-4, 9, 10), TiffTags.SIGNED_BYTE, False),
tc((-4, 5, 6), TiffTags.SIGNED_SHORT, False),
(-123456789, 9, 34, 234, 219387, -92432323),
tc((4.25, 5.25), TiffTags.FLOAT, True),
tc((4.25, 5.25), TiffTags.DOUBLE, True),
# array of TIFF_BYTE requires bytes instead of tuple for backwards
# compatibility
tc(bytes([4]), TiffTags.BYTE, True),
tc(bytes((4, 9, 10)), TiffTags.BYTE, True),
libtiffs = [False]
if Image.core.libtiff_support_custom_tags:
for libtiff in libtiffs:
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = libtiff
def check_tags(tiffinfo):
im = hopper()
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
im.save(out, tiffinfo=tiffinfo)
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
for tag, value in tiffinfo.items():
reloaded_value = reloaded.tag_v2[tag]
if (
isinstance(reloaded_value, TiffImagePlugin.IFDRational)
and libtiff
# libtiff does not support real RATIONALS
assert (
round(abs(float(reloaded_value) - float(value)), 7) == 0
assert reloaded_value == value
# Test with types
ifd = TiffImagePlugin.ImageFileDirectory_v2()
for tag, tagdata in custom.items():
ifd[tag] = tagdata.value
ifd.tagtype[tag] = tagdata.type
# Test without types. This only works for some types, int for example are
# always encoded as LONG and not SIGNED_LONG.
tag: tagdata.value
for tag, tagdata in custom.items()
if tagdata.supported_by_default
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = False
def test_subifd(self, tmp_path):
outfile = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
with Image.open("Tests/images/g4_orientation_6.tif") as im:
im.tag_v2[SUBIFD] = 10000
# Should not segfault
def test_xmlpacket_tag(self, tmp_path):
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = True
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
hopper().save(out, tiffinfo={700: b"xmlpacket tag"})
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = False
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
if 700 in reloaded.tag_v2:
assert reloaded.tag_v2[700] == b"xmlpacket tag"
def test_int_dpi(self, tmp_path):
# issue #1765
im = hopper("RGB")
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = True
im.save(out, dpi=(72, 72))
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = False
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert reloaded.info["dpi"] == (72.0, 72.0)
def test_g3_compression(self, tmp_path):
with Image.open("Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif") as i:
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
i.save(out, compression="group3")
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.info["compression"] == "group3"
assert_image_equal(reread, i)
def test_little_endian(self, tmp_path):
with Image.open("Tests/images/16bit.deflate.tif") as im:
assert im.getpixel((0, 0)) == 480
assert im.mode == "I;16"
b = im.tobytes()
# Bytes are in image native order (little endian)
assert b[0] == ord(b"\xe0")
assert b[1] == ord(b"\x01")
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
# out = "temp.le.tif"
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.info["compression"] == im.info["compression"]
assert reread.getpixel((0, 0)) == 480
# UNDONE - libtiff defaults to writing in native endian, so
# on big endian, we'll get back mode = 'I;16B' here.
def test_big_endian(self, tmp_path):
with Image.open("Tests/images/16bit.MM.deflate.tif") as im:
assert im.getpixel((0, 0)) == 480
assert im.mode == "I;16B"
b = im.tobytes()
# Bytes are in image native order (big endian)
assert b[0] == ord(b"\x01")
assert b[1] == ord(b"\xe0")
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert reread.info["compression"] == im.info["compression"]
assert reread.getpixel((0, 0)) == 480
def test_g4_string_info(self, tmp_path):
"""Tests String data in info directory"""
test_file = "Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif"
with Image.open(test_file) as orig:
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
orig.tag[269] = "temp.tif"
with Image.open(out) as reread:
assert "temp.tif" == reread.tag_v2[269]
assert "temp.tif" == reread.tag[269][0]
def test_12bit_rawmode(self):
"""Are we generating the same interpretation
of the image as Imagemagick is?"""
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = True
with Image.open("Tests/images/12bit.cropped.tif") as im:
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = False
# to make the target --
# convert 12bit.cropped.tif -depth 16 tmp.tif
# convert tmp.tif -evaluate RightShift 4 12in16bit2.tif
# imagemagick will auto scale so that a 12bit FFF is 16bit FFF0,
# so we need to unshift so that the integer values are the same.
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/12in16bit.tif")
def test_blur(self, tmp_path):
# test case from irc, how to do blur on b/w image
# and save to compressed tif.
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
with Image.open("Tests/images/pport_g4.tif") as im:
im = im.convert("L")
im = im.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(4))
im.save(out, compression="tiff_adobe_deflate")
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, out)
def test_compressions(self, tmp_path):
# Test various tiff compressions and assert similar image content but reduced
# file sizes.
im = hopper("RGB")
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
size_raw = os.path.getsize(out)
for compression in ("packbits", "tiff_lzw"):
im.save(out, compression=compression)
size_compressed = os.path.getsize(out)
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, out)
im.save(out, compression="jpeg")
size_jpeg = os.path.getsize(out)
with Image.open(out) as im2:
assert_image_similar(im, im2, 30)
im.save(out, compression="jpeg", quality=30)
size_jpeg_30 = os.path.getsize(out)
assert_image_similar_tofile(im2, out, 30)
assert size_raw > size_compressed
assert size_compressed > size_jpeg
assert size_jpeg > size_jpeg_30
def test_tiff_jpeg_compression(self, tmp_path):
im = hopper("RGB")
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
im.save(out, compression="tiff_jpeg")
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert reloaded.info["compression"] == "jpeg"
def test_tiff_deflate_compression(self, tmp_path):
im = hopper("RGB")
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
im.save(out, compression="tiff_deflate")
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert reloaded.info["compression"] == "tiff_adobe_deflate"
def test_quality(self, tmp_path):
im = hopper("RGB")
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
im.save(out, compression="tiff_lzw", quality=50)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
im.save(out, compression="jpeg", quality=-1)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
im.save(out, compression="jpeg", quality=101)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
im.save(out, compression="jpeg", quality="good")
im.save(out, compression="jpeg", quality=0)
im.save(out, compression="jpeg", quality=100)
def test_cmyk_save(self, tmp_path):
im = hopper("CMYK")
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
im.save(out, compression="tiff_adobe_deflate")
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, out)
def test_palette_save(self, tmp_path):
im = hopper("P")
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = True
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = False
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
# colormap/palette tag
assert len(reloaded.tag_v2[320]) == 768
def xtest_bw_compression_w_rgb(self, tmp_path):
"""This test passes, but when running all tests causes a failure due
to output on stderr from the error thrown by libtiff. We need to
capture that but not now"""
im = hopper("RGB")
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
with pytest.raises(OSError):
im.save(out, compression="tiff_ccitt")
with pytest.raises(OSError):
im.save(out, compression="group3")
with pytest.raises(OSError):
im.save(out, compression="group4")
def test_fp_leak(self):
im = Image.open("Tests/images/hopper_g4_500.tif")
fn = im.fp.fileno()
im.load() # this should close it.
with pytest.raises(OSError):
im = None # this should force even more closed.
with pytest.raises(OSError):
with pytest.raises(OSError):
def test_multipage(self):
# issue #862
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = True
with Image.open("Tests/images/multipage.tiff") as im:
# file is a multipage tiff, 10x10 green, 10x10 red, 20x20 blue
assert im.size == (10, 10)
assert im.convert("RGB").getpixel((0, 0)) == (0, 128, 0)
assert im.tag.next
assert im.size == (10, 10)
assert im.convert("RGB").getpixel((0, 0)) == (255, 0, 0)
assert im.tag.next
assert not im.tag.next
assert im.size == (20, 20)
assert im.convert("RGB").getpixel((0, 0)) == (0, 0, 255)
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = False
def test_multipage_nframes(self):
# issue #862
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = True
with Image.open("Tests/images/multipage.tiff") as im:
frames = im.n_frames
assert frames == 3
for _ in range(frames):
# Should not raise ValueError: I/O operation on closed file
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = False
def test_multipage_seek_backwards(self):
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = True
with Image.open("Tests/images/multipage.tiff") as im:
assert im.convert("RGB").getpixel((0, 0)) == (0, 128, 0)
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = False
def test__next(self):
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = True
with Image.open("Tests/images/hopper.tif") as im:
assert not im.tag.next
assert not im.tag.next
def test_4bit(self):
# Arrange
test_file = "Tests/images/hopper_gray_4bpp.tif"
original = hopper("L")
# Act
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = True
with Image.open(test_file) as im:
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = False
# Assert
assert im.size == (128, 128)
assert im.mode == "L"
assert_image_similar(im, original, 7.3)
def test_gray_semibyte_per_pixel(self):
test_files = (
24.8, # epsilon
( # group
7.3, # epsilon
( # group
original = hopper("L")
for epsilon, group in test_files:
with Image.open(group[0]) as im:
assert im.size == (128, 128)
assert im.mode == "L"
assert_image_similar(im, original, epsilon)
for file in group[1:]:
with Image.open(file) as im2:
assert im2.size == (128, 128)
assert im2.mode == "L"
assert_image_equal(im, im2)
def test_save_bytesio(self):
# PR 1011
# Test TIFF saving to io.BytesIO() object.
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = True
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = True
# Generate test image
pilim = hopper()
def save_bytesio(compression=None):
buffer_io = io.BytesIO()
pilim.save(buffer_io, format="tiff", compression=compression)
assert_image_similar_tofile(pilim, buffer_io, 0)
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = False
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = False
def test_save_ycbcr(self, tmp_path):
im = hopper("YCbCr")
outfile = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
im.save(outfile, compression="jpeg")
with Image.open(outfile) as reloaded:
assert reloaded.tag_v2[530] == (1, 1)
assert reloaded.tag_v2[532] == (0, 255, 128, 255, 128, 255)
def test_crashing_metadata(self, tmp_path):
# issue 1597
with Image.open("Tests/images/rdf.tif") as im:
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = True
# this shouldn't crash
im.save(out, format="TIFF")
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = False
def test_page_number_x_0(self, tmp_path):
# Issue 973
# Test TIFF with tag 297 (Page Number) having value of 0 0.
# The first number is the current page number.
# The second is the total number of pages, zero means not available.
outfile = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
# Created by printing a page in Chrome to PDF, then:
# /usr/bin/gs -q -sDEVICE=tiffg3 -sOutputFile=total-pages-zero.tif
# -dNOPAUSE /tmp/test.pdf -c quit
infile = "Tests/images/total-pages-zero.tif"
with Image.open(infile) as im:
# Should not divide by zero
def test_fd_duplication(self, tmp_path):
# https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/1651
tmpfile = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
with open(tmpfile, "wb") as f:
with open("Tests/images/g4-multi.tiff", "rb") as src:
im = Image.open(tmpfile)
# Should not raise PermissionError.
def test_read_icc(self):
with Image.open("Tests/images/hopper.iccprofile.tif") as img:
icc = img.info.get("icc_profile")
assert icc is not None
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = True
with Image.open("Tests/images/hopper.iccprofile.tif") as img:
icc_libtiff = img.info.get("icc_profile")
assert icc_libtiff is not None
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = False
assert icc == icc_libtiff
def test_write_icc(self, tmp_path):
def check_write(libtiff):
TiffImagePlugin.WRITE_LIBTIFF = libtiff
with Image.open("Tests/images/hopper.iccprofile.tif") as img:
icc_profile = img.info["icc_profile"]
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
img.save(out, icc_profile=icc_profile)
with Image.open(out) as reloaded:
assert icc_profile == reloaded.info["icc_profile"]
libtiffs = []
if Image.core.libtiff_support_custom_tags:
for libtiff in libtiffs:
def test_multipage_compression(self):
with Image.open("Tests/images/compression.tif") as im:
assert im._compression == "tiff_ccitt"
assert im.size == (10, 10)
assert im._compression == "packbits"
assert im.size == (10, 10)
assert im._compression == "tiff_ccitt"
assert im.size == (10, 10)
def test_save_tiff_with_jpegtables(self, tmp_path):
# Arrange
outfile = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
# Created with ImageMagick: convert hopper.jpg hopper_jpg.tif
# Contains JPEGTables (347) tag
infile = "Tests/images/hopper_jpg.tif"
with Image.open(infile) as im:
# Act / Assert
# Should not raise UnicodeDecodeError or anything else
def test_16bit_RGB_tiff(self):
with Image.open("Tests/images/tiff_16bit_RGB.tiff") as im:
assert im.mode == "RGB"
assert im.size == (100, 40)
assert im.tile, [
(0, 0, 100, 40),
("RGB;16N", "tiff_adobe_deflate", False, 8),
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/tiff_16bit_RGB_target.png")
def test_16bit_RGBa_tiff(self):
with Image.open("Tests/images/tiff_16bit_RGBa.tiff") as im:
assert im.mode == "RGBA"
assert im.size == (100, 40)
assert im.tile, [
("libtiff", (0, 0, 100, 40), 0, ("RGBa;16N", "tiff_lzw", False, 38236))
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/tiff_16bit_RGBa_target.png")
def test_gimp_tiff(self):
# Read TIFF JPEG images from GIMP [@PIL168]
filename = "Tests/images/pil168.tif"
with Image.open(filename) as im:
assert im.mode == "RGB"
assert im.size == (256, 256)
assert im.tile == [
("libtiff", (0, 0, 256, 256), 0, ("RGB", "jpeg", False, 5122))
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/pil168.png")
def test_sampleformat(self):
# https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/1466
with Image.open("Tests/images/copyleft.tiff") as im:
assert im.mode == "RGB"
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/copyleft.png", mode="RGB")
def test_lzw(self):
with Image.open("Tests/images/hopper_lzw.tif") as im:
assert im.mode == "RGB"
assert im.size == (128, 128)
assert im.format == "TIFF"
im2 = hopper()
assert_image_similar(im, im2, 5)
def test_strip_cmyk_jpeg(self):
infile = "Tests/images/tiff_strip_cmyk_jpeg.tif"
with Image.open(infile) as im:
assert_image_similar_tofile(im, "Tests/images/pil_sample_cmyk.jpg", 0.5)
def test_strip_cmyk_16l_jpeg(self):
infile = "Tests/images/tiff_strip_cmyk_16l_jpeg.tif"
with Image.open(infile) as im:
assert_image_similar_tofile(im, "Tests/images/pil_sample_cmyk.jpg", 0.5)
pytest.mark.valgrind_known_error, "libjpeg_turbo", "2.0", reason="Known Failing"
def test_strip_ycbcr_jpeg_2x2_sampling(self):
infile = "Tests/images/tiff_strip_ycbcr_jpeg_2x2_sampling.tif"
with Image.open(infile) as im:
assert_image_similar_tofile(im, "Tests/images/flower.jpg", 0.5)
pytest.mark.valgrind_known_error, "libjpeg_turbo", "2.0", reason="Known Failing"
def test_strip_ycbcr_jpeg_1x1_sampling(self):
infile = "Tests/images/tiff_strip_ycbcr_jpeg_1x1_sampling.tif"
with Image.open(infile) as im:
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/flower2.jpg")
def test_tiled_cmyk_jpeg(self):
infile = "Tests/images/tiff_tiled_cmyk_jpeg.tif"
with Image.open(infile) as im:
assert_image_similar_tofile(im, "Tests/images/pil_sample_cmyk.jpg", 0.5)
pytest.mark.valgrind_known_error, "libjpeg_turbo", "2.0", reason="Known Failing"
def test_tiled_ycbcr_jpeg_1x1_sampling(self):
infile = "Tests/images/tiff_tiled_ycbcr_jpeg_1x1_sampling.tif"
with Image.open(infile) as im:
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/flower2.jpg")
pytest.mark.valgrind_known_error, "libjpeg_turbo", "2.0", reason="Known Failing"
def test_tiled_ycbcr_jpeg_2x2_sampling(self):
infile = "Tests/images/tiff_tiled_ycbcr_jpeg_2x2_sampling.tif"
with Image.open(infile) as im:
assert_image_similar_tofile(im, "Tests/images/flower.jpg", 0.5)
def test_strip_planar_rgb(self):
# gdal_translate -co TILED=no -co INTERLEAVE=BAND -co COMPRESS=LZW \
# tiff_strip_raw.tif tiff_strip_planar_lzw.tiff
infile = "Tests/images/tiff_strip_planar_lzw.tiff"
with Image.open(infile) as im:
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/tiff_adobe_deflate.png")
def test_tiled_planar_rgb(self):
# gdal_translate -co TILED=yes -co INTERLEAVE=BAND -co COMPRESS=LZW \
# tiff_tiled_raw.tif tiff_tiled_planar_lzw.tiff
infile = "Tests/images/tiff_tiled_planar_lzw.tiff"
with Image.open(infile) as im:
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/tiff_adobe_deflate.png")
def test_tiled_planar_16bit_RGB(self):
# gdal_translate -co TILED=yes -co INTERLEAVE=BAND -co COMPRESS=LZW \
# tiff_16bit_RGB.tiff tiff_tiled_planar_16bit_RGB.tiff
with Image.open("Tests/images/tiff_tiled_planar_16bit_RGB.tiff") as im:
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/tiff_16bit_RGB_target.png")
def test_strip_planar_16bit_RGB(self):
# gdal_translate -co TILED=no -co INTERLEAVE=BAND -co COMPRESS=LZW \
# tiff_16bit_RGB.tiff tiff_strip_planar_16bit_RGB.tiff
with Image.open("Tests/images/tiff_strip_planar_16bit_RGB.tiff") as im:
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/tiff_16bit_RGB_target.png")
def test_tiled_planar_16bit_RGBa(self):
# gdal_translate -co TILED=yes \
# tiff_16bit_RGBa.tiff tiff_tiled_planar_16bit_RGBa.tiff
with Image.open("Tests/images/tiff_tiled_planar_16bit_RGBa.tiff") as im:
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/tiff_16bit_RGBa_target.png")
def test_strip_planar_16bit_RGBa(self):
# gdal_translate -co TILED=no \
# tiff_16bit_RGBa.tiff tiff_strip_planar_16bit_RGBa.tiff
with Image.open("Tests/images/tiff_strip_planar_16bit_RGBa.tiff") as im:
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/tiff_16bit_RGBa_target.png")
def test_old_style_jpeg(self):
with Image.open("Tests/images/old-style-jpeg-compression.tif") as im:
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/old-style-jpeg-compression.png")
def test_open_missing_samplesperpixel(self):
with Image.open(
) as im:
assert_image_equal_tofile(im, "Tests/images/old-style-jpeg-compression.png")
def test_no_rows_per_strip(self):
# This image does not have a RowsPerStrip TIFF tag
infile = "Tests/images/no_rows_per_strip.tif"
with Image.open(infile) as im:
assert im.size == (950, 975)
def test_orientation(self):
with Image.open("Tests/images/g4_orientation_1.tif") as base_im:
for i in range(2, 9):
with Image.open("Tests/images/g4_orientation_" + str(i) + ".tif") as im:
assert_image_similar(base_im, im, 0.7)
@pytest.mark.valgrind_known_error(reason="Backtrace in Python Core")
def test_sampleformat_not_corrupted(self):
# Assert that a TIFF image with SampleFormat=UINT tag is not corrupted
# when saving to a new file.
# Pillow 6.0 fails with "OSError: cannot identify image file".
tiff = io.BytesIO(
out = io.BytesIO()
with Image.open(tiff) as im:
im.save(out, format="tiff")
with Image.open(out) as im:
def test_realloc_overflow(self):
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = True
with Image.open("Tests/images/tiff_overflow_rows_per_strip.tif") as im:
with pytest.raises(OSError) as e:
# Assert that the error code is IMAGING_CODEC_MEMORY
assert str(e.value) == "-9"
TiffImagePlugin.READ_LIBTIFF = False
@pytest.mark.parametrize("compression", ("tiff_adobe_deflate", "jpeg"))
def test_save_multistrip(self, compression, tmp_path):
im = hopper("RGB").resize((256, 256))
out = str(tmp_path / "temp.tif")
im.save(out, compression=compression)
with Image.open(out) as im:
# Assert that there are multiple strips
assert len(im.tag_v2[STRIPOFFSETS]) > 1